Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2225, Thunder Cake


This punch has already bombarded the world.

A large greater that filled the whole city appeared.

This horrible, directly bombarding a boxing of the world, the evil feathers.

Single Single Shares will have made all the people in the scene to suck a cold air.

The evil feather color is also a big change, a punch for the next consciousness, want to resist.

But after the two fists have collided ...

First, the sound of , then the sound of rubbing the bone burst.

The whole arm of the evil feathers was broken by a strong force, and his entire person was also hit hard. A large mouth of blood sprayed directly.

"This power is a chaotic god !!!" "The evil feathers were shocked.

"It's impossible, this world is not limited, can everyone only play the ultimate strength of the chaotic bodies?"

"But this sword monarch, how can his strength meet the chaotic gods?"

"Impossible, impossible!"

The evil feather is crazy.

He doesn't know that this world's limit is only for general practitioners, and reversal is not limited to the power of power.

At the end of the final battle with the three imperial cries, Bai Emperor broke out, and then showed a ten-fold amplitude of Star Temperature. His strength of his strength also reached the chaotic god.

The current sword is unparalleled, but the overall power is more stronger than the white emperor!

Bai Di needs to show stars secret, power power can reach the chaos level.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also the ultimate stage of the seventh step. He has the power of ancient blood, and there is a great increase in the power of the ancient deficiency. level.

On single strength, the sword is unparalleled to this evil feather is ruining.

More than the power, this evil feather is not in the hidden in the sword.

"Escape, hurry!"

The evil feathers are also smart, or he has made the strength of the sword unparalleled show.

The freehand grabbed the dagger of his full attack, and then a boxing, the power of the outbreak is the chaotic god level?

This makes it restricted by the heavens and the earth, and how can he be able to resist the peak power of the chaotic border?

Only escape, crazy escape.

"How to escape?" The sword was unparalleled and cold, and the pace was at will.

This cross seemingly casual, can contain a slice of time and space, driving the endless time and space, the speed is more fast than the speed of the evil feathers, and there is an instant after the evil feathers.

"Rules, he also mastered a rule?" Xie Yu fell.

The sword has no hands in the blood peak sword but has passed out, and the blood peak sword did not show swordsmanship, but directly flundered to the evil feathers, and then directly diverted for a hills.

In this , there is a special secret pattern, which is operated, forming a huge black hole, and the evil feather is swallowed.

"Want to suppress me, you dream!" The evil Yu was anger, but it was a crazy struggling.

"Struggle? Is it useful?" The sword is unparalleled but laugh.

The suppression of the blood peak sword, that is, as the sword has no double strength progress, it continues to improve.

And drive this suppression, it is mainly to see.

Nowadays, there is a unparalleled spirit of the sword, which has reached the chaotic god, which is equivalent to a chaotic god magic in driving this suppression, and the evil feathers are now just a chaotic environment. How to resist?

"no no!!"

The evil feather is constantly emitting, but his body is constantly changing toward the black hole.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, Come and save me, come to save me !!!" The evil feathers, and it has been given to his big brother in the first time, and the second brother is saved.

The message is rescued, and his body has finally been completely swallowed by the black hole.


The huge resembles the blood peak sword, appearing in the hands of the sword.

After all of this sword is unparalleled, the completion is still indifferent, as if he just suppresses the power of ancient times, but just a general person.

His heart, but did not rise at all fluctuations.

Also, for him, a strong from ancient times, only to play a strong force of the third level of the big force, has not been able to pay attention to him.

He bucks his hand or kills it.

But all this, in the surrounding cultivator, it is completely different.

"This this……"

The white star of Zhenwu Shen teaches the eyes to roll round, and the beads seem to be in the ground.

The four gods, such as Magic, are also the same.

Perhaps the ordinary practitioners around the surroundings, they don't know much about the origin of the evil feathers, and I don't know how strong his strength, so I see the sword is unparalleled to suppress it, I don't think anything.

White Star God, and the gods of the true Wu Shenjiao can be clear, that is the strong man in ancient times! !

A strong man in ancient times, it is even if the sword is unparalleled, it is easy to suppress it?

"How could this be?"

White Star God has been completely complete.

However, after all, it is a strong power of the god, and it quickly reacted.


A whistle, the white star emperor fled.

The gods of the true martial arts in him, the speed is not satisfied, and it is crazy to escape.

Even the evil feathers were easily suppressed by the sword monarch, with them in the sword, then with the antity, they naturally didn't resist the courage.

Now this white star emperor just wants to return to the true martial arts, please ask the two brothers of the evil feather.

Bai Star God knows that the big brother of the evil feathers, two brothers, there is a lot of strong feathers, and they have two shots, perhaps can be with the sword.

Seeing that the white star emperor and others escaping, the sword is unparalleled, and the face is indifferent, there is no action.

It seems that it seems to be a few people to leave.

However, the five people of the White Star have just fled how long, a strange attack, quietly acting on these five people.

These five people of Zhenwu Shen, including the white star emperor, all flashing at the same time.

Next, the five bodies have fallen down to the ground below.


"Zhenwu God teaches the main, and the four big energy people of Zhenwu Shenjiao are dead!"

"How to die, the sword monarch does not move?"

"If I have not guess, the sword monarch should be to show the soul attack?"

The surrounding practitioners are stunned, countless roads with awe-in-pointer.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is indifferent.

Soul attack ...

Indeed, he just is a soul attack, directly killing these five people.

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