Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 221 and enter the ancestral land

"I'm old, in fact, your talent is higher than the old two, as long as you want, you want to pay under the door of the Holy Strong, or not, do you want me to introduce one or two, I, I Among the energetic people, there are still a few. "Wang Yuan smiled.

"Ha." The sword is unparalleled. "Don't worry, I will first take a look."

Wang Yuan's eyebrow, no more.

"Right, old three, old four, what are you planning to have two?" Wang Yuan asked again.

"I am ready to go back to the ice." Su Mou light voice.

The sword is unparalleled with Wang Yuan immediately looked at Su.

"I have been out for a long time this time, the son has already reminded me to go back." Su Zudao.

"Mon?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Ice Valley of Ye Chen, the monument of the guy seems to be very good, but I have always think that the guy is very hypocritical." Wang Yuan shouted.

"The son is very good." Su Sucheng was angry.

Wang Yuan also didn't have much discussion, but continued to look forward to the sword. "Old three, what about you? If you return to me back to Danmen, Although the Holy Palace is strong, I can be self-defeating you."

"Asylum?" The sword is unparalleled, "I will have the opportunity to go to Danmen, but now I still count."

The sword is unparalleled, don't like the fence.

If he really can't force it, he may find Wang Yuan with the protection of Danmen, but now, at least he has not yet fell to the Pathfield.

"I am now, I want to go to a place." The sword has no double.

"Where?" Wang Yuan asked.

"100,000 mountains." The sword has no double.

"I will send you in the past." Wang Yuan Road.

"Okay." This sword was not double, no refused.

Soon a group of people will do it again, and when they return to the Tianzong Dynasty, the old four Sudu will separate them.

And the sword is unparalleled with Wang Yuan, and it will go to 100,000 mountains. It doesn't take long long of long term.

"Old three, then I will send you to this, how long it takes, I will return to Danmen, if you have something to find me in the future, I can take you before I went to Lin Yunchang, that is my Danmen One contact point, they can contact me. "Wang Yuan said.

"Good." The sword is unparalleled.

"Then I will go first." Wang Yuan said, then the purple cloud carving below the buttock, the purple cloud carved with the wings, with the group of violet people, so soon disappeared in the sword unparalleled sight. .

After Wang Yuan, the sword was not slightly touched, but his eyes became sharp.

"I thought that my enemy had only bloody piercing, but I only knew that my bloody ripple, but only a bad dog, holding its holy palace behind it, is a huge thing!"

"Say the bottom, or now I am too weak, I originally participated in the East Hunting, I want to pay under the ancient door, but those ancient sects know that the Holy Palace will kill me, I am afraid that there will be no party. The door accepts me. "

"As for Danmen ... Danmen can tell the Holy Palace to compete with the Holy Palace, but I have to enter Danmen, but I have to have trouble, Wang Yuan, even after entering Danmen, it is only a fence, and I can only hide in Danmen in the future. Inside, it is not what I want. "

"So, I can only rely on myself!"

"Now, the only thing can make me have the opportunity to rise, it is the ancestral land!"

The sword is unparalleled to the end of the 100,000 mountains, and the deceived light is full of light.

Then he will go to the bottom of the abyss.

Without the abyss, the first Jedi recognized by 100,000 mountains.

The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom of the abyss is the place of the ancestral place.

The last sword is unparalleled to enter this no-to-depth, it is chased by the bloody ripple, forced to have, only jump in and seek a line of life.

Now, the sword is unparalleled to look at the dark abyss that is not seen in front of him. There is also a sharp cold wind in the abyss, and the cold wind power is very strong.

There is no hesitation, the sword is unparalleled.

In the abyss, the scorpion cold winds immediately swept it, and the sword was unbengee immediately called a heavy spiritual shroud, which was very easy to resist this cold wind.

Subsequently, it has been plundered, and there is not long after his body is falling over the bottom of the bottom of the bottom of the abyss.

After standing, the sword is unparalleled to look up.

"This is terrible, but I actually jumped into the abyss to this bottom. In addition to those cold winds, I didn't encounter danger. It is estimated that any Yin deficiency can come easily. The bottom of the abyss. "The sword is unmarkarized.

He just finished.


A cold scout, followed by the sword without double, he saw that he had seen it in Jianzhao, and will give him a strong man who gave him a sword, and there is one next to this thick and honest. Beautiful moving woman.

This woman is beautiful, but the face is very cold.

Two people walked over.

"That's because you have three killing swords, so there is no other threat in the process of entering the abyss, others, even if it is a yang, you want to come to this, it is very difficult, and even if it's true. When I came here, we will immediately shoot, let it kill it. "The beautiful woman was cold.

Seeing this beautiful woman, the sword is unparalleled, "I have seen two."

"Kid, have you been again?" The beautiful woman is cold and the sword is not a double.

"I remember that when you left, I told you that let you break through the yin and yang out of the situation, but now, just Jin Dan is satisfactory, what is it?"

The beautiful woman has some dissatisfaction with the end of the hard work.

The last sword is also coming here, and the strength is weak, only Jin Dan is small, but because he is unintentional, he has never anger, and even gave the sword unparalleled aim.

It can be used for the last time they have a sword, but they will come back to yin and yang.

But the sword is unparalleled now is Jinsan, but it comes here again.

"I am here, naturally, in order to accept the test of the ancestral land." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Accept your test, you will rely on you?" The beautiful woman overlooks, with a touch of disdain.

"Kid, don't you know that the three tests of the ancestral land, even if it is just the easiest first heavy test, is it necessary to meet the intensity of the yin and yang's universal, is it qualified?"

"I know." The sword has no double heart. "But I also know that my father was a complete realm of Jin Dan, but also tested."

"Your father is your father, he is a lot of money, the golden Dan is full of war, so we can break the test in Jin Dan, and you ... do you think you can compare with your father?" Beautiful woman's silent road.


The sword is unparalleled, but nodes do not hesitate.


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