Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2206 Reversal Secret

"Sure enough!" The sword was unblocked.

He knows that the mysterious people are his master of Xuanyi.

Just he didn't expect that the retroactive door of the white emperor was actually given by his master.

"The ancient times, there is no reversal, you are absolutely the first reverse in the world, but the law of your retro, it is the cultivation system that my teacher is, it is difficult, reversible practice, is created by my teacher ? "The sword is unparalleled with a sigh.


This is a brand new, it is an incredible practice.

The sword is unparalleled to rely on the reverse repair method, step by step to today.

With the continuous improvement of strength, he is also more and more clearly, how is this method, how terrible.

He has always been very curious, so the way, who is created.

No matter who creates, there is no doubt that this person is inevitably shocked.

But now, this model, pointing to his Master Xuanyi ...

"This refurbished system is not created by your teacher. I am not clear, it is possible to be created, but it may be someone else, give him, then he will give it to me, but in short, you Master is very mysterious, I have risen in the first era, I have seen countless strong, but your master is definitely the most mysterious and deepest person I have ever seen. "Bai Emperor continued Syria.

"Like the 13th, his strength has nothing to say, with a single force, it is enough to shake this world limit, and the students reach the half-step magic, but the soul is strong, but the mystery, far away And you can't help you. "

"After the first era, I rise, and reached the seventh step of the reverse repair, your master found me, I also asked him why he would give it to me, or what I need to do for him ... "

"But unfortunately, he didn't answer his positive. He just said, I didn't really reach his request, so he didn't need me to do anything. If the only thing I want to do, then I have new in the future. Reversal, if the other party is high, the seventh step reversal method will be given to him. "

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

Bai Emperor is the first reverse, and the first reversal of the first step.

But to the end of the white emperor, I don't know where MS is one of the best, I only know that I have no real-time requirements?

What is the requirements mentioned by Xuan Yi?

"After meeting, I didn't encounter your Master. After the first era collapsed, the second era was gradually mixed, and after the birth of the second era, the reversal gradually spread in the world of chaotic world. Come, reversal practice method, nor I don't know why I really stream, but the method of reversing is only the first five steps, that is, these reverse repair can only cultivate the most boundary of the world. "

"And reverse repair is extremely horrible. One by one will grow up, almost died in reversal, and it is hard to bother a rebellious robbery."

"He spent the rebellious robbery, and did not know where to reverse the sixth step method, reached the most important thing, but he was here." Bai Emperor indifferent.

The sword is unparalleled.

The white emperor just said, Xuan Yixiao passed him, if the other party is high, will give the refurbished seventh step method to the other party.

No sadness ... The sword is unparalleled.

Although it has passed the reverse repair, the sixth step is across, but his talent is actually very general.

Many chaotic real gods are much higher than him, qualifications are really mediocre.

Such mediocre reversal, Baili naturally will not give him the seventh step method.

After no sadness, it is his sword without a double rise.

He has also spent rebellious robbery, and his talent is even more unparalleled, and it has received a recognition of the chaotic world.

At this time, Bai Di naturally won't be, directly gave him the manner of the seventh step.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, remembering the scene when I met with Baili.

Bai Emperor is very peaceful, very peaceful, and there is no shelf.

At that time, the sword was not doubtful to the relationship between the Emperor 13, but now it seems that it has a certain relationship with the Emperor's thirteen, but it is not the most important.

True is the most important, afraid that it is the reason for the reversal!


The sword is unparalleled, and the doubts in my heart also unveiled a lot.

But now he still has two biggest doubts.

First, reverse this practice system, is it really created by his division, if he created, then what is the purpose.

Second, that is the true identity of Xuan Yi! !

The previous few experiences, let the sword have nothing to know, his master is an ancient times, and there is a pivotal position in the ancient times, and even the Seven Star Xi Zong can't fall into a great crisis, and finally let the ancient times have fallen into many strong people. Sleeping people, it is likely to be a mysterious one.

But what kind of identity is needed, what kind of strength can you cause this?

There is also the Emperor 13. He is clearly a seven-star Xuanzong, and it is the first of the seven-star, if it is a time to cause the seven-star Xuanzong to be destroyed, then the emperor is standing on this side, and I will help him twice.

"The sword is unparalleled. In fact, I am very envious of you." The Vernon Emperor sounded again.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled to see the white emperor.

"The mysterious one, only put the reverse repair method to me, in addition to this, there is no too much intersection with me, you can be to you ... he accepts you as a disciple, and give you a number For the treasure, wait for you, you can really see it. "Bai Mei murmured, and his eyes brought a silk.

In his view, the sword is unparalleled to meet the requirements of the MSG, and he is a truly needed by Xuan.

And he himself, because there is no request, there is no qualification.

The sword is unparalleled, but it also admits that the truly a true teacher is true.

"Bai Emperor, thank you for this today." The sword has no double-sensitive.

The things that the white emperor said, solved a lot of doubts in his heart, and he also learned that he was a more information on Xuan Xuan, he naturally thanked.

"Haha, you don't have to polite, I am very expected, what is the purpose of that adults finally." Bai Emperor smiled, "Yes, this enumeration is given to you."

The white emperor waved again and took out anorge.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled to look at this messy.

"This is the Emperor thirteen for you. When he left, he said, if you woke up, use this to tell him." Bai Di Road.

"What?" The sword was unbloled.

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