Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2237 appears

"This is ... The third level of the big emperor?"

I found that the stunned, Jiu Hao Lord, King, and the three people in the sword.

The third level of the big emperor, now in the world, in addition to the sword unparalleled and Bai Emperor, the highest level of the second level is the second level.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, and it is actually a third-level big emperor?

"His name is the sword, in the pre-control of my soul, I am seriously injured, I have been seriously injured, and now the state has not returned to the peak, but even if I can only play more than 70% of the battle, it is the third level. Plus the sword and the three, single entanglement of the black dragon should be enough, but you have to be a disturbed man behind the dragon. "The sword has no double.

"Understand." The three people threpered.

The sword is unparalleled to let the sword arrive at the Holy Land, when everything is ready, everyone starts acting.

They sold three roads, sitting on the three sizes of the holy land of the town.

After all, the Red Dragon is a big holy place, the territory is extremely vast, but a team only needs to take into account 30% of the territory, and it is slightly more easily.

In addition, the various space insect caves are also everywhere in the Holy Land, and the three squads occupy the three largest spatial worm holes, waiting there, and the Red Dragon King has already submitted, and the Dragon is in the holy land. Dachers, including some real gods, have been submitted, especially those who stayed in the city all the year.

However, in Fancheng, there was a change in the city. He saw a black dragon appeared, or there was a cold and smooth swept, and asked them to tell the team, and the squad of the territory will rush with the fastest speed, although this is not necessarily You can guarantee that the black dragon is caught in the fastest speed, and the chance to catch it is much higher.

The sword is unparalleled. They are waiting quietly.

This is still waiting for how long it is just three years, the black dragon will appear again, and it is also attacking a city, and the city is just in the territory of swords and unparalleled towns. Communication, immediately rushing the fastest speed.

However, he is still slightly slow, when he rushed to the city, the black dragon just left soon, the sword was unparalleled.

I looked at the city that was covered with a layer of frost, and there was no sound, the sword was unparalleled to shook his head.

After two years, the black dragon once again appeared again, and there was still the territory of swords and unparalleled, but the sword was unparalleled or not.

Subsequently, only one year, the black dragon appeared in the sword, the sword two they were guarded, but the results were the same.

Since the sword without double them, this black dragon has already appeared three times, hitting three cities, and swords were unparalleled, but they did not catch up in time.

"Three times, I have lost three times." Red Dragon king couldn't help but sigh.

"There is no way, a holy territory is too large, I have been divided into three-way territory, and I can reach various cities as soon as possible through space worm holes, but those spatial worm holes are not directly arrived. It has to be transformed, which is certainly delayed. "The Jiu Han is helpless.

"Don't worry, although it has been lost three times, but these three black dragons are lucky, just far from us, but I don't believe that this black dragon's luck can always be so good." White Emperor said .

Red King is also looking back.

Indeed, a single person in front of the King of Red Dragon, and also met the black dragon, and it also followed everything.

Now they are divided into three teams, and the chance of caught the black dragon is even greater, but it still needs a certain luck.

"Right, have you found that the appetite of the black dragon is getting bigger and bigger." The sword was unparalleled.

"Of course, it has found it once a few years, and it has been once in five years. It has once again, and now it is only one year, it seems to be again, it seems that it is completely like these cultivation. The taste of the person. "Red Dragon.

"Hey, the sooner the appetite, the sooner, wait, how long, I will knock it down, soup!" Bai Di rushed.

A few high-rise strong people in the Shengling, the two swords of the swords and the swords, continue to wait in the three territories in the Holy Land in Red Dragon.


A vast plain.

This plain is boundless, and you can't see it.

In this plain, a cold man wearing a black armor, in the past.

His pace is very slow, and there is a branch to do a cane in his hand, and it seems difficult look.

And on the shoulders of this cold man, there is a black snake.

Confident, this black snake is covered with dark scales, and there is a small sharp corner on the forehead.


The little snake spit out of the core to make a cooler sound.

The pace of cold man is not a meal, and Yu Guang glanced at the black little snake.

"How long does it take? The belly is hungry?" The cold man smiled casually.

In the black snake on the shoulder, the eyes are exposed to the luster of the elderly.

"Okay, let me know that you have a long time before, so, these years, let you eat enough, there will be a cultivator in front of the front, go, go, come back early. "The cold man told him.

The black snake excitedly made a whispering sound, and then immediately spread from the cold man's shoulder, and the small body is directized to a lightning, and a city nearby.

The cloudy man saw this scene, laughing, did not continue to go forward, but in the original site, sit down and closed his eyes, it seems to be waiting.

After just a moment, the black snake has appeared before a nearby giant city.

That city is very large in many times in the Red Long Holy Land, the number of cultivars is more, and there are also many strong people, and even the city is hidden in the existence of a large energy.

Looking at the city in front of the city, this black little snake eye is a color of exciting.

follow closely……

! ! !

This original smaller black snake, his body is immediately soaring at the speed of terror.

Only instantaneous, quietly, for a huge ancient dragon, it all over the black scales, exudes the emerald, and a bloody mouth slowly opened, revealing the two sharp and emerson of the elderly.

Tightly followed, a horrible cold in front of the city swept.

The whole city is vibrating.

And the sword waiting for the Holy Land in Red Dragon is also got immediately.

That black dragon has appeared again.

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