The sword is unparalleled.

The next thing, he certainly knows.

This world was banned by the big array. It is completely isolated from the Taijie Shenjie. The many strong people who have been left until the gods, including the seven-star Xuanzong, and suffer from hitting, plus the big array restriction, so that it has to fall into sleep, so There is an ancient times collapsed.

Subsequently, it is well known.

This world is limited and bigger, and the heavens and the earth are getting thinner and less thin, and the strong is getting less and less, and then continuing to develop the first era, and the current era.

"Who is you can know that the big array of the big array before?" The sword did not ask.

"That strongman means, not on the Lord of the Holy Genting, as for his origin, I didn't know, but I heard the God of God's Day, this person was named Xuan Yi." Sword two.

The sword is unparalleled.

Xuan Yi!

His master is a mysterious one.

And when he asked the sword, the sword also said that there was a tenth day to launch a big array, and the many strong people in the ancient times were severely hit, and the strong is also called Xuanyi.

"That big mark is a teacher to arrange?" The sword was unbolded.

He is very clear about terrible of the big array.

It is that big array, and the life will completely isolate this world.

There is countless in the gods in the gods, but you can't bother this world.

And this world, there is a great world limit, that is, because there is the existence of the big array!

"No wonder, no wonder I originally in the blood emperor, in the last jiguo, I can transfer the power of this world under the end, and directly increase the limitations of the blood." The sword is unmainted.

The limitations of this world is the mysterious.

Everything is derived from that big array.

Xuan Yi is the creator of the big array, naturally can drive the big array.

The sword has no doubles, but also in his mind, there is a picture of a picture.

This picture is exactly his ancient picture seen in the dry wind, in the intracranial.

Among the ancient pictures, the master of the hosted head, that is, the vigorous man, is to be siegeed by countless strong, and is forced to have a desperate situation.

But in the desirable situation, he still did not yield, and finally showed a big means to collapse the heavens and the earth.

That picture ... Give the sword unparalleled feel like the scene of the final battlefield in the second of the sword.

The means of the vigorous man is very likely to start the Tongtian Dam.

If this is true, then the body of the man ...

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled, there is no more thinking.

"Sword, since you got news, say three thousandjobs later, the sky will be opened with a heaven and earth passage, let you return to the gods, now the ancient times, the ancient times, I should wish More than your brother? "The sword is unparalleled.

"It is definitely more than not." The two nodded, "but how many people in the end wake up, I don't know."

The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is faintly.

Now he, in this era is indeed standing at the top, it is absolutely invincible.

But in front of those far-reaching, there is nothing wrong with it. If this sky is suppressed too much, the ancient strong people can't play all the power, the sword is unparalleled in front of these ancient people, and it is afraid that it is even. Not on.

However, even if he is limited by great heavens and the earth, the power of the ancient times is still unpredictable.

I took a deep breath, but the sword was unparalleled, but I took out an item.

"White Emperor." The sword is unparalleled to the Bai Emperor.

"The sword is unparalleled, what is it for me?" Bai Di also sent back quickly.

"I just came back from the Zhenwu God to the territory, where I met the power of ancient times." The sword is unparalleled.

"The strong man in ancient times? Do you have encountered it?" Bai Emperor sank.

"" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

"The news is inconvenient, so that you will come to Zetusi Island, let's study it again." Bai Di Road.

"Good." The sword has no double heart.

Then he immediately drove the spacecraft to the strain.

In the way, in addition to inquiring the two questions about the second question of the Secrets, he also took a part of the time, exploed the sword and his two brothers.

After all, it is a strong person left from the ancient times, and the treasures they have are natural.

One revolution, the sword is indeed indeed a lot of good things, like the soldiers, the three people quit, the god soldiers exceed dozens, each piece is the real price of chaotic gods, even the body There are several pieces, value and its extraordinary.

The secret surgery, there are many, full of eight-door complete secrets, and the power is extremely good, but unfortunately there is no sword without double.

As for other treasures, it is relatively rare.

It is a genius of genius, or a medicinal medicine.

These strong people left from the ancient times, whether they are sleeping, or now, it is necessary to maintain their realm, they need a lot of genius the auxiliary, which can be used naturally, this is also The two brothers of the swords, the reason why staying in the true martial arts education, and the true cause of the Zhenwu Shenqi will collect resources for them.

There are also many harvests after a changing point.

Although these things are unparalleled, they are left to Qinglun, but they are absolutely good, especially the eight complete secrets, any one is extremely good, and it is very large for one part. Like one of the refining mystery, although there is no more antiques with swords, there is no better body motion, but many of the body's secrets circulating in the chaotic world have much powerful.

This secret, the sword is not paid to the first time, and the break is also very happy.

After he simply explored, he would know that this secret surgery is very useful.

Not long after, the sword is unparalleled with He break.

He breaks back to the stars, and the sword is unparalleled to come to the Zernse Island.

True Island, Santa Treach.

This holy party is the location of the Shengshi's highest level meeting, but now there is only one of the white emperors.

When the sword is unparalleled in the Holy Tiande, the white emperor immediately looked over.

"Well? Breakth?"

The white emperor looked at the sword.

He can notice that the breath of the sword has a huge change.

This change is only possible to achieve the ultimate stage in the second stage of the seventh step.

There is no doubt that swords have broken.

"How can it be so fast?" Bai Emperor was shocked.

He is also reversible, very clearly refurbished from the second phase of the seventh step, and how difficult it is to break through the ultimate stage.

The power required, but it is incredible.

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