Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2226 Such

"Apprentice, take the treasure on the person." The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." He took the treasure of the white star emperor and the Qiankun ring.

Subsequently, He Yuan returned to the sword and no double, "Master, next, will we go to Zhen Wu Shen?"

"No." The sword is unparalleled. "The evil feather just mentioned his big brother, two brother, it seems that the people behind the true martial arts, not only one, now this evil feather is suppressed by my, his big brother, two brother I can't sit still, we are here waiting for them. "

"Yes." Hebao nodded.

At this moment, in the true martial arts of the people.

Within the secluded temple, the two people were closed in two secret rooms.

Suddenly ... the rescue message of the evil feathers came.

The two in the secret room open their eyes almost.

"Old 5?"


These two people immediately appeared within the temple.

The power of the two people is also filled, and it will be covered throughout the true Wu Shen.

"The old five is not there, and this is the truth of the martial arts, and there are several chaotic bodies are not here." A black-haired man with a black mark was cold.

Inspiring, they immediately grabbed a high-level high-rise of the true martial arts, and learned about things.

"Star Pin?"

"The old five should be something wrong, go, we have passed."

These two people immediately came to the city where the sword is unparalleled.

In the giant city, the dense numbers of the uniform practitioners are gathered there. Everyone's eyes are awesome and fanatics, and they look at the people on the most central void.

The sword is unparalleled with both hands, and the power of the soul has been spread.

When the two strong temperament appeared in the sense of perception of his soul, the sword was not perfectly perceived.


The sword is unparalleled and looked up in front of the front.

The many cultivators present, they also went to the sword and walked, and looked at the void.

At the end of the void, the two black dots appear slowly, and the two black dots are still constantly enlarged at an amazing speed.

Finally, the two movements appeared in front of the sword.

These two people, a black robe, a black hair, there is a black mark on the forehead, and the whole person stands there, but it is not issued.

Another person, it is the red hair, the body is burly, and its eyebrows have a flame imprint, and the body is emitted to violent violent and hot and hot. It gives people a sense of flames that is burning.

When these two people appeared, they immediately saw everything around him in the eyes.

At the same time, the two have noticed the sword in front.

"Old five, where is the old five?" The burly man with a flame imprint is low.

"Old 5? If you say the old five refers to the evil feather, then he has been suppressed by me." The sword is unparalleled.

"Caterpose? You dare to suppress my brother?" The burly man angry, there was an anger to burn it in an instant, clearly did not have any flames, but the many cultivators around it rushed to the whole body, as if It is necessary to be alive to be alive in the moment.

"Return, we will retreat!"

The surrounding cultivator immediately returned to the back, and she has retired to the most edge of the city, so that the sleeper is relieved.

"How is it?" The sword is unparalleled but not afraid.

"Good bile!" The burly man was angry, just wanted to do it.

"Big Brother, I am in a hurry." The black hair next to it took the burly man to pull the burly man.

This dark hair is obviously more calm than that of the burly man.

He looked at the tone, and he watched his sword. "You are from the star, and you can suppress the old five. If you want to be the Ding Ding of this era?"

"Yes, it is me." The sword is not a hyperbidden head, and it also recognizes it.

"Sword monarch, this matter, I am afraid it is a misunderstanding, my brother three people only want to practice, and the peak power is restored soon, but I didn't think about you, and the star of the throne." Brunette youth .

"Didn't you think about it? But you have already done it." The sword has no double cold channel.

"That should be the true martial arts, my brothers did not think of you, and the top of the sword monarch, and the top power of this era, so I hope that the sword monarch can raise your hands, let go of my brother, as for The trouble brought by giving the stars, my brothers are also willing to pay sins. "The dark hair said, his words are extremely sincere.

"Suffering? Oh, if I have not guess, these two blood slaves should be your brother's hand?" The sword didn't double pointed to the two blood slaves next to it.

Seeing these two blood slaves, the brunette youth is changing.

Blood slaves, is indeed one of the means of evil feathers.

In the ancient times, the evil feathers like to refine some cultivators into blood slaves.

"You can know, there is one of these two blood slaves." The sword is unparalleled. "Your brother, killed the power of my star, put it into blood into blood Slave, and it is just that your brother is actively taken to me. If there is a bit of strength, I want to come to these two, is it a blood slave? "

"Your brother acts so, now just a simple supreme sustament, you want me to put it out of your brother, this world, which is such a good thing?"

The dark hair youth has changed, and the heart is also very hatred.

He did before repeatedly embraced evil feathers, let him act together, don't be too interested.

But now, the evil feather is obviously not put on his words.

"You, no matter what to say, it is my brother. You only need to put him now, then this is the next, I will definitely be strictly binding, I will never be with you, you and the stars. The enemy, if you are alone, I don't want to put my brothers out ... "The brunette youth sound becomes low.

"I don't want to release, how, how do you want to learn your brother, kill me, then refine into blood servants?" The sword didn't laugh.

"It seems that you have no rooms that have no discussions." The brunette youth eyes are slightly cold.

And the violent burly man next to him is a cold saying: "Old 2, you will spend so many tongues with him, since he is not willing to put the old five, then you will slaughter directly. "

The voice is falling, the burly man has a horrible flame spread.

This flame is covered with a hot temperature, and it is covered with the whole city, and the void is burned.

Including the many buildings in the city, and even the ground have fallen into this fire sea.

In an instant, this giant city was burned into ashes.

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