Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2239, penalty!

", dead!"

Baili did not have a whit, and the Black dragon was unbearable once, and the black dragon was painful. Obviously it has reached the limit.

But at this time ...


A bursting, suddenly fried in this world.

Then, a strange black beam came to, this black beam is holding a strong destruction, and a golden big hand of the binding black dragon will be opened.

Without the pulling of the golden big hands, the black dragon recovered actions, and the excitement, and its huge shape was immediately going to the source of the burst.

There, wearing a black armor's cold man, at this moment, it is gloomy and terrible, and it has a shackles in his body.

This suffocating is enough to make the general practitioners as the cold.

"Finally appeared?"

When I saw it, the white emperor did not feel unexpected.

He learned from the sword unparalleled that this black dragon had an existence of ancient power. There is no doubt that this is a cold man is the ancient power.

", ~~~"

The black dragon has appeared next to the cold man, showing the appearance of the grievance.

The cold man looked at the black dragon, looked at the scars of the black dragon, especially the broken ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"I dare to make black scales to è, you are looking for it!"

The cold man is full of endless killing, looking directly to the white emperor.


The white emperor is a laugh, covering the golden power of the whole world, and the sky is covered with this cold man.

After the white emperor, a huge and stunned golden shadow appeared in the air.

This golden imaginary shadow, high nine thousand nine thousand feet, exudes Herch God.

In the moment, the white emperor has a mess.


The cloudy man is also a step, across the rush, there is an endless suffocation, and an instant formed a huge calm vortex, this is a sharp swirl moment, as if it is swallowing the land, the golden power of the ocean, but everything There is approaching, and it is immediately embarrassed to swallow.

In the blink of an eye, the cold man with the white emperor, he hit the void in the center of the Shenfeng City.

Both people did not use the soldiers, and they were just a fist.

But his two fists contain the horror power of the earth and destroyed, and collided directly.

Pong! ! !


Endless power is destroyed from the surrounding.

A ripple of terrorism impact is even more swept to each corner.

The ripple sweeps, and the void is collapsed.

Under his second, that huge gods, countless palaces, lofts and even pieces of crims, all were crushed into powder.

A collision, this great city has no disappearance.

In the center of these two terrorist power.

It was originally a warm man who was shocking, but looked up, and some of the white emperors in front of it.

I don't blame him.

It is really because of the power of the other party's fists, strong amazing.

It is obviously more than his fist.

boom! ! !

Heaven and earth roar.

This cold man's entire body is going out.

From the center of Shenfeng, all the way to the Shenfeng City, and finally stopped.

When he stood stabilized, he couldn't help but look at his right hand, his right hand is still a numbness, and the bones inside are even more hidden.

"Good power, this force, distance from chaotic god, is very close."

The cold man is immediately downs. He looked at the white emperor, Shen Wei, and finally opened. "If this is not guess, you should be the white emperor?"

In his opinion, now in this era, there is only the strongest white emperor, which can explode this level of power.

"It is me." Bai Di also recognized directly.

Seeing the other party acknowledging that the color of the cold man has become ugly.

He is the strong man of ancient times, and in ancient times, it is absolutely superior to the character.

But there is a lot of restrictions in this world, and he doesn't play much war, so that it is only a white emperor of this era, and there is also some kind of jealous .

Not to mention the collision, but also fully prove that this white emperor is indeed invincible in this era.

Even if he is, I am afraid it only has a default.

Thinking of this, this is cold man spit, cold tone, "Today's things, this is a loss, black scales, we will go!"

This is obviously not intended to be entangled with Bai Emperor.

As for the injury of the black dragon, although he is extremely angry, he will not let it go.

However, he wants to go, the white emperor will not be as wishing him.

"Want to go? Which is so easy?"

The white emperor is cold, and the voice is falling, the golden power of the sky is actually swept again.

This scene is undoubtedly completely irritating the cold man.

"Bai Emperor, this seat is no longer more than you hurt me, you have to be aggressive, really when you are afraid of you!" The cold man angry.

If you put it in ancient times, he can play a good fight against the peak, like the goods like Bai Emperor, there is nothing in his eyes, don't say the white emperor, even the real chaotic god is just Ants.

Now, in the face of an antite, he has made a concession, and the other party is not willing to give it?

The white emperor was too lazy to talk to him, and he saw that he was in the blunt, followed by the original madness, the golden power of the surrounding, but he gathered in the moment, endless golden power covered him. His figure is also directly skyrocketing at this moment, soaring to ten feet.

And his ten feet highly bordered, surrounded by a rich golden ray.

This layer of gold is like a good golden armor. After the appearance, the white emperor has already strong enough at this moment, it has risen again.

"Is this a nine star A?" The cold man brows.

But after this is there, it did not end this. I saw that the white emperor had a high golden shadow of 933,000 feet, and a vast breath swept away, and there was no light flash. This golden vain is complete. Staring, turning into a golden emperor.

This golden emperor is watching, overlooking everything.

"Is this?" The cold man has a change in the face, and the death is staring at the huge golden emperor. He has recognized this secret of the Baili.

"It's a penalty!"


PS: Today's four is more!

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