Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2205 Once Bai Di

"Jian Jun Lord is relieved, I will wait for the rules in the fire world, who is courageous, don't use the sword monarch you personally, I will not let go of the first." The Jiu Hao is standing.

"Yes, right, please feel free to rest assured!"

"Who is daring to be in the green circle, it is my public enemy!"

Other emperors and many strong people have also attached.

See this, the sword is not satisfied with both sides.

"Not bad." The white emperor next to him also slammed his sword.

The sword has shrugged, in fact, his old man wants to do this.

The fire community, this belongs to the world of chaotic world, just before it is completely isolated from the World Chaotic World.

The sword is unparalleled. I hope that the fire community can truly integrate into the world of chaotic world.

Can there be too big, and before, his strength is still not enough, once he retreats, let the powerful power into the fire industry, he can't suppress those power, so, equal It is completely lost in the control of the fire.

But now it is different.

Sitting with his current strength and power, there is really no one dare to let go of the chaotic world.

Even many great emperors, in addition to the white emperor, there will be no more people dare to violate him.

He is talented.

This banquet lasted for three days and three nights. It was only to end after they were all over, and all parties worked.

There is no double city, in the Mo Dazhuang.

The sword is unparalleled with the white emperor sitting next to the stone table.

"White Emperor, I have been sleeping for this time, I have to take care of you." The sword has no double-acting.

"Small things, you are in order to suppress the blood emperor, get the victory in the chaotic world, the victory in the chaotic world is falling, I don't do my best to take my best to take my best." White Di smiled, "In addition, you will There is no need to call me adults, directly call me the white emperor is, after all, the strength, you are more than me, "

But the strength, the sword is only second only to Bai Emperor, of course, slightly gap with the White Emperor.

But the key is that the sword is not bipard, especially the stars secret surgery, one exhibits a thousand times of power, that the power is still above the Emperor.

Bai Emperor will not live in 'adults'.

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled, and you will be cool: "Well, I will call you the white emperor directly."

The white emperor smiled and smiled, but the spin was turned over to take a denomination.

This volume is naturally a mountain river.

"This is yours, after you fall, this treasure has been in my hand, now I am home." Bai Demoti.

The sword is unparalleled, smile and directly put the mountains and riverside to the income.

At the beginning, he was in the seventh printed in Kyushu. After the blood of the blood, he fell directly into the sleep, and he didn't come to the mountain river society.

"The sword is unparalleled, if I haven't guess the wrong, should this treasure should be a mysterious one?" Bai Emperor suddenly positive faceless appearance.

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled, and the surprised Dynasty saw it.

Xuan Yi, is his master.

In that battle, Xuan Yi also appeared.

But at year end, he did not mention the name of Xuan Yi, and Xuanyi did not know.

White Emperor, now the name is everywhere?

"White Emperor, can you know my teacher?" The sword has no double silence.

"Your Master ... I certainly know." The white emperor smiled faint, "The sword is unparalleled, I will tell you a story."

"It took a long time ago, that is still in the first era, there is a little guy at the time. He is a family crescent disciple. The family is extremely powerful, but the existence of a hegemony level, this little guy is in this family High, naturally, it is also good, it is called a boring. "

"This little guy is very exciting, it can be said that it is unable to be a day, it is a born, but because of his relationship behind him, it is still unmanned dare to provoke him. Until one day, this little guy will provoke, even this family Unable to provoke forces, the part of the force directly, with the Thunder's means, fill this family in a short period of less than a year. "

"The many strong people of this family, the disciples, because of this little guy's rise, his parents, his parents, his many relative brothers, everything, only him, the whole family, only him One person is lucky to escape. "

When I said this, the sword was unparalleled, but the eyes of the white emperor were hidden.

The sword is unparalleled immediately, the little guy who said in the white emperor, ten eight nine, it is himself!

"I didn't expect that this time is recognized as the most powerful white emperor. It used to be a child? And because of his rites, the whole family was killed?" The sword was unparalleled.

, this world is inventory.

However, these people are actually born in the environment. Some people have not changed, just acting some unscrupulous, can't get rid of.

Such a child, once encountered a major setback, or it is completely decadent, a bad thing, or it is completely transformed!

Bai Emperor, the display is the latter.

"This little guy fled out, but he was weak, he faced the endless chasing, he was almost desperate, and even wanted to find a cliff to jump, but he was about to cross When I came out, he met a mysterious person. "

"This mysterious person, three words, I opened this little guy, let him stop this step, and even let him have a lot of not sweet, a trace of angry, finally turned into endless hatred ... under this mysterious person He wants to revenge, and he is eager to revenge! "

"Follow, this mysterious man gave him a practice method, this power method, called Da Tian's creation!"

"The teenager began to cultivate this practice, and because of this relationship of this practice, he gradually became different, his strength continued to improve, the speed of improvement was very fast, and the battle is even more than the sky. Is absolute invincible! "

"He stepped from weak, walks on the peak, and even went to the top of the first era. As for his enemies, naturally, he was overwhelmed by him!"

The sword is unparalleled.

Daily creation, reverse repair! ! !

Bai Emperor is the first reverse repair in the chaos world!

And his retro law is a mysterious person.

That mysterious person ...

The sword is not boring, and it is dead, staring at the white emperor.

"You guess is right, the child is a young man, and the mysterious person who gives me a reversal of the law, it is your master, Xuan Yi !!!" Bai Di's opening.

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