Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2221 Rescue


Looking at the body of the surrounding body, the bloody man's men's face is now sinking, the cold scorpion is also seen in the past, "Who are you?"

"Star and one pulse, why." He Hui is cold.

"People in the stars?" The bloody armor is a man, and it is an anger. "The people in the stars actually dare to appear here, and so unscrupulously kill my true martial arts, you are big. Counter! "

"You have too nonsense."

He Ben is too lazy to talk to this bloody armor, and the figure is shaking.


The sword is swept, and a bright blood color sword is formed.

This bloody sword river is extremely attractive to the eye, and a sword is flashing, and there is a man in the bloody man.

"It's so fast." The bloody man was shocked, and the consciousness waved the war knife to resist.


A impact sound, the power of the pounds came, this bloody man's right hand arm is cracking, and the shape is even more than a wolf.

"How can it be?"

"The same is God, how can he have so much better than me?"

This blood-ton man is incredible, but the next moment is immediately taken out, and the message is saved.

Seeing this scene, why is there a slightly, but it is not angry.

He wants, it is this bloody man to save.


Under the effort, what is the rest of the sword, and it is completely suppressed by the blood-thaler man.

The two gods, the strong, in the middle of this city, positive fierce battle.

In the city, it was originally a calm, but the two people fought, instantly becomes noisy.

A large number of cultivars have appeared over and stare at this fierce battle.

"This is ... The fierce battle of the energy of the energy?"

"The man who uses the knife, I know, it is the magic god of the true Wu Shen, as for the other person, I don't know, but he is so powerful, and it turns to death."

"The old nest of Zhenwu Shen is near this city, is this person I don't know how to write about death? I dare to be here, the god of the true martial arts is?"

"The strong people of the true martial arts should come back soon."

Numerous cultivators are inheriting.

In that dine, many practitioners in the pub have also passed out, they all went to see that fierce battle.

Only the sword in the window is unparalleled, it is still smiling, holding a wine glass in hand.

Although he did not look at the battlefield, he could clear everything in the battlefield.

"I am this year, these years, the swordsysides have been upgraded." The sword is unparalleled.

He is very clear, it is the same God, but He is absolutely the top god, the war is extremely, even if you encounter God, you should also fight.

As for the magic king of the magic of his hand, it is just a very ordinary god, and it can be completely defeated, and even if it is reasonable.

But it is obvious that the strength of the break has been reserved, deliberately pressing the magic kings.

Outcome, natural is to attract more powerful people from true Wu Shen.

At this moment, in the true martial arts teaching, the Zhenwu God teaches the main white star emperor, has received the news of the Magic Hill.

"The stars have been in the territory of my true martial arts, and now I am talking to Magic Hill?" Bai Star God's eyes were blind, and the face stayed in a cold, "Hey, the foundings before God disappeared in my true martial arts, and the star will definitely pay attention to it. I also guess that they will work, just did not expect it so fast. "

"The teacher, that is said that he has heard that he is the priest disciple of the sword monarch, the strength, the strength is very good, although it is just a gods, but in the face of the general god, it is enough to be ahead of a battle. So strong, Magic Hill is definitely very bad, we must immediately come to rescue. "One of the gods below.

"Of course, I have to rescue, but the stars have dare to be so bright and big, and they are in my true martial arts, and they will definitely rely on the eyelids of my true gods. The strong people they come must not only have There is a short in the district, and there should be other strong people to hide in the dark. "White Star Gods low.

"This way, you will now let's help the magic of the magic, and bring the two blood servants. If you encounter trouble, let these two blood servants come, if it is still solved, then give me a message , I invite adults. "


The gods of Zhenwu Shenzhao Zheng headed down, and quickly started.

In the giant city, the fierce battle with the Magic Hills will continue.

Magic Monarch Natural Festival has been defeated.

When the Magic Hill God must resist, when you can't resist it, you can't gall down.

"He], you are so bold!"

"Hey, dare to fight in the territory of my true martial arts, even if you are a star of the Star, I will refund today."

Two low drizzles have also been successive.

I heard these two low drinks, and many cultivators around the battle were all over.

"It turns out that this adult is a star of the star. It is no wonder that it will be directly here."

"I heard that the true martial arts, the stars, but it is dead."

Among the people sigh, the three gods arrived, they have been engaged with the Magic Sao, and they have anger.

"Just come to you a few but fish?" He is a sink.

"Hey, pack you, I am waiting for a few people." A Shenjun smelled: "Directly shot, suppress him, and then let his master prince monarch come to receive people."

At this point, the whole city is full.

Will it be suppressed, and the sword monarch is personally coming?

Now there is a little inside the chaotic world, who doesn't know the sword monarch?

However, it is one of the most high-top strong in the world, and a true martial arts in the district. Where is the qualification to let the sword monarch come over?

"Hey, this tone is really big." The sword is unparalleled.

And the central government, why is there again to fight with the four gods of Zhenwu God.

Although it is an enemy four, it is not afraid that the strength before he has retained is completely

At the same time, it will fight against the four gods, not only do not fall in the wind, but even faintly there is a small advantage.

Hey, a sword, a ghostful sword is stabbed in a goddess, drawing the other chest, showing a large piece of blood, this god is also directly hitting it.

This is in the four gods of the bottom of the wind, and the disadvantage is even greater.

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