Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2238 White Emperor

"What happened again? Just half a year!"

The sword did not know the news in the first time, and also know that the black dragon is located.

A vulgar star chart, appearing in front of the sword.

"Shenfeng City, here." The sword is unparalleled to the star map, "It is in the territory of the White Emperor, and the location of the white emperor is not far from the Shenfeng City, only need Convert two space insect caves, it is enough to get it there without semi-needle. "

"Half for half a clock ..."

Half slow time, it is very long for a killing.

But the black dragon will swallow all the cultivars in the whole of the Shenfeng City, and it will still take time.

"It should be."

The sword is unparalleled and handsome, he also immediately settled in the Shenfeng City.

However, he is too far away from the Shenfeng City. Even if you rush through the space insect cave, the middle need to constantly convert the space insect cave, it takes a lot of time. If he is waiting for him, it must be too late.

Therefore, you can only rely on Bai Emperor.

The Bai Di naturally went to Shenfeng City with the fastest speed in the first time.

That huge Shenfeng City, with the sky, the whole city is completely covered by the frost in short megadownload megadownload megadownload megadownload.

There are countless cultivars in the city, notice that the crisis begins to flee crazy, but they flee the speed of the cold and the speed of the cold.

In the end, these practitioners were swept through the chilly, and they were born for ice sculptures.

Including the big energy hidden in Shenfeng City, there is no power to resist.

After that, the black dragon once again opened its bloody mouth, this time there was no chill, and some were just a horrible phagocytic force.

The swallowing force is moving towards the whole city, and countless cultivators that have already turned into ice sculptures in the city are not from their mouth.

Surprisingly, many buildings in the city, but there is no movement.

This black dragon, obviously only swallowing practitioners.

A city, an endless cultivator, but a moment, it has been swallowed by it, and it is still swallowing.

But at this time ...


In the hidden space in the Shenfeng City, the light of the shiny light, and a shape across the space insect cave and immediately appeared on the top of the city.

Looking at the surrounding city, the black dragon who was swallowed in the city of Zhang, a bloody, and the white emperor immediately had a hemity and killing.


A low drink, the white emperor is also a shake, actually there is a black dragon.

I am forgetting to swallow the black dragon of the cultivator, and I will have some observed. When the cold scorpion flashes a different color, can follow it, the horrible phases disappeared, and the replacement is one The shares were shocking.

This chill, covered, once covered, I am afraid that the general emperor has to be frozen immediately into ice sculptures.

The second level of the emperor, under the chill, the top can also barely self-insurance.

But now, this black dragon is facing, but it is the white emperor! !

Get it to the powerful white emperor of the Outdoor Chaotic World, although the sword is now unparalleled, the overall strength may have exceeded the White Emperor, but he did not shot in front of the Chinese people, so I didn't threaten the Bai Di. The status of the power.


A cold snort, like thunderous fiercely fried in the world.

The pound of golden power, the vast sweeps, in an instant, for a huge golden power of oceans.

This golden power is crazy, almost destroying the chill of the black dragon in the black dragon mouth.

White Emperor is in the heart of the golden power of the ocean. His right hand is fierce, and the endless golden power is in his hand.


A lot of punches suddenly bombard.

That black dragon did not know the terrible of the white emperor. At this moment, it was a big mouth, showing the sharp ​​, biting the white emperor, obviously intended to bite the white emperor directly.


A big sound, followed by a slap, as if it is a burst of explosion.

Bai Emperor condensed a punch of the majesty, just bombarded one of the black dragons, the horrible power almost instantly bombed the black dragon's , black dragon The scream, there is a lot of blood in the wound in his mouth.

The huge body of the black dragon has been flying away. After the stability is stabilized, it is rare in the scorpion.

Obviously, under a punch, it still understands the terrible of this human cultivator in front of him.

call out!

Without any hesitation, this black dragon's huge body is immediately turned into a black stream, and the rear is going to flee.

"If you want to escape? Which is easy?"

The white emperor is cold, and the power of the body will explode. Then, it has filled the extremely distant distance of the golden power of the sea, the scope of the diffuses has also risen again, and the black dragon is completely covered, and the golden power is in the ocean. A golden big hand stretched out, from the four-sided eight parties to the black dragon.

If you have a black dragon tail, you have a black dragon, and you also have four claps ...

In short, the golden palm is crazy, and the huge power pulls it and does not give it an opportunity to escape.

"Hey!" "Hey!"

The black dragon made a crazy roaring, and the snoring did not stand with an angry, with a fear.

Obviously, this black has already perceived the life and death crisis, and it is now crazy, it is rescued.

Sure enough, after it sounded.

It is a cold man who is waiting for the black armor who is sitting quietly from the place where the Zhenfeng is not far away.

"not good!!"

The cold man burst into good mandies, but immediately got up and got it up, and the front of the front of the front.

Previously, this cold man walks step by step in this plain, slow speed, but now his speed broke out, but it is incredible.

Shenfeng City.

White Emperor killing, under the sweep of the vast golden power, the black dragon did not escape the opportunity, while the white emperor was a time, the horrible power was crazy, these attacks, the black dragon did not resist It can only be resistant to the body of the dragon.

However, it is strong, but it is not a peak state. After all, the attack of the white emperor is strong, only several attacks, this black dragon has been hit hard, scar is tired.

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