The boundless dark voids, ~~~ one body shape is slowly condensed in the sword.

That is a young man who is facial, holding a long sword in his hand, the cold eyes sweep the sword and no eyes, swirl ... !

This evil charm young man's figure is moving.

He figured out in front of the sword, and the long sword in his hand was also a cut.

This cut, Pu Tong, did not contain any swordsmanship, is a flatness of the flat, but under the driving of the chaos, this speed is also rapid.

"Is he is my opponent?"

The sword is unparalleled, but the mouth is a young man, but the mouth is a smooth laugh. "Just master a line of order rules, the use of the rules is not familiar, just take you to try. "

When the sword is unparalleled, his blood peak sword is also waving, but it is just a simple, the entrained is the same as the power of the chaotic border and the power of a slight space rule.


The two handles are critical, and the strength is quite.

However, the moment of the long sword collided, the long sword in the hand of the fascinating young man is a strange pick, like a spirit snake to the sword.

The sword has no double-colored micro-change, and even the blood peak sword in his hand.

While picking back to the long sword, the evil charm young man's sword is a light, and it is lightly attacking his throat.

"What?" The sword has finally changed.

At first, he felt that this evil charm young man's sword was very simple and very ordinary. He truly handed it up. He found that the other's swordsmanship although ordinary, but every sword, every word, the clouds, clean and neat, swordsman transformation, but also There is no one mile.

Obviously, there is no such swordsmanship, it is a shaking of Pu Tutong, one, a little ... but forced him to have some wolf.

The sword is finally finally serious.

The body has a unique sword to rise, and his whole person seems to be a huge dark vortex.

Xuanluo sword ... mixed yuan!

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

A metal impact sound rang.

The sword is unparalleled, and the mixed element is a sword, and his opponent, the evil young man is still just a sword in his hand.

His swordsman is very ordinary, it is a free thorn, horizontal, anger, tight, light ... all the most basic swordsmanship.

In the World of Outdoor Chaos, any swordsmanship can easily show these swords.

But in this simple sword, the sword is unparalleled but is forced to be extremely wolf.

His mixed yuan is a sword, it is extremely subtle, even if it faces many strong siege, it can resist the other's offensive, can face such swords, but the sword is unparalleled, but I can't afford myself.

The festival has been defeated, the sword is unparalleled.

His swords have not been pressed completely.



A buddy sounded, the evil charm young man's long sword sword sword spoke from the sword without a pair of hands, the sword was unparalleled, my hands were cut off directly, and the blood peaks naturally flew out.

Subsequently, the evil charm young man paused.

In the dark void, the sword is unparalleled to stand there, watching the right hand of yourself, although the Shen Li rolled down, his palm recovered, but his heart has already set off a huge waves.

"How could this be?"

"This is a simple and easy sword, but it actually presses me. It is suppressed to death, let me have a chance to do at all?"

"Is this really the simplest basic sword?"

The sword is unparalleled.

On the sword road, his accomplishment is actually very high.

At least in the vast chaotic world, he said that he is the first sword practitioner, it is not former, and the energetic people who are good at using swords, most of them are not as good as the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, has always thought that he has been very much for the understanding of the sword.

However, when he was in the bloody holy place, when he was handed over with the blood, he clearly had a stronger force than the blood, but he truly handed together, but he was hit by the blood command. At that time, he only knew his own Understanding, in the experience, compared with the strong people in the ancient times, or the moment is too far.

He also admitted that he was in this era of swordsman, but he couldn't ratio with ancient times.

But what happened, he did not expect that he would be defeated by a person who used the same strength and defeated the most basic sword.

And still defense of rolling.

Compared with the swordsmanship of this evil charm young man, his swordsmanship is like a child, and it is a long time.

at this time……

"The sword is unparalleled." The voice of the Emperor suddenly sounded in this dark void, "your swordsman, understanding of the swords, if it is placed in this era, maybe it can be called the top, but if it is in ancient times The times, but it is too weak, weak, and even weak to you can't just enter the threshold of the sword, and the top can only be a door. "

"The door outside the door?" The sword is not born.

If this is heard by those strong people in the World Chaotic World, they will definitely rise up to rise.

One of the people recognized by the ancient chaotic world, with the sword, the name of the sword, and even the title of Sword Monarch.

Can be the result in the 13th of the Emperor, just a foreign man who doesn't understand the swords?

If this is said from the general powerful mouth, it will definitely be desirable to be as for countless people, but from the Emperor Ten Thirteen ...

I have seen everyone in the eyes of the Thirteen and the blood of the blood, including the sword and unparalleled, but it is impossible to refute.

"It is indeed just the door, you don't know what is real sword, sword, no need too much flowery, no need to be too strong, and a thrilling sword, in a person who doesn't know the sword, only It can play a general power, but the simplest and most ordinary swordsman, in one of the people who know the sword, but it is enough to play a horrible energy, and you are now, it belongs to the former. "Emperor 13.

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled, "I didn't expect, my understanding of the swords, it is so low?"

"This is not blamed, your era, the highest level of power is also the peak of chaotic bid, even the order rules are expensive to you, the limit is too large, want to really contact the sword It is also not easy. "The Emperor Thirteen also.

Indeed, the sword is unparalleled in the vast chaotic world. It is actually the first sword practice.

The reason is because this era cultivator level is too low.

If it is placed in ancient times, the same cultivation time, the sword is unparalleled to the Sword, and his achievements on the sword are naturally nothing.

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