Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2204 changed a change

Not long, the strong people of Bai Emperor, Jiu Han Lord, Tianchen Laozu are coming.

On the same line, there is also a special ethnic group of Chen Xing Wang, Luo Yu Wang, Black Jen.

These strong people saw the sword unpaid wake up, and they were quite surprised, especially the special ethnic groups.

Like Black Emperor, there is no doubt that it is the most surprising in everyone.

The people who have been so many, the sorcereous sword is unparalleled, and a banquet is held directly in the unparalleled city.

At the banquet, the Vangu Chaotic World Station is full of strong, and smirked, celebrating.

From time to time, someone gets up to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

The whole banquet is very hot.

Banquet ...

"The sword is unparalleled, you have slept than 204,000 years, in these 24 thousand years, the vast chaotic world can vary," Bai Di smiled.

"Oh?" The sword didn't have a double as a white emperor next to it.

This banquet, he is an absolute protagonist, and the white emperor is second, but it is still sitting in parallel with him. As for others, it is sitting below.

"The last battle, the strong people in the world of the chaotic world are also very much. These strong people are the top beam columns of all parties. There is so much fallen, the situation of the chaos world has naturally changed, these changes. It is not very important to you, but one day, it is a green circle and the stars. Now in the vast chaos world human territory, the first forces, the recognized first forces are the fire community, followed by the second It is a star. "The white emperor smiled at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled.

Afur industry, the first forces?

Stars, second?

You have to know that these two parties will be the leader of him.

The sword has no double touching the nose, looking at the white emperor, he can understand the meaning of the white emperor.

Wood show in the forest, the wind must destroy.

The green fire community is constantly strong with the stars, which is good, but there will be some hidden dangers.

After all, there is no big crisis in the chaotic world, and some are just the fight against the internal.

It is now the respective status and voice of the Shengshi.

The green fire community is so strong with the stars, and it will also make the parties to avoid the dissection.

Especially the fire community, the potential is too big.

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled, and it will make a payment.


The sword is unparalleled to stand up, and the sound of the sky sounds on the entire banquet.

Many strong people at the banquet, including all parties, all have seen the sword.

The sword is unparalleled: "In the years I have slept, the vast chaotic world pattern changes too much, so I have changed between the power of the green fire world, and it should change it."

When I heard the sword is unparalleled, there are many gods in the field that are in the scene.

The agreement between the fire community and the power of the parties ...

That is the powerful energy of all parties. If there is no blue fire industry, you must not step into the fire industry half a step. Just send some young generations of cultivators in the three-centrian territorial domain that opened up in the fire industry. Going up, and even if there is only the three-year boundaries, only cultivation reaches the true god, it will leave.

This is determined, in fact, it is already difficult to accept for all parties.

When the sword is unparalleled, there is no such a terrible power to follow strength, but because the strong base cards in the green fire world, all parties have to agree.

But now ... With the strength of the sword, if he is very horizontal, you can completely let the cultivators of them leave the fire community, and they must not step on the hot border in the world. They are absolutely no one. Violate.

Because of this, when they hear the swords, they have to change the agreement, they are in their hearts.

Worried that the sword is unparalleled, and the cultivators they are all leave the fire world.

It seems to have seen these strong ideas, I saw the sword unparalleled. "You are relieved, I am not going to leave many of the resembling practitioners who stay in the green fire world. On the contrary, my green fire industry is going to do Striving, from today, many gods, God of God, even the great power, can be free to go into the fire industry, even you want to close the close in the green industry, you can also. "


The people below first, but they are big!

Can they go to the green fire industry?

You know, now the fire community is an unlavable cultivation, the cultivation environment does not know how many times more than the top ten holy land.

Even Thunder Island, far from the green world.

So holy place, the powerful people of all parties are naturally extremely desirable, but because there is a convention, they can only look at Baba, where there is no way.

And now ... swords have no pairs to make concessions?

He has not only proposed a bigger requirement, but it is the active to make a step?

This surprises the many strong people present, and at the same time look at the sword unparalleled eyes.

The sword is unparalleled to see the look of these strong people in the eyes, but the heart is a smile.

If he is willing, it is indeed strong, it will completely drive away those cultivators of all parties forces, but they will make all the parties to be resentful, and they are getting more and more desired to the fire industry. Now there is he, these strong people don't dare to let go.

If there is a one-day, he is not there, if there is no absolute force that is absolutely unsatisfactory, it will suffer an unprecedented impact. At that time, I am afraid that the territory is only a light, the indigenous cultivation of the fire industry. Can people continue to exist, both of them.

Now, he takes the initiative to make the parties can be grateful. In the future, even if there is something wrong with the fire world, the parties will not fall to the stone.

Secondly, this can also make the green fire in the whole integration into the world of vain, become the holy land of all parties to truly yearning, more, let the strong people in the chaotic world have a great mega For example, there are many children who are completely integrated into the fire world.

In this way, they will also treat the fire community as their own hometown. I will stand all the same camp with the green fire industry. If you encounter what troubles in the future, these strong people will take the initiative to solve, why Not?

"Let's say good, although the top of the power will enter the fire industry, but after entering the green fire industry, I hope that you can abide by the rules. If you want to do evil in the green fire industry, you can't blame me. Face. "The sword is unparalleled and the sound is awkward, echoing.

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