Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2234, the first era, the cause of collapse (on)

"Sure enough, it!"

The sword is unparalleled. It is not hidden in the hands, and there is also a sputum on the body.

"The sword is unparalleled, have you seen this black dragon?" White Emperor asked.

"I have seen it, of course, I have seen it."

The sword is unparalleled in front of the front of the black dragon, the black dragon is huge, and its blood is in the blood, and the cold is in the air, it is enough to easily Energy is chemical as an ice sculpture.

Looking at this black dragon, the sword is unparalleled. I can't help but think of many years ago, when the deepest in the Vatican Sea.

There, he once saw this exactly the same black dragon!

"Since the black dragon has already appeared, the ancient power behind it, it is estimated that it has been awakened, and it is in the holy land of Red Dragon." The sword was unmainted.

"The sword is unparalleled, you said that behind this black dragon, there is an ancient power?" Bai Emperor frowned.

In the picture, the black dragon is extremely terrible. No strong powerful third-level number is not able to compete with it, and behind it, there is an ancient powerful?

"White Emperor, I just said, I have seen this black dragon, and I know his origin." The sword didn't do it.

"Vatican? This black dragon, from the Vatican Hai?" Bai Di is shocked.

"As far as I know, the Vatican is in the sea, at least, the two disturbances, one of them is called a star, should be the seven-star Xuanzong camp, and I also have wake up, even if I woke up, I will not endanger me. Oh, there is one person, it is the owner of this black dragon, but another camp, and from this black dragon action, its owner is not good to me. "Sword has no pair .

Bai Di also nodded.

"I met a strong man in ancient times before the glass, now there is one in the holy place in Red Dragon, plus the three people you have encountered by the sword. It seems that there are many strong people in the ancient times. I wake up. Ah. "White Emperor said.

"There are a lot of, and this is because they all have received the news, 3900 years later, in the end of the sky, some people will open a heaven and earth channel, let them return to their hometown, Great God The world! "The sword said unparalleled.

"The gods of the gods? It seems that you have already known?" Bai Emperor looked at the sword, but did not feel unfamiliar with the generosity of the gods.

The sword nodded.

"At the beginning of the gods, all the origins of all the origins." White Emperor is amazed, but his gaze has become long, "connecting the Tiandi channel of the Taijie Shenjie, and finally have to be opened again?"

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled, "Bai Emperor, listen to you, Mo, Tiandi channel, once hit it once?"

Bai Emperor silent for a moment, spinning, "Yes, in a long time, the first time, the same period of the world, the heavens and the earth passages connected to the Taijie gods were turned on, and it was also in the sky."

The sword is not a double eye.

"The sword is unparalleled, you also know, I have left behind the first era, then you can know how the first era crashes?" Bai Emperor suddenly.

There is no double eyeliner, but the head of the next consciousness.

He has learned from the sword, and he has learned that the ancient times collapsed, that is because the power of the Taijie Shenjie attacks the seven-star gods, which leads to the seven-star god domain collapsed.

However, the first era of the ancient times, the sword is unparalleled, but I don't know how the first era crashed.

"Is it related to the heaven and earth passage of the sky?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, that is, that heaven and earth channel." Bai Di said.

"In the first era, the sky, the heaven and earth passage was opened, and there was no in ancient times, and the other end of the heaven and earth channel, that is, there is a big force in the generic god. Kill it. "

"What?" The sword is unpalarped.

"Yes." Bai Di doned, then said: "After this strong person came, the space channel was closed again, and next, this batch of strong began to sweep the first era. "

"Bloody sweep?" The sword was unbolded.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should also know the reason of the ancient times, you know the origin of this world! Yes, the world we are in this world, it was originally the seven star gods."

"You can know, although the seven-star gods have been completely collapsed, but it is undeniable that this world is still from the seven-star gods, we are also the cultivator born in the seven-star domain! And the first generosity The situation is to kill the seven-star domain, which is to hold the purpose of all the cultivators in the seven-star domain. "

"Now this batch is in the first era, will you let us go?"

"They have to extract all the first era of countless cultivars, and then in the same intention with the strong people in the Taijiede, the banned this world is broken, and then it will sleep in this world. Many strong people wake up, kill the people, all of them, etc., it is equivalent to erase the seven-star Xuanzong and Qixing Shenwei. "

The sword has no double eyeliner.

Fully remove the traces of seven-star Xuanzong, completely remove the seven-star gods ...

The sword is unparalleled, and the strong people in the gods are really a hot.

"The first era of time, more powerful than the second era, and the first era of stood in the highest level, and naturally I naturally got the purpose of this batch of power, so ... Wars began!" Bai Di continued to say.

"From the strong people who have come to the gods, the minimum is the chaotic god, one of the war, but fortunately, after they arrived in this world, they also received the limitations of the big array, still played the power of the great strength. Many cultivators in my first era, I have a struggle. "

"That battle, countless top practitioners in the first era are all together, and the big battle that has grown in the Taijie Shenjie has grown up five days and five nights. The sword is unparalleled. You are afraid to imagine that one. How is the battle? It is more tragic than the final decisive battle with the three emperors. "

"Especially in the end, many culturally practitioners in the first era have went to success, or burned the soul, or self-burst, did not hesitate to fight with all the costs, and fight to the last border, fight to the end, both parties are The result of the same as the same. "

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