Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2235 The cause of collapse of the first era (below)

"Is the same?" Sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, that battle is the consequences of the same, the first era countless cultivator, many emperors almost died on that battle, the first era also collapsed, but the batch of strong people from the Taijie gods, In the first era, many strong people were dead, and they were almost dead. There was only three people to survive. "Bai Demodo.

"Three people? These three don't ..." The sword is unparalleled.

"It seems that you have already guessed, no mistakes are the blood emperor, burn, dust, magic, three people." Bai Di Road.

"It's really ah." The sword was unparalleled.

He has always thought that the blood emperor, burned, dust and rain, three people were also in the ancient war, they were falling into sleep, just the three old ancient powerful people who wake up in advance.

But I didn't expect that these three were not sleeping at all in ancient times.

Perhaps they have been involved in the ancient war, but obviously they escaped in advance until the first era passed that heaven or earth.

"These three people have lived from the first era, but they have not stopped, but start to expand their forces, preparing for the future wars, this has the birth of the three emperors, bloody door, Huangquan Palace, as for him three The strength of people has always been maintained through a large amount of resources, which makes the realm of not falling. "Bai Di said.

The sword has no double, but it has become more daring with his face. "Since the last day of the world is open, there is a batch of strong people from the Taijie Shennian, that is, will not have a strong ? "

"This is what I am worried." Bai Emperor low Shen said: "The first era, the strong is like a cloud, facing the strong people from the gear of the gods, but can only fight for the same, and this era Chaos World Structure is far less than the first era, and before, I have experienced a battle with the three imperial camps, and the vitality has not been completely restored. In this way, if it is too early to fall again, I will fall in a group of strong people, I am chaotic world Can't live at all! "

The sword is not very ugly.

He is very clear about how great the vast chaotic world with the first era gap.

Don't look at the elder chaotic world has him, the white emperor is from the high strength, but if it is facing a large number of the third-level emperor, he is afraid to have a way with the white emperor.

"Don't worry first, we have three tens of hundred years, and then, it is still not sure whether they will come again." The sword is unparalleled, but the arrogance is a message. .

"The Emperor 13 people are one of the top strong people in the ancient times, and I know more about the big array of this world, I will ask him first."

"The Emperor Thirteen Migrants." When the sword is unparalleled to the Emperor 13.

"Is there something?" The Emperor is so fast, but the sound is still the cold.

"This is the case." The sword has no double will be 3900 years later, the sky will open a heaven and earth channel, and there are many distant people who wake up, and the Emperor is said to be said, and the sword is unparalleled. The current situation in the world of chaotic world.

"Tiandi channel?" Emperor thirteen sinks, directly back to the stream: "About this Tiandi channel, you don't have to worry, this world is not as simple as you think, if it is the first era of the original The old guys in the gods, you can also find ways to open the space channel, and send a batch of strong people coming in, then with the big array to the present, it is getting more and more powerful that day, the big array is also more Come over. "

"Now, the gods, even if the old guys join hands, I am afraid I have to need some toburous assistance, and I can barely open a heaven and earth channel, and this Tiandi channel continues will never be too long, top More just a moment of kung fu, as for re-dispatch the strong to enter this world, but dream! "

The Emperor thirteen's crucifix is ​​obviously absolutely confident.

Wen said, the sword is unparalleled and easy.

"The Emperor 13 people are in the gods, they are standing in the top super strong, and the big array of this world is also the most, since he dares to say, then there is no problem, 3,900 The heaven and earth passage opened later will not have a strong from the Taijie Shenjie. "The sword said unparalleled.

"So is so good." Bai Emperor exposed the color of the big joy, "As long as there is no power of the first gods, then we need to cope with the ancient times that I have just woke up, and these ancient times strong , I am afraid that there are a lot of busy thinking about maintaining their realm, I don't fall, I really will take advantage of me the chaotic world, not too much, we will pay more, and it is also relaxed. "

"Well." The sword is unparalleled.

The gods did not have the strong, just the batch of strong in ancient times, with the power of the chaotic world, may still be very difficult, but it is not impossible, after all, in this world, sword is unparalleled With the war of Bai Di, it is almost invincible.

Unless the other party has an amazing power like the Emperor 13.

However, the battle in the ancient times, the strength is sufficient to compare the Emperor 13th, after the outbreak, it should escape this world in time, still stay here, according to the sword, there is no double estimate, the top is more The blood of the emperor is the strong.

If the blood emperor is helping to help the Burden of the Burge, its combat power is also a half-step god, and the sword is unparalleled with Bai Emperor should be payable.

The sword is unparalleled and the white emperor is still discussing.

But at this time ...

"Well?" The white emperor suddenly moved.

"What's wrong?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It is Chi Long, he just sent me, the black dragon in his holy land, and this time, a lot of cultivators in a city disappeared, although I have told Jiujing Sheng The Lord got to help him before the god, but even if he rely on his three people, it may not be able to resist the black dragon, let alone the ancient power behind this dragon. "Bai Di Road.

"Say, with the three people want to stop this black dragon, it is impossible, want to really stop it, or kill this dragon and the ancient power behind it, you must you I personally shot. "The sword has no double.

"In this case, then we will do it now." Bai Di Road.


The sword nodded.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled with the White Emperor to immediately go to the holy land of Red Dragon.


PS: Today's four is more.

It is recommended that the old book "Wuji Cang" "Rebirth of the Sky", the brothers of the book, can go see.

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