"It is a born disciple of the sword monarch, this is a good strength."

"If you go on this, I am really likely to be defeated by him."

The four gods of Zhenwu Shenjiao, the more beat, the more surprised, and the battle force.

"There is no way, you can only use blood slaves." One of the gods.

Other three people nodded.

When I saw this goddess, I made two breathles of the sky, and I appeared on the void.


He is watching, but it is dead, it is dead.

He looked at the old pale thin old man, the breath of this thin and weak, and it has reached the emperor level.

"The Minglu God!" Hech's break was shocked.

This thin and weak old, obviously the star of the stars came to this continent, lost the trace of the squad.

But I didn't expect to suddenly appear here, and at this moment, the emperor is still emitting the breath of the emperor level, but the feeling of giving people is completely different.

"What happened, what's wrong with you?" He Yu asked.

"Haha, what happened to him? But it is a blood slave, I am relieved, you will be the same as him." The gods of Zhenwu Shen teach. "

He is extremely ugly.

He saw that the soul of his eyes, and there were the peak gods next to him, which clearly lost his consciousness, and now the tiger is staring at him.

And in the far away in the distance.

"Is it controlled by the soul?" The sword didn't look slightly, but also stared at the two filming of the blood.

"No, if it is only controlled by the soul, although I lost my consciousness, my life still exists, I feel like normal people, but now these two people ... I have no life, this feeling, Like the war! "

"War ..."

The sword is unparalleled, the spirit of the soul of the soul, the peak of the sword, unparalleled, is a fight, and the life refining is a fight.

Put a god emperor, refining into a war, this means, can be more vicious than the soul control.

"It seems that I am expected to have no mistakes, and I really have someone behind the true martial arts, and this person's origin ..." The sword is unhealthy.

On the battlefield.

"Blood slaves, kill him!"

The God of Zhenwu Shen teaches.

The two blood slaves did not hesitate to immediately hit it immediately.

These two blood slaves, one is God emperor, one is the peak god, this is much stronger than the four gods of the true martial art.

Especially the soul emperor, the spirit of the mission is good in the emperor, and after being made into blood slaves, his war has once again improved a step, and the pressure brought by it. Big amazing.

"With me, I can't afford the emperor of my life."

He breaks, there is also a self-known understanding, so on the moment of the soul of the soul, he is also a big hand, and then there is a four-wearing silver armor.

These four silver tattooed, and it was four silver troops.

This is the sword where the sword is unparalleled, deliberately let the babies.

These four silver armored soldiers, any of the power of the general emperor, just do not know how to kill the skill, but the four silver bacteries join hands, but it is enough to easily stop the soul.

As long as the Frank God is stopped, the remaining peak gods, what is going to be easily copened.

The most central and war in the city will continue, and the war is getting more and more intense.

The four gods of Zhenwu gods, I was very proud of the beginning, but I saw that I took out the four silver bacultu to stop the soul of the soul, they didn't get it.

"Why do you take four silver backed soldiers?"

"Trouble, there are four silver bacteries, even if there are two blood slaves, we can't help him."

"Fast, I will tell the teacher to the teacher, and everything is determined by the teacher."

These four gods immediately gave the white star emperor.

Zhenwu gods in the old nest.

"Sure enough, things are not so simple." White Star God received a message, but did not feel unexpected, "Now it is just a break, and the four silver bacterium, but if I have not guess, the stars The pulse is definitely arranged in the dark, or there is something else. "

"Several Magic Hills, plus two blood slaves, the root core can't, even if I personally shot, I am afraid that the Stars will immediately have a strong, I will stop me, now I can only ask several times. Adults shot. "

Thinking of this, this white star god didn't hesitate, immediately please ask the adults.

One of the secluded temples.

"grown ups."

Bai Star Emperor respects in front of the middle-aged man in that loose silver robes.

"Is there something?" The middle-aged man lifted his head and glanced at the white star, and the attitude was very cold.

White Star God, the district is an emperor, put in ancient times, which is the middle of the chaotic bid, and the most weaker, this middle-aged man is natural.

Don't say that this white star emperor is, even the whole of the true martial arts, it is not in the eyes of this middle-aged man.

If it is not because of his own special hobbies, people need someone to find the blood of the scene, and his big brother, the second brother needs some cultivation of resources, he will not have any intersection with this true martial art.

"I was previously refined into the soul of the blood slave, and the stars behind him once again sent a strong person, and now I am in the city of Zhen Wu's gods, killing the strength of the Zhenwu God. , I am really hard to resist, I am afraid that it is difficult to resist. "White Star God is careful.

The middle-aged man is still flat.

The three brothers want to be true martial arts to collect resources, and the true martial arts is really doing, but this is a big search, naturally, it will take the initiative to provoke some forces, and the middle-aged man also knows this, so they have promised, if they Zhenwu God encounters what troubles in the process of collecting resources, you can ask them to solve it.

The last resort God came to the true martial arts to teach the territory, that is, this middle-aged man is solved by itself.

"That star, it is very annoying, how many people have come this time?" Middle-aged man asked casually.

"It is only one place in the present, it is a god, he is called." White Star God Dao.

"Run, there is a god of the district, and you must take your own, your true martial arts, is not a wine bag," middle-aged man could not help but be anger.

"The big man is angry." Bai Star God explained, "" The people are really only a god, but it is a non-critical genius. The combat power is comparable to the general emperor. He also has four silver bacterium in his hand. ...... "

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