When you hear a middle-aged man, the hazy shadow is also silent.

Indeed, they have been sleeping too long.

I can't remember the time for a long time.

After the end of the ancient war, they have been sleeping, and they have five brothers, they have experienced the war, died of two, and now the five brothers will only have a boss, and the old two is in front of him. Old five.

And this old five have a special hobby, it is to learn the blood of the scene, in the ancient times, the strong is like a cloud, he has a convergence, but he naturally doesn't have any scruples in this era, plus sleeping for so long, Too long, now I am fine, I naturally go to absorb the blood of those vessels.

"Old 5, you now just wake up, I will be by you, but I don't want to make too much movement."

"Don't worry, I'm doing this true martial arts, and just some people, I can't move much." Middle-aged man laughed.

The shadow is slightly nodd, and it is no longer reprimanded.

"Yes, those resources prepared by the true martial arts," I asked.

"The collection is good, all here, I just looked at it, these treasures poor." The middle-aged man took out a Qiankun.

The shadow is swept away, but I didn't feel unexpected. "This era, different from our era, can collect these things, it is not bad, at least for me, there is a certain help."

"In fact, although this time can't be compared with our original era, there are many resources treasures, mainly the true martial arts teaches too weak. If it is not our relationship, it is afraid that even the first-class power is not, natural If you don't have any good things, if you change it to the Shengfa, it must be different. "

"Er brother, in fact, I have never understood why we want to stay in this area of ​​Zhen Wu Shenjiao, with our three brothers now, you can directly kill the St. League, occupy the Holy League, and then use the power of the Holy League Going to search for various resources, it is better than relying on true martial arts to search for a lot of doctors? "Middle-aged man asked.

"It's not as simple as you think." The middle-aged man was blinded. "Although the cultivator of this era is far from the time compared with our era, it is also because of the relationship between heaven and earth, we are here. In the world, it also received great restrictions, the war that can be played, but it is not necessarily the top of this era. "

"It's like this time to stand in the top of the white emperor with the sword monarch, even the big brother has no victory."

"But is the two of this era, is there such a strong?" Middle-aged man did not think about it.

"Don't look at them, don't forget the blood emperor more than 20,000 years ago, that is the emperor of the blood family, although the blood family does not stand a blood emperor, but can reach that step, it is better than me, than the big brother It is necessary to have a lot, but the blood emperor is dying in this era. "The shadow of the people.

"Moreover, our purpose is to tear the skin with the cultivator of this era, so the old five, you do the best low-key, if you really have the top of this era I am killed by them, but don't blame I have not reminded you. "

After that, this hambled shaded body shape has no disappearance.

And this middle-aged man has a mouth, and it is obvious that the words of the hazard have not been put on.


The continent of Zhenwu God is controlled, close to a giant city of true martial arts.

The sword is unparalleled in this city, with a drink.

Not long after, the long sword is carrying, and it appears in front of him.

"Master respect." He Yu Dynasty sword has no double respect.

"Don't be restored, natural points, take it directly." The sword waved his hands.

"Yes." Hebao nodded, and immediately sat down before the sword.

"What is the exploration?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I have found three intelligence departments in a row, the same information is the same, and no one has seen the soul of my star, and in recent years, there seems to have not appeared in this continent. The killing of the cappere, the soul of the soul, it is indeed, it is enough to disappear after this continent. "He Hui frown.

A God of God, lost the trail in this continent, but there is no one to move.

It seems that this emperor did not step into this mainland.

This means ...

"Don't tighten, since there is no information from those intelligence department, then let's find a person who is looking for true Wu Shen teaches." The sword smiled.

"The meaning of the teacher is to kill the true martial arts teaching?" He has asked.

"Killing the true martial arts teaching?" The sword didn't shook his head. If there is a strong, they see me, I will run away directly. "

He is awkward, the bottom is also sudden.

"There is no need to kill them directly, I want to take a way to lead them, it is best to force their base cards." The sword is unparalleled, "the apprentice, this matter will be handed over to you." "

"The disciple understands." Hebao nodded, but the bottom has an idea.

When you are immediately left.

And the sword is unparalleled, still sitting in this pubset, drinking, while looking at the scenery outside the window, the mouth is more smile.

This city where the sword is unparalleled is near the true martial arts nest, and there are many strong people who have a lot of true martial arts in this city.

Even some high-level power of true Wu Shen, and even the energy appeared there.

Now, this city is just a virtuous god of energy.

A secret room.

Digital shadow gathered together, is the first blood-torn man.

"This batch of people are very satisfied, this is a reward to you." The bloody man put a piece of people in front of him.

After the passes, these people have swept their eyes and suddenly reveal the color of the big joy.

The blood-tattan man continues to say: "Things give you, but you have to remember, it is those who have to send a batch every 30 years, I can't do anything, otherwise, adults When you move, no one saved you. "

"Yes Yes."

The people underneath even nod.

Just at this time, !

A loud sound, a sword is released, and this secret room is cut directly.

The ruthless sword is swept away, and the lost criticism will be smashed in an instant, only the bloody man is alive, live.

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