Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2223 Relying on Zhenwu Shen

"Adults, I am in addition to the old man, all of the big energy is coming, and the adults have already brought the two blood slaves, but they still can't make the wrong break. In addition, if the old man didn't guess the wrong If there is anything else of the stars, there is still other strong people hidden in the dark, there is no way, the old man can only come to you. "Bai Star God respects.

"Is this?" Middle-aged man browed, "that is, the seat will go with you, will it, what is it?"

"Thank you," Bai Star God Daxie, but followed: "I don't know if the other two adults have time, do you want to go?"

"Hey." Middle-aged man snorted directly, "My big brother, the second brother is busy with the wind and restoration of the peak strength, and there is a space to pay for these, then, there is a star in the district, which is eligible to need big brother, second brother personally Show? Walk, we will do it now. "

Middle-aged man is full.

White Star God Emperor is also moving.

Indeed, in front of this middle-aged man's strength, he also knows some. In his opinion, the entire star is in person, unless the sword monarch is coming, otherwise no one can stop him.

Moreover, even if the sword monarch is coming, it is afraid that it will not be a battle with the strength of this adult.

Thinking of this, Bai Star God did no longer hesitate, immediately led this middle-aged man to the city.

That giant city is in the world of enthusiasm.

The cultivators in the city are more and more, and countless cultivars are agreed to stare at the battle.

For these general practitioners, there are rare gains.

Many people even record this picture with mirroring.

However, when everyone was attracted by the war, the sword was still free to drink alcohol in the pub, casually and uncomfortable.

Suddenly ... swords have no double look.

"Is it?"

His strength of his soul has been induced to have a strong.

Sure enough, a body shape was blocked from the distance, so soon, in the middle of the city, the appearance in front of many practitioners.


Seeing the people, the four gods of the true martial arts teach are big.

"It's a white star!"

"The Lord of Zhenwu Shen teaches, he personally came out."

Many cultivars around them also recognized the white star emperor.

He breaks the white star emperor.

Only sword is unparalleled. He didn't look at the white star of the emperor to finally, but put the attention in other directions.

"Is it directly blocking time and space? And this blockade is extremely high, even if it is just a hand, it is enough to make the general emperor unable to communicate." The sword is unparalleled.

If you can block the time and space, you can't communicate.

This person's means is extremely extraordinary, and it is not blamed for the message before the soul.

After blocking the time and space, this figure is slowly empty.

This is a middle-aged man wearing a loose silver robes. This middle-aged man is very strange, it seems to be just a general energy, but the real strength is obviously not far.

"Bai Star, the people here, too much." The middle-aged man is ringing around the scorpion.

"Early people think about this, as for the rest, I will give it to the old husband, the old man should be proper." White Star God smiled.

He knows the meaning of this middle-aged man.

He didn't want to be too shocking, which will recruit the idea of ​​many of the top pointers in this era. This is his big brother, and the second brother is over.

Like the last shot, dealing the spirit of the Lingqu, because the place is relatively secret, and the true martial arts education is good, there is no way to pass.

But this time is in a Mo Great Town, and so many practitioners shot in front of them, I want to make sure that the news is not spread out, then his true martial artism can only be cruel.

"This is to deal with it. Is this a child?" The middle-aged man overlooks, the eyes seem to be watching an antite.

It is stared at this middle-aged man. He is a scalp, and the body shape is also strong, and it can not shake.

"This person, so strong!"

"It's really strong!"

Why don't you just bite your teeth, but his face is not afraid.

After all, he is not a person this time, and his people behind him have absolute information.

What is this person?

Is it difficult to pay more than the Master?

"He], your star is coming, the arrival of this arrival should be more than you person, and you will take it out of your strength behind you." Bai Star God smiled.

There is a big man around him, he has an absolute bottom gas.

And when he came out, it was not in the restaurant, and the sword that was close to the window is unparalleled, but disappeared.

The figure flashed, the next momentous and unparalleled body is slowly awkward.

"This, is it your true martial arts?"

A touch of sound is also slowly propagated during this day.

Everyone was immediately attracted to this voice, and a young man who immediately looked now to carry hands with his hands.

This young man is wearing a bloodyth, random standing there, but naturally be the focus of this world.

As for the breath of many strong people on the field, it is also fully calm.

The whole city has become extremely quiet, even peaceful.

This is a strange scene, which makes someone present in the field.

Zhenwu God's white star emperor, and the gods, it is dead, and the sword is unparalleled. The eyes are as if they want to jump from the eyes.

"Sword, Sword Monarch !!!"

A frightened snoring is issued from the mouth of the magic king.

This Magic Qun Jun only feels that his scalp is completely fried, and it is nothing to be afraid to look at the sword.

The fear of the sky is unprecedented!

And his scream, immediately let the people present in the scene understand the identity of the people.

During the time, countless eyes have become fanatics.

"Sword Monarch! It's just a sword monarch !!!"

"Star, a paralazz master, I am in one of the highest level of leaders in the chaotic world, and is one of the strengths of the chaotic world !!"

"The sword monarch, the legendary sword monarch, actually appeared here, appearing in front of me? I am not dreaming?"

Many cultural people present are incredible.

Some people can't help but slap themselves, determine that they have not dreamed, this is true.

One of the great chaotic worlds is one of the strong people, and the leader of the sword is coming!


PS: Today's four is more!

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