Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2244 does not die

"Haha, there are very many people, it seems that the attraction of a god Ni Dan is really not small."

"That is, don't look at who's hand, that is the big man."

"People from the sacred border, the hand is not big."

Twenty-seating chaotic gods will laugh at will.

When they came, I already know this purpose.

At this time, a man in a purple hair shirt also appeared within the cave.

When this purple man appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of all chaotic gods.

Although it is limited by the heavens and the earth, these chaotic gods can still be immediately induced by the purple man, which has surpassed the chaotic god.

"Chen Qi, is the seven people!"

"The seven people have come."

There are several chaotic gods to recognize people, and the look is immediately congratulating.

Then, when I came to the Dongfu, I just called the chaotic god in front of him, but I didn't speak.

Not long after, the old man wearing a black armor appeared in front of everyone.

" !"

"Meet people!"

These chaotic gods immediately respectfully, even if it is the seven, although there is no respect, but they don't dare to be proud.

"People who come from invited, are you here?" The old man strangely gave a look at everyone.

"Go back to the big people, all promised, have arrived, a total of 23 chaotic gods, and the seven people have arrived." That Chu River said.

The old strange nodded.

Twenty-three chaotic gods ... These chaotic gods have strong strength, strong can play the trial of the third level of the top of the third level, and weak, only the third The grade combat is even more, it is the third level.

Now the ancient chaotic world, in the Shengshi, the third-level number of the third level of the big force, only the white emperor is unparalleled with the sword.

But now, they gathered the twenty-third level of the third level of the third level of the enemy, plus the Chu River, and that is twenty-four.

In addition, there are still two or two people, and the peak period is over the chaotic god. Now in the heavens and the earth, the combination of the two can reach the half-step god level.

This lineup is sufficient to call it horrible.

"Chen Qi, thank you this time, this person, this seat will be remembered." The old man went to Chen Zi one.

Chen seven nodded, never talk.

"As for you ..." The old bounter also looked at this group of chaotic gods in front of him. Since this is already promised, she will never lose, wait until the god of the gods, this seat will give you Each person is a god of Ni Dan. "

These chaotic gods are not surprised.

They all know the strange background of the , and I believe that the will not lose.

"Okay, let's talk about this time our purpose." The ,, He killed this seat, this seat is not dead !!! "

These chaotic gods in the scene are all a hi.

"Mr. Dai." Chen Qi suddenly opened.

At the scene, the chaotic gods respectfully called the old monsters for adults, and only Chen seven. Because it is in the same level, it can live in the same level.

"The purpose of your line, I also know when I came, but I think you want to revenge for your mount, kill the white emperor, afraid that there is a lot of reality." Chen Qi direct.

"Well?" The old man is not a change, and the sharp eyes suddenly saw the past, "Chen Qi, what is your meaning?"

"Mr. Yan, is not that I have to let the affection, but the fact is true." Chen Qi Directs the past, not afraid of the old strange sharp eyes, "Mr. Dai wakes up, although it is not short, it is in this world Walking for a period of time, but the top of this world, knowing too much? "

"I have learned some, but it is not detailed." .

He is telling the truth.

After he came out of the Vatican Sea, he also learned the top power of this era after walking in the world of chaotic world.

He knows that Bai Emperor, knowing the sword is unparalleled, knowing that their war is weak.

But in the end, he has not cared, and he did not investigate.

Because of this, this time he was too small to have a big loss in the White Emperor.

"Mr. Yan, you didn't know carefully, but I checked clearly, now there are a few top scorpions, I have a very detailed information here." Chen seven slowly said.

"Just say this Bai Emperor, he is recognized in this era, strength is strong, in which this world is invincible, I think this, Mr. Thailand should have been teach. "

The old man is slightly sinking.

After he made his strength with the White Emperor, he had a certain understanding of the strength of the Bai Di.

Indeed, as Chen Qi said, the strength, even if he is, it is not the opponent of the White Emperor.

"One-to-one, this is not as good as him, but because of this, this seat will be given this big price. Please come together, and you will join hands together, it is enough to kill him."

"It seems that you still don't know." Chen Qi shook his head: "The white emperor, you can't stand alone, but he still reverses! This reversal is a unique cultivation system, normal The practitioner's system is completely different. "

"Just because of this unique cultivation system, this Bai Di's strength will be, even in powerful power, it is not limited by this world, in addition, there is still some very unique ability, these One of the unique ability, it is not dead! "

"What?" The old man is abrupt.

Many chaotic gods present also looked at the past.

"Don't die? What are you talking about if there is an unsathered?" .

"Yes." Chen Qi is solemn, said: "Perhaps the unsatisfied body of retrieving, there is a certain difference between the undead people who have no death, but the difference will never be too big, because in the information I got, The white emperor has been fired in the big array of reverse blood. Of course, this killing refers to a completely defeat of the Di Di's body and even smashing, but only a moment, This white emperor has been striking, and it will be reorganized again !! "

"You can reorganize the pulverized population, this is not the dead?"

When I heard this, the odds couldn't help but be silent.

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