A "energy", powerful, so that the beautiful woman is with the thick and gods.

The beautiful woman is deeply glanced at the sword and there is no one, then drink low, "Magic Thirteen!"

Rumble ~~~ The sword is unparalleled, followed by a look, and the magic of humans, the magic of the ink green armor appeared in front of the sword.

This devil, both hands holding a sword, but there is no breath with a slight breath.

"You said that you can get your father, the light is not used, this is a lot of magicals, and the minimum weight of the ancestone, you only need to defeat him, I I agree with your strength and let you accept the test of the ancestral place. "

"If you can't even beat this magic, you can't fall back, then you are still going back to go back." Beautiful woman is cold.

"Beat it?" The sword did not look at the magic of the ink green armor in front of him. This magic did not exude it, and did not truly handed it. He didn't know how strong the strength of this magic.

"Try it." The sword rose a battle in the middle of the sword, and the three kick swords appeared in his hand.

And the magic did not have any wisdom. With the beautiful woman, the magic's foot slammed the ground, and the sword was directly in the sword. The air suddenly sounded a dramatic break. Wind.

! This song appeared in front of the sword, then the two hands held by the hands, one after another, directly in the sword.

Never contain whit swords, never showed strong swordsmanship, and the pureness that relied on strong and unparalleled, but this is strong, but strong.

The sword is unbeaten, the sword is angry, and after hitting the two hands, he only heard a loud noise, then the sword is unparalleled, and it can't help but go out. .

"Good power, I feel that it is more than one thing that is better than the yin deficiency peak, even if it is more than the strong in the yang, it is estimated that it is not much." The sword is unparalleled. "

The beautiful woman is laughing, "the little son, the devil thirteen, although the ancestor is the lowest" of the ancestors, but also the magic of the yin peak level. "

"It is a magical, although I have never understood any skillful swords, but the strength, speed, defense, etc., far exceed the ordinary yin deficiency peak human strong, even if the human beings with Yang Compared with it, it is not too much, "

"At the beginning, your father came to the ancestral land, and he also made a hand with this magic thirteen. At that time, your father's spirit has been successfully achieved by Jindan's success, dark, bright, thunder, combined with the three special artistic conceptions, combination of war, sword It is also strong, but still spends less than twenty breathing to defeat it. "

"And you, I am defeating it, as long as I can support twenty breathing in it, it is already good."

The beautiful woman finished, the respect of the magic is violent.

Boom, terrible hard winds come, this magical attack method is indeed simple, that is, normal waves.

It can be a long sword, but the power is strong.

"Twenty breathing?" The sword is unparalleled, but a cross step, the three kill swords will be directly cut out, and it is the third style of my sword, only the sky.

At the same time, four swords are combined, and the swordsmanne will explode directly.

The strong golden flow of streamers is hit by the front of the two silend of the magic, and the severe anti-voices are passed, and this magic is forced to retreat, and the sword is unparalleled is a sharp magistrate. Such as ghost, appearing on the side of this magic.


A brilliant sword, hung in the waist of the magic.

The spirit of the magic is strong, but there is no skill, the body is also awkward. At this moment, it is impossible to resist the sword.

But this magic, it seems that there is no meaning to resist.

"It is useless, this respect is made of special materials, and the body table wearing ink green warfare, is also very tough, even if it is a common yin, it is hard to hurt him, as for you ... "The beautiful woman's words have not been completely finished, but she suddenly stunned with the sideline next to him.

I saw the sword of swords, as if I can tear everything in the world, when I was in the waist of the magic, I was a grabbed, slap ~~~ The entire abdomen of the magic is being opened. Port.

However, because it is the relationship of the embarrassment, this magic has no blood to flow out with the internal organs.

"How can it be?"

The beautiful woman is surprised to have a strong man with a strong man.

"Source?" The beautiful woman is even more than the sword.

Just just the sword, the power of the sword contained in the sword was also aware that the power of the power is the source.

"No wonder is so confident, dare to compare with your father, you actually realized the source." The beautiful woman stares at the sword unparalleled, "The origin of you understand, including the four kinds of fire water, should be combined The world's origin formed in four artists! "

"World Source?" The sword was unparalleled.

Although he knew that he realized his own source, he didn't know which kind of origin.

After all, he knows how much to this source. Now he knows that he is understanding is the world.

"Well, you can understand the source in the congenital goldenan level, it is determined to be stronger than your father, I admit that you have qualified to accept the test of the ancestrality." Beautiful woman.

And the sword is unparalleled is slight smile.

"Little, although you are qualified to accept the test, but I still have to remind you, the test of the ancestral, is not the same, if you pass it, you can't pass, it will inevitably die in the test, so you have to Be prepared. "Beautiful woman.

"Don't pass it, is it dead?" The sword was unparalleled.

"At the beginning, my father also knew this, but the selection of the old righteousness was tested. Father was full of confidence in his strength, and now I, the strength is stronger than the original father!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and there is an unprecedented firm.

The chair, this is accompanied by the crisis, this point sword is unparalleled.

Since he came to this ancestor in order to greatly enhance strength, he has been prepared to take risks.

"Start." The sword didn't look at the beautiful woman with a low voice.

"Okay, you come with me." The beautiful woman deeply saw the sword unparalleled, followed by the thick man in front.

Not long after, under the leader of the beautiful woman, the sword is unparalleled to a lacquered palace, which is now crossed.

"The first test of the ancestral land is in this palace." Beautiful woman.


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