"It turned out to be like this?" Many disciples were suddenly sudden.

The star, the most high is the palace master.

Second, it is the palace that has reached the level of the energy.

In the case of many parsimus, there are now the main halls of the stars, and the Head of the Temple is absolutely respectful.

Because he is also a real talented genius, it is a terrible, it is said to be the proceedings of the palace master, and in the star of the star, it is absolutely one of the tops of the top.

Can get the person of the Head Temple, this day, the sword is not big enough to improve.

That Chen Feng heard, it was.

But the sword in the crowd is unparalleled, and the face is quite weird.

What is your own disciples?

"I didn't expect that little guy is now in the status of the star, and it is also very high." The sword was unparalleled.

"You, you haven't answered the question of this lady yet, how do you know that the Swordsman of the Tianyi brother has not completely displayed? And who, who are you?" The purple clothes were once again in the sword.

"I guess it." The sword is unparalleled.

"No guess?" This purple girl is not indominable, and it is intended to set up the roots.

Can be here ... !

A figure suddenly appeared on this star, and a sharp pressure spread on a top chaotic true God.

The disciples of many of this stars, and suddenly they were afraid.

"What are you doing this?"

The coming man is a handsome Junyi youth, but this handsome youth is not angry. His eyes have swept the scenes, including that day, Chen Feng two people go, In addition to the sword, no one dares to look directly at the eyes of this handsome youth.

And this handsome youth, naturally saw the sword unparalleled.

Junyi Youth is suddenly changing, but the next moment is immediately in front of the sword.

"See the Master." Junyi Youth Gong said, but his forehead is cold sweat DC.

He has just been emitted to the pressure. It is just for the pressure of these disciples. He didn't expect the sword unparalleled in this group of disciples.

"Lingfei white, many years have not seen, don't be innocent." The sword is unparalleled is smiling.

This handsome youth Lingfei is a disciple of Xingchen Palace with swords and unparalleled in the same era. When the sword is unparalleled, it is also in the hands of this Ling, and even in the other party, but now I see it again, both parties regardless Is it in strength or status, it is already different.

However, Lingfei is also a genius. Now in the star of the star, it is also the top chaotic true god, and the list of true spirits will be great in the future.

"I really didn't expect the Palace, I still remember me." Ling Fei is a favorite look.

This scene is seen in the eyes by those disciples around, and a face is extremely quirky.

"Who is he? Why is the Ling Chang, respectful?"

"Ling Long, but the number of true gods in my star, even if it is the general palace, it is not qualified to make him respect?"

"If I haven't heard the wrong, the Ling Long should call him the palace owner?"

"Palace master? Which palace master?"

These disciples are all.

Palace master?

Stars, have several palace owners?

There is only one! ! !

The identity of this person in front of him ...

"I still have something, go first." The sword was unparalleled, and the figure was shaking.

After the sword is unparalleled, this star is completely blown up.

"The palace master, the scorpion, I actually saw the palace master !!!"

"The palace owner of my star, one of the top superchards in the world, and it is said that in the battle in the battle in the battle for more than 20,000 years ago, he just appeared in us. before?"

"It's really the palace owner. I didn't expect the palace master to look up, it is good."

Many disciples are noisy, one is excited.

The sword is unparalleled. It has been complete myth in the whole of the ancient chaotic world. It is the legendary super existence.

Within the chaotic world, countless young practitioners have blind worship and awe.

Especially the stars, the cultivator in the fire world.

Such super existence, even if it is generally, it is difficult to see the sky.

The disciples of these attire levels are even more unreachable.

But just, the sword is unparalleled in front of them.

"My God, I just said with the palace owner, the palace owner also responded to me?" The purple girl was even more embarrassed, and the inner excitement could not use the language.

At the same time, she finally knew that the sword was not completely exerted by the swordsman.

Joken, the Swordsman of the day is the main point of the Hebei Temple, and the Head of the Temple is just a sword unparalleled disciple.

The reactions of these disciples, swords and unparalleled don't know.

He appeared in that star, watching a disciple, but only a moment of rise.

After leaving the stars, the swords were unparalleled to the hall of the stars, the main hall of the Yuan Temple, He Yu, the owner of the Demonstall, waiting for it.

The vast agenda, the sword is unparalleled, sitting in the main hall, and the main one, the main hall is sitting below.

Nowadays, the number of energy has more than the number of energy than before.

These energy, some are only the strong people who have born themselves during this time, and some are some active investment.

After all, the battle in the first battle, the loss of the stars is not small, Jiuyin God, Xuanwu God Emperor, Nie Yun Temple, a few people die, and the strong is a little short, and it is necessary to add.

At this moment, these energy workers are awful and watching the swords sitting above the end.

"Everything, talk, there is something." The sword has no double eyed overlooking.

The main Temple will get up immediately, respect the road: "The palace master, you should know that my stars now in the power and status of the chaos world is constantly improving, the strength has always become stronger, and the initial in my star is not Least enemies. "

The sword is unparalleled.

The star has a vein, it is indeed a hatred, and there are still a lot.

It is to know that when the star has been killed in the old nest by the three major alliances, fortunately, he has him, plus the help of the Emperor, which sees the three alliances.

Later, because of the upcoming relationship of the war, the stars have improved, although there is no big retaliation, but some contact collides in the weekdays, the stars have no hand, the pressing pressure, the lesson lesson .

However, these enemies, there are some and the stars have been completely grievous.

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