Like Jiusong Palace ...

The sword is unparalleled with the nine holy owner, and it has already become a jade, and even the relationship is also very good.

The star has naturally won't have any friction with the Jiu Hao Palace. The two sides have already paid.

Like Lingxiao Temple ...

The Lingxiao Temple has the most embarrassing of the sword, but when the sword is unparalleled, it is not in the hierarchy of the Taoist Hall, and then adds the Power of the Lingxiao Temple. It is also pair of swords before Tianling. Of the fight, in the Three Immine Wars, the Lingxiao Temple also tried his best, and the hatred of the sword was not so big.

Moreover, after the end of the war, Tianling God is personally appearing to the stalks of the star, and the grievances of each other are completely knotted.

However, there are too many enemies of the stars, although there are some, but more force don't have grievances.

The star is now big, although there is no direct shooting of those enemies, but there is a chance to fight on weekdays, this is normal, the sword is unparalleled.

Of course, the stars will not force it to be too embarrassed, generally collecting.

"Why, the enemies of the throne of my star, is it not honest?" The sword didn't look at the main hall.

"Before these enemies, they have been old and old. They see my star, just like a mouse to see the cat, I can hide, I don't dare to be enemy with my star, but I'm this paragraph. Time, the true martial arts, but some abnormalities. "

"Zhen Wu Shenjiao?" The sword is unparalleled.

Zhen Wu Shen teaches, and it has formed one of the five major gates of the Federation Alliance.

However, in the current battle of the stars, this true martial arts losses were also the worst. Even their heads were directly killed, and the strength of the battle was thousands of feet, plus the stars of the stars, and the true martial arts The edge of the destroy.

Just later, the ancient battlefield around the fire industry was born, plus the thoughts of the war, all parties forces, and no one is there, this is a true martial arts, and the party will make them slow, and it is a breath to today.

"If I have not remembered the wrong, I have never participated in the battle with the three imperial world." The sword asked without a double.

"Yes." Yuan Temple is nodded, "When the battle began, the power of the chaotic world has strong participation, and some are all the power of the whole, but there is also a small part of the forces, and most of them have not participated. Most of these forces. With the strength of itself, it refused the Shenglion, which is the same. "

"Of course, this true martial arts will be destroyed, and it is not willing to send energy in this battle. It is not very hard."

"After the war, the power of all parties will weaken sharply. This true martial arts religion is not bad because it is not damaged, so its overall forces is good, and naturally, it has completely passed the crisis of destruction."

"Then you have just mentioned what you often say, it's hard to do this true martial arts and dare to continue to be enemies with my star." The sword is unparalleled. "

"That's it." The main hall is nodded. "This truth is indeed very honest, which is very honest, deeply, so that you are two thousand years old, they are also right. I have a fear of my stars, but in this millennium, this true martial artist has begun to change my attitude towards my star, it is no longer afraid, and the opposite has become extremely strong. "

"Under normal circumstances, I can't take the initiative to find this true martial arts, but this time, this true martial arts teaching is actually the trouble of finding my star, and even dare to directly with me. The stars have a battle, and the battle is also not refunded. It seems that there is a sudden difference, it is not taking me, the star is general. "

"Is this this?" The sword is unparalleled.

From the words of the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty, the sword was unparalleled, and the abnormalities of the true martial arts were indeed.

Now the star, because there is a sword unparalleled existence, occupying the best resources, in the vast chaotic world, as the day in the day, the parties will be the front and stars in the world? Even if you eat a little loss in the week, it will not be placed on your heart, or directly tolerate.

In particular, the thrills of the stars, and they were afraid of provoking to form a pulse.

But this truth is good, not only don't avoid the star of the week, but also take the initiative to provoke?

This provocation, if there is no double in the sword, it is good, perhaps it can be explained because they think the sword is unparalleled, and it is no longer awakened. The star has lost the biggest relief, they dare to call with the star.

The key is that when the sword is unparalleled, it is awesome, until this more than a thousand years, suddenly become a bottom, dare to take the initiative to provoke the stars.

"The main hall is correct, this true martial arts is indeed a lot of acknowledgment, but where they come from?" The sword is unimaced.

In addition to the white emperor, who can dare to face the sword in addition to the white emperor?

Even those gods, no one has such a bottom.

"Yuan Temple, you can send a strong to try to explore the true martial arts teaching?" The sword didn't ask.

"Yes." Yuan Temple nodded, "In the no longer long ago, I used a battle of the true Wu Shen to teach the gods directly."

The number of large energy owned by the Star, and the emperor also has several people.

The mission is one of them.

"Zhen Wu Shen teaches, from the director of their teacher, the strength is sharp, the powerful people only have the only number, although there is a god emperor, but the strength is extremely general, with the strength of the soul, Under normal circumstances, it is enough to face the true martial arts. However, after the Francissen, I went to the territory of Zhenwu Shen, didn't take it completely with me, and I didn't see it back. If I didn't guess, the spirit The emperor, it should have fallen. "The main road of Yuan Dynasty.

"Oh?" The sword was unparalleled, asked: "What can I convey?"

"No." Yuan Demen shook his head. "I only know that he entered the territory of Zhenwu God, but also did not have to come back to any message, and fell."

When I heard this, the sword was unbeded, and the face became dignified.

God emperor, in the world of chaotic world, is still the top of the top.

It is not difficult to kill an emperor, it is not difficult. Many peaks will be done, but it is necessary to kill the emperor, so that the emperor is unable to pass, that is not a general means It can be achieved.

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