Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2212 Ke Tower Tower

"Reversal of the seventh step, the ultimate stage!" The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the heart is excited.

The second stage follows the ultimate stage, one step, but the perception is great.

The vast power in the single body, that is completely complete, it is full of great power.

Have such a vast power of the ocean, plus the perfect chaotic body, want to kill him, it is too difficult.

And his body, the strength of the power has increased nearly ten times, which makes his overall strength, and it has increased.

Now, he is single in strength, and a punch is estimated to be easy to kill the emperor.

Reversible in the ultimate stage of the seventh step, the strength of the power is above the emperor, even if it is compared with the chaotic god, it is estimated that it is not too much.

"White Emperor, also reached the ultimate stage of the refurbished seventh step, said it was invincible, but the Bai Di's strong, in addition to the imperialism, the power of the great, the body is outside the body, the key is He also realized a line of order rules. "

"Order Rules ..."

The sword is unimaced, but it is slowly reached out.

The two palms extended at the same time. As he turned, the two strange power was condensed in his palm.

These two power, one is derived from time and space, and the other is derived by the force of the reincarnation, and the nature of the two is completely different.

But see the power in the hands, the sword is unblocked!

"Order rules, this is the order rule!"

"The force of the rules."

The sword is unparalleled.

That's right, at this moment, the two powers in his palm are, which are the force of the time and space rules.

He has already mastered these two powers.

This is the same as the Town of the Town.

He is fully immersed in the local derivation of the Town Town.

And the sky is derived, the first start is the determination of the rules.

Tiandi rules, that is the rule of the most high in heaven and earth, four supreme roads, and the rules of the nine days of God, the rules of the finals.

Conversely, it is the four sunshine that the heavens and the earth rules have differentiated four supreme roads, the nine days of God, and all kinds of everything.

All of this derivation, in that thousands of zero eighty-year, the sword is unparalleled.

Not only is it very clear, he can fully understand that the derivation process, the sword is unparalleled and then trying to master the time-space, the rotation of the time and space, but the rotation rules of the time and space rules.

Since then, the sword has finally realized the order rules!

And it is still a rule of two order rules, although it is just to comprehend, but this is enough to make the sword unparalleled strength transformation.

"Now I, compare with Bai Emperor, the realm is quite, is the ultimate stage of reversing the seventh step, and I have realized the order rules, and I have the full ancient blood, the power broke out, with the power of blood, Simple power, I should be more stronger than him, in the rules, he just understands a rule, but I have two kinds of comprehension ... "The sword is unparalleled.

Strength of power, in the sense of rules, obviously the sword is unparalleled.

As for many secret methods ...

Bai Di cultivated the nine star Axiang of Qixing Xuanzong, which has reached the golden articles, and the power is extremely good.

In addition, he also cultivated another strong secret, but the secret surgery did not get a complete method before, and the power could not completely play.

But after the end of the war, the Emperor thirteen gave him to him. In the two thousand years of four thousand years of sleep in the sword, the white emperor may have already made it, and the power should also improve again.

It can be said that the secrets and some means of the Bai Di are equally.

However, the sword is unparalleled with the white emperor, and it is not bad.

The secret method of the Method, his too ancient deficiency is the secret of ancient people, and he has now cultivated to the second article, and the power is sufficient to improve a large cut.

There are also many secrets of the ancient gods, especially the first ancient god, and the power of power is equally strong.

As for the stars secret, it is the strongest brand of swords, once it is enough to sweep everything.

On the treasure, he has a mountain river society, and the soul of the magical beads are two big.

Mountain River Society is suppressed, and the soul of the gods, the soul of the sword, the soul of the sword, and the soul attack is even horrible, and the white emperor is estimated to be a problem.

Combined, the sword has no doubles, will never be weak than the white emperor.

As for whether it is more stronger than the white emperor, the sword is unparalleled, and it has to be truly war.

"If there is a chance, I really want to find a white emperor to come." The sword is unfolded with a strange smile.

In general, the sword has never had never had never had never had a thousand eighty-year-old.

Just then, the disc was sitting at the emperor, and he stood up, and he slowly extended his right hand, an ancient black tower appeared in his hand.

And as the Emperor is delivered in front of the Emperor, this black small tower is constantly enlarged, only a moment of moving in front of a huge black tower appeared in the sword.

"The Emperor Thirteen Migrants, this is?" The sword is unparalleled to look at the black tower in front of it.

This black tower gave him extremely ancient and fierce.

There is no doubt that this black tower should be a great treasure.

"This is the sword trial tower. I have been refining it in a long time. Although I don't know at the refinery, this sword trial tower is not a great treasure, but I am now, But there is still a small use, you can try it. "Emperor 13.

"Keyway trial tower?" The sword has no double eyes, "" Trial Tower for Kejian? "

"This world is limited to too big, with my current ability, you can only let you stay in the sword trial tower for a thousand years, you have cherished." The Emperor thirteen said, but there is no more explanation.

The sword is unparalleled.

He has seen the extraordinary of this black tower, and this sword tries to trial tower, but it is a trial treasure against the Jianzhimi. It is definitely no less help on the sword.

The sword is not too hesitant, and immediately figured into the black tower.

When I entered the black tower, the sword was unparalleled in a vast dark void. This dark void is boundless, enough to let people smash here.

"Well, I have been restricted here? And the power of the blood, it seems to be used." The sword did not have a little bit.

He can detect that his own power is oppressed to the level of normal mixing, and his strength of his ancient blood cannot be used.

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