Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 223 kill!


The Temple of the Painted Palace suddenly opened, the sword was unparalleled to see the past, but it was dark.

"Go in." Beautiful woman.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not hesitant. It directly enters the palace, and the beautiful woman is equally, and the two people have also followed him into the inside of the palace.

Inside the dark palace, it is still dark, the naked eyes, a virtual, nothing to see anything.

"What is the test of this ancestor?" The sword is unparalleled and wrinkled around.

"Kid, you are ready, test ... It's coming." The sound of the beautiful woman came from the back.

The sword is unparalleled, but he heard the sound, but it can't see the people of this beautiful woman.

And the words of the beautiful woman finished, abrupt ...

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

The three explosions were slammed in this palace, and the time sword was unparalleled. I only felt a unprecedented horror killing directly toward him, rumble ~~~ The sword is unparalleled.

"Damn, damn!"

"The people of the bloody feather are dead! There should be kill!"

"Everyone is dead!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the mouth is even more crazy, and the face is also distorted by this moment.

"Ah !!!"

Roaring and shocking, swords are unparalleled, full of unprecedented killing.

The killing of this, unprecedented, crazy swept in this moment, want to cover all his body and mind.

However, in the moment of this shackle, the sword is unparalleled, but it still relies on a clear clear.

He is still crazy, and his hands even holds his head, a green gluten, but there is still a consciousness in the forehead.

It is this kind of consciousness, insists on him, let him still maintain a wake up, otherwise he is already a mad.

It is at this time ...

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

It is three to explode, and the palace is roaring.

The three bursts of killings are more than the day, bigger than before.

The sword is unparalleled, but at this moment, it is slamming the tip of his tongue. The hard finger tip will directly enter the blood, the blood flows out, and the painful pain, which makes him rushing, and wakes up again.

~~~ Amused everything smoked.

The shares occupied his mind, and the horror killing swept everything directly disappeared.

The sword has no double-eyed light slowly became clear, but it has been bent, low head, and gasping in the big mouth.

Just instantly, although very short, the sword is unparalleled, but I feel that I am in the ghost door, I'm going back and forth two.

The killing is too terrible, directly occupying his body and mind, but fortunately, after years of experience, the heartbeat is much more tough, which can keep a wake up in front of it.

Otherwise, once the kills are all occupied by the body, he will become a madman who is completely killing, it is difficult to have a clear opportunity.

"Kid, how do you feel?" A woman appeared in the sword without double, it was the beautiful woman.

"Just that, is it the first test of the ancestral land?" The sword was unparalleled, looking at this beautiful woman.

"Hey, you think it is very beautiful. If the first heavy test is only like this, then I will not let you reach the yin deficiency." The beautiful woman smiled, "you have just experienced, but It is the first step in this first-year test, just appetizing. "

"If you can't even have this step, you are not qualified to accept the real test."

When I heard this, the sword was unluckled, but it was able to determine if it was not until there was no reduction.

"Oh, you are with your father's temper, you are very persistent, it is very reluctant." The beautiful woman saw the look of the sword, slight smile, then appeared in the corner of the palace, one waved, the original darkness A door appeared in the palace.

"This is the real test of the ancestone, go in." Beautiful woman.

The sword is unparalleled to stand up, and it slowly returns its own state, and then directly enter the open door.

After the sword is unparalleled into the door, this door is immediately closed, this time the beautiful woman is not in the door with the sword with the sword.

However, after the sword is unparalled to the door, it is actually in this palace, and in front of the beautiful woman with the burly man, only the sword is unparalleled, but I don't know.

"This kid, has been caught in the killing illusion." The beautiful woman saw the sword around the surroundings, and the gods were dignified.

"In the killing illusion, this little guy saw is a illusion, and he does not know if he can distinguish it."

"How to distinguish it, even if you know that it is a illusion, everything you have encountered in the illusion is very real, and he is going to stay in the illusion, it is possible to lose yourself at any time!"

"And the most important thing is that this killing illusion can not be what he can distinguish between illusion and reality, although this little guy is good, but if you want to pass the test, I am afraid that it is easy."

"In the end, if he can't break through the test, we can only follow the rules of the ancestral land, and shoot him with him." The beautiful woman is cold.

The ancestral place has the rules of the ancestral land.

The three tests of the ancestral land, the first weight is the most strict, and I accept the test, it is dead.

The second heavy with the third weight, but not that strict, even if it is not passed, although there will be no chance to accept the test in the future, it is not allowed to be completely smoked.

"This little guy also realized the source, and the opportunity to test should be not small."

"I hope it." The beautiful woman said, then two people were silent, and they walked quietly behind the sword.

As for the sword, unparalleled ...

After he joined the door, he had fallen into the illusion.

He found himself appeared in a photo of a beautiful.

This is in a quiet and peaceful village, here, there is no dispute, no killing, some are just peaceful.

At this time, there is a sunset, and there is already a hilarity in the village.

The sword is unparalleled in the village of the village. It is still very angry when it appears. It is always surrounding around.

"Here is it?" The sword was unparalleled.

He didn't know where he was now, but he was very clear to remember his identity, and he also knew that he was just in the ancestral, and he received the first heavy test of the ancestral land.

This quiet and peaceful village that appeared in front of him should be the scene in the test.

"This is ... mood?" The sword was unparalleled.

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