Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2233 Black Dragon

It is to know that when Bai Di is in the first era, it has reached the second phase of the seventh step.

It can be known that the first era collapse, he has not truly entered the ultimate stage of the seventh step, or continue to have a long time, after a period of birth in the second era, he finally broke through.

It can be said that in order to break through this stage, he broke the whole era, I didn't know how many years, I didn't know how many genius treasures, I finally saved the trend of the body to breakthrough conditions.

Can the sword are unparalleled?

He reaches the second stage, or he doesn't have to reach the seventh step of the reverse repair?

But he has broken through the ultimate stage of the seventh step.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have improved this progress, you can really envy." Bai Emperor admired.

"Oh, good luck." The sword is unparalleled.

Chain Emperor, "The Harm, He has been very unable to get very much."

In his opinion, if there is no very good, the sword is unparalleled, it can't break the breakthrough.

And the fact is true.

However, the Bai Emperor is clear, but it is not intended to ask more.

"You said before you met the strong people in ancient times, talk about what happened to see it?" Bai Di stepped into the topic.

The sword is not hesitant, and he has said that he has simply narrowed himself in the true martial arts teaching.

"Triple, is it a strong force in the ancient times?" Bai Di is watching, "What is the three now?"

"I killed two, and one was controlled by my soul to my sword." The sword is not concealed.

When I heard this, the white emperor was surprised, but it will be relieved soon.

When there is no breakthrough in the ultimate stage, the sword is extremely strong, and now it is in that step ... Bai Emperor is very clear, how big is the overall strength of the overall stage, the current sword is unparalleled, it is indeed destroyed The ability to kill the ancient times.

"White Emperor, you said a word also. What happened? In addition to me, someone else has encountered a strong in ancient times?"

"Well." White Emperor nodded.

"Suspected?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The reason is suspected, because it can't be completely affirmation, after all, the glass did not truly truly with the person, it is exactly that she wants to make a hand, but unfortunately, the other side just read her, so she lost the courage to take. According to glazed himself, the man gave her feeling, very terrible, terrible to she think she will be immediately killed by each other, there is no struggle. "Bai Di Road.

"Oh?" The sword picked up with no sidebrows.

The strength of the glazed emperor him knows that although only the first level of the big emperor, but in the first level of the big emperor is a top.

Such a big emperor, if she is just a second-level big emperor, never even the courage of the shot.

The other party gives her so feeling, it is clear that the other party must be a great emperor who has reached the third level, and in the third level, it is very weak, it is likely to reach the top of the third level, strength Strong, the two brothers who are unbearable in the sword.

"I know this, I also personally look for a glass to ask, asked her to a judgment, she said that the person gave her feel, it was very very close to me." Bai Emperor said.

"That is not wrong, it is definitely ancient people." The sword is unparalleled.

Now the everlan chaotic world, standing on the highest level is the sword unparalleled and the white emperor.

In addition to his two, there is no existence of the third level of the big emperor.

This is also too serious in the second era of heavens and the earth, and it is difficult to have a third-level big emperor.

In this case, suddenly there is a powerful force that is extremely hard to be close to the White Emperor, and there is only one explanation, the other party comes from ancient times.

"We also think that the man is an ancient power, but it is not completely determined, so he only said suspicion, but fortunately the person did not deal with the glass, and did not pick up in the glazed land, my Holy League I haven't been too much. "White Emperor said.

The sword is unparalleled.

An ancient power of such a war, as long as there is nothing in the world's chaotic world, the St. League is not active to provoke, and go to the enemy.

Like the Emperor of the original, no one knows what he wants to do, but his strength is in that, as long as he does not take the initiative to be enemy, the Shengling will not be able to provoke, even if the Emperor is 13 Wancha There is a killing in the world, as long as it is not too much, the range is too big, the Shengle is estimated to be closed, one eye is closed.

"In addition to the strong people who saw the ancient times seen in glazing, in more than 30 years ago, there was a thing in the holy land of Red Dragon." Bai Di Road.

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It's a city, a large number of cultivars in a city, disappeared directly, only left the chill, the chill, the whole city, the whole city is covered with a layer of ice." Bai Emperor Solemn said, "This matter has a small wind wave in the Holy Land in Red Dragon, but he is not cared at the beginning of the Holy Land of Red Dragon, but later, there are two cities, plus one party. Zongmen, encountered the same means. "

"Red Long has finally paid, and with his tracing, and some spider silk, he finds that there is also a paradise of the three in the world, and the other beast is a black.. "

"Black Dragon?" The sword didn't have a double look, but the bottom has risen a familiarity.

"Later, it was five years ago, when the black dragon was in a city, Naton got a message in time, and held his black dragon, but the result ... Red Dragon was black The dragon is seriously injured, and even almost die in the black dragon. "Bai Emperor said.

The sword is unparalleled.

King of Red Dragon, he used to rank the second big emperor on the heaven and earth, although his ranking is still much behind, but he still has the second level of the great strength.

Can King's black dragon on the black dragon, but almost killed?

That black dragon, the strength is so much?

"White Emperor, the King of Red Dragon, there is a mirror picture with the black dragon?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, it is Red Dragon to record himself." White Emperor said, taking an enormature.

As Bai Emperor moves, a large mirror picture appears in front of the sword.

And see the scenes in the picture, the sword has no double eyeliner.

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