
"Fortunately, we will retreat enough, or ..."

"It's too horrible, between a family, a giant city is directly gray!"

At the most edge of the city, many cultivators that have been completely exited, watching the fire sea burning in front of them, is full of fear.

At the most central, the burly man, the burly man, the giant ax, which is also filled with flames, is the emperor in this fire.

Next to it, there are many black long guns in the black hair youth, and the whole person seems to avatar to swallow everything.

The atmosphere of the two is instantly climbed to the vertices.

"This breath ... I feel that the top of the third level is reached, but it is better than the original burning, but it is going to be some with blood main." The sword is nothing is slightly.

What he said, that is the blood of the blood, not to refer to the blood.

At the beginning, it just just a blood owner of the shadow, the war is the most extreme in the third level, but the white emperor can be easily suppressed.

And now these two people are obviously not as good as blood.

"Sword Monarch, I will ask you one more, do you let go of the old five?" The brunette youth sound became cold.

"Don't put it." The sword was unparalleled and gently shook his head.

"Looking for death!" The brunette youth is cold.

"Directly kill him!" The burly man is incomparable, there is no hesitation, these two major ancient people are moving.

These two old ancient power don't want to collide with the top strong people in this era.

Their purpose is not the case.

They just want to restore strength, then wait until the time, go to the sky.

However, don't want to collide with it, do not mean that they are afraid of the power of this era.

At least the sword is unparalleled, they are not very afraid.

Because in the information they get, this time is Bai Emperor, the white emperor is really terrible, the war is afraid that it is much better than two of them.

But the sword is unparalleled ... Although the sword is unparalleled in two thousand years ago, it plays a vital role in the battle between the three imperial cries.

The sword is unparalleled to explode, because it is not easy to show a huge base card, and that the card is not easy.

As for the sword, there is no double real strength, in their view, it is also the top three levels of the episode, but the third level of the big emperor.

And their combat power is the top three top, and two people teamed up. Even the white emperors can barely fight, and will it be afraid of a sword monarch in the district?

"I have given you a chance, you don't cherish yourself, then you can't resent our brothers." The dark hair is dilapidated, his body shape is already in front of the sword, a horrible dark breath broke out Open, the black hole in his hand, fierce a signs in front.


A dragon swaying in the world.

A huge dark dragon appeared, and circled in the black long gun, and the Sen's cold gun pointed was a bright shining, and suddenly appeared in front of the sword.

The speed of horror, unparalleled explosive power, how to see this gun, is strong.

But seeing this shot, the sword is unparalleled, there is no meaning of the dodge.

In the next moment, the dark green gun passed through the sword unparalleled body, but there was no flesh and blood.

The shape of the sword is also slowly turned into virtual.


The brunette young face changed, and the eyes immediately locked the sword who appeared in the dark.

"It's fast, this kid actually controls a slight time and space rule, and the use of time and space rules is also universal." The dark hair is surprised.

He didn't know that the sword was unparalleled in the sword trial tower. At the same time as a sword, the sword was not single, and the sword was unique to use itself, and the rules can also be used.

The killing of thousands of years, he is not only in the sword surgery, but also the use of the rules of the rules is also unmummed.

A shot like this black-haired youth is now the application of time and space rules.


The violent sound is like the wrath of the sky, and suddenly sounds between this world.

I saw the dominance in the sky, the burly man hand held the carrier's flame of the giant ax comes to the sword without double, and the giant ax in his hand is squatting.

The ax is not coming, but the hot temperature has been invaded. If it is changed to a general power, even some great emperors, at this hot temperature, I am afraid that breathing will be directly stagnant, will completely lose resistance.

However, the sword is unparalleled but has not been affected, the palm is granted, and it bares directly.


Huge fists hit together with the ax of the giant ax.

According to the truth, the sharp level of the clink of the clink, completely can cut the sword unparalleled whole arm.

But in fact, the sword is unparalleled, and the power contained on his fist has also passed to the burly man.

,, the burly man only feels a pain in his arm.

"This power ..."

With a shock, the burly man figure is first refunded, but it is close to the surrounding fire, and the burly man is covered by the flames of the flame.

Like a flame giant, this flame giant waves his huge ax again.

"Flame ax!"

" " "

Connected three axes, every way of driving endless flames, crazy waving.


The sword is unparalleled, not afraid, and the figure takes a step forward, and the right hand is also three punches.


Three big sounds, this burly man's body is far behind the way.

Half rang, he rested.

"Damn, this sky is too strong, I am a flame ax in the thirteen ax, the result can only show the weakest top three ax, if I can show the sixth ax, I can definitely put this kid. It is half a half. "The burly man is ignorant, and it is quite wronged.

As an ancient times, the strong, a battle force, the chaotic border is nothing in front of him, but now he can only play the power of the chaotic.

The limited restriction is too large, the battle is getting, naturally unhappy.


The dark hair also appeared to the burly man.

"Big brother, be careful, this sword monarch is much better than our previous information." Brunette youth.

"I know." The burly man nodded slightly, and the completion became dignified.

The sword is unparalleled with two people who have gathered together, but the face slowly reveals a smile.

"The two strengths are very good, compared to your brother's evil feathers, it is strong, and there is also qualifications to make me pull out."

Under the evil smile, the blood peak sword once again appeared in the hands of the sword.


The sword is unparalleled to start seriously.


PS: Today's four is more!

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