Task, from the beginning, whether it is to deal with the evil feathers before, there is also the killing of these two people, the sword is unparalleled to the beginning, the blood peak sword is used to show swords.

Top more only the suppression of the blood peak sword and suppress the evil feathers.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, but it is finally to show the sword.

His strength is finally going to begin.

"Big Brother, I have a bad feeling in my heart, we have to be careful." The dark hair stared at the sword and said.

"Well." The burly man nodded.

At this time, the sword in front of them is unparalleled, and it is moving.

He is just just a step in step, driving the power of endless time and space, has appeared in front of the burly man.

Subsequently, the sword is unfolded in the middle of the hands, just like the wood sword in the hands of children.

Soft, feels no power.

This sword is in the scene of some people, it is flat.

The fact is true, this is indeed very ordinary, very casual sword.

But this is such a free sword, from the sword unhappy, the nature is very different.

Space does not hinder this sword.

The burly man is sinking, but he doesn't dare to have a big idea. It is filled with the giant ax in the strong flame. It is louder, driving the endless fire sea, directly toward this sword.


A crisp, the sword is unparalleled, the blood peak sword is awkward, his wrist is awkward, the long sword is guided, the sword of the blood peeled sword, but it seems to be a long whip, suddenly chase the burly man go with.

In the sword trial tower, there is a thousand years, and the understanding of the sword is unparalleled to the sword has completely reached a new point.

Now he, the application of swordsmanship, is also far from the previous.

Like now, for him, a sword, not only single sword, can kill the enemy, even if it is a sword, a sword handle, but all the long swords can be turned into a strong offensive.

Blood peak sword leaving a bloody shadow, directly snapped up on the giant ax of the burly man.

A overbearing power, this power is big, and the burly man can't help but send a sprout, and the giant ax in the hand is almost out.

After a sword fell and fell, the sword was unparalleled, but the side of the body was immediately observed.

It is the brunette youth waving long guns, a long gun rapid, like a poisonous snake, and the sword is unparalleled.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, and the original wind is light, but with his hand, the blood peak sword slowly lifted, rumble ~~~ The sword is unparalleled in an instant to steal all the flood beasts, this The flood beasts, and there is also an explosive outbreak of the sky.

The sword is unparalleled, and the pen is straight and a sword.

In an instant, the horror flood beast flooded directly, and the endless swords of the secrets were completely shrouded in the black hair youth while defeating the brunette youth gun.

The brunette youth has changed, and the long gun is immediately waved as the air fire wheel.

Snapped! Snapped! clang! clang!

Only heard the continuous critical attack.

The many swords of Mi Mi Mi Ma Cha will be brought down by the brunette youth.

As for the huge beast, it is also slowly dissatisfactory.

After the huge beast, a body shape is gently magical, and there is still less than ten meters in front of him.

"Not good!" The brunette youth is shocked.

A scarlet sword light has already appeared before the brain of the brunette youth, the fierce Jian Feng tears the defense of the black hair youth, and the horrible power is directly through the black hair youth's body of body, His chest hole is worn, and the internal organs in the body have been shredded.

Xuanluo sword ... Blood extreme!

The brunette youth is not coming to make a miserable scream, but the eyes are already bleak.

"Second you !!!"

Before being seen by the sword, there was no double, the burly man was seen, and immediately wanted.

"Ah !!!"

The burly man made a hysterical roar, and his face was completely crazy.

Endless anger burned, the next week, the flames were completely complete for blood color, blood-like blood color.

In his eyebrow, the flame reminder, also broke out, and immediately poured from this flame imprint, and it covered the whole body.

Under these junctions, this burly man is very incomparable.

"Kill my second brother, I want you to die !!!"

The burly man stared at the sword with the endless killing scorpion, and the sword was slapped.

Rumble ~~~

"The strength becomes strong?" The sword has no double eyed is a blink. "It seems that the cost of the cost is a very secret, the power out of the short time, I am afraid that it has reached the half-step god. However, under the constraints of heaven and earth, forcibly implementing secrets, I am afraid it is not easy? "

The sword is unlocuous.

This burly man now has the secrets of the current, but the side effects are great.

Most importantly, he is only three breathing time.

Three breathing are already the limit.

"Even if you have a secret, it is just a half-step god." The sword smiled.

When I saw the burly man, he did not fear, but he didn't welcome it.

"Flame ax!"

" " " " "

Each of the five axes, each of which has endless flames, crazy.

The same trick, before the burly man can only show three ax, but now it is forcibly to show the five ax.

However, the five ax is also his limit.

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the huge ax in front of the fierce swing, but there is a dramatic flash.


Working, but also a wind, enough to destroy the horror storm of the earth.

The strikes of this storm are sufficient to take the smashing of the great power.

But this storm is just the beginning of the sword in the sword.

Moving like a wind, like a rainstorm!

The strongest blast rain in the Xuanluo sword is.

As the sword is largely improved, the power of Xuanluo swords will gradually begin to reveal.

Plus the sword is unbounded in the power of chaotic gods ...


Sword is ruthless.

Then the flames were built from half a half.

As for the five-way axes connected in the fire sea, in this sword ... Hey!!!!!

The sound of the five impact sounded, and the war ax in the burly man was flying directly.

"How can it be?"

The burly man is full of eyes and is incredible.

However, the sword has already appeared in front of him, and the endless venous rainstorm will be overwhelmed.

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