Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2245 is afraid

It is possible to re-restructuring the crash, and the combat power is not affected, this is indeed the body of not dead.

And the body is not dead ... as a strong in ancient times, the old monsters are very clear and clear.

This is also the capital of those who are not dead.

It's just that the old bitch didn't think of that the white emperor, a chaotic environment in the district, actually had a dead?

"How is this possible?" The old man can't help.

"Mr. Yan, I know that you really don't believe it, but the fact is true, I even have the mirror screen of the Bai Emperor's body." Chen Qi is about a mirror to take it out.

When Bai Di and the blood emperor, many of the large agents of the chaotic world camp were seen in the eyes. Naturally useful mirror makers recorded, after the end of the war, these mirror pictures were gradually circulated in the vast chaotic world, this Chen seven got a copy.

As the mirroring picture is open in front of everyone, the strange and many chaotic gods present in the field have seen the scene of the Bai Dynasty to defeat the blood, but the moment, reorganized.

"Indeed, that is indeed a dead body." The old man is holding hands, but the completion is extremely ugly.

Do not die, a chaotic border with unsathery?

"The terrible thing that is not dead, I want to come to clearly, the white emperor is strong, and there is no dead body, and now everyone can only play the power of the chaotic power, I can It is not exaggerated that this white emperor is in an invincible level. "

Chen seven sounds solemnly, "That is to say, I will wait for the hand to join hands, it can really suppress the white emperor, but I want to really kill him, almost impossible."

When I heard this, the old strangeness trembled, but I had to admit that Chen Q is the fact.

Self-strength has been strong to the extent, and there is no death, I want to completely kill, it is indeed a luxury.

"Hey, even if you can't kill him, this is still ten times, a hundred times of price !!"

"This is to destroy the Shenglion, destroy everyone around him!" The old man was low.

"This is a feasible, the Shengling, and the present, and now, the Bai Di is so powerful. Others are not enough, but there are still some things, still need to pay more attention." Chen Qi Dao.

"What else does it take to pay attention?" I asked.

"The first thing to pay is to pay attention to the sword monarch, according to the information I got, this sword monarch is just the general third-level number of power, I will wait for a chaotic magic, it is enough to follow him. A counter, even he defeated him, but his means is not good, and the blood of the blood will fail for more than 20,000 years ago, that is, because this sword monarch has a strong secret, the strength can be heard. The front is counter-out, and later, it will kill the blood town directly. "

"But according to I estimate that this means of Jian Mono should be not easy, even if it can be repeatedly displayed, so we only need to make attention, once he really shows the secret, we'd better retreated immediately First, avoid the front, and wait for the decisive time to shoot again. "Chen Qi said.

I heard this, the people around them also nodded.

A secret motley, enough to play the blood emperor of chaotic gods, which can not pay attention to it.

It is necessary to avoid it.

"In addition, we have to be very careful to be a person." Chen Qi said.

"Be careful? Who?" He looked at it.

"Emperor Thirteen !!" Chen Qi said this name, his voice significantly has changed.

The old strange eyes also ridiculous.

As for those chaotic gods, it is a face of each other, but it has exposed the color of doubts.

"The seven people, who have just said that the Emperor of the emperor is? Is it better than Bai Di, the sword monarch is more threatened?" A chaotic god did not end.

These chaotic gods are placed in ancient battlefield, just a small soldier, do not know some of the high-level things.

I have all the people such as the Emperor 13, they don't know.

"Of course, with this emperor thirteen, the white emperor is not dangerous with the sword monarch, after all, no matter whether it is a white emperor with the sword monarch, it is just the cultivator of this era, it is only because this world is limited, We need to pay attention to it, but the emperor is different, the emperor is the same as us, from the Taijie Shenjun! "Chen Qi Dao.

"What is it?" The chaotic magic is still unexpected.

Are you coming from the genoven yield, what do you need?

It is also a strong force that is on the chaotic gods.

Even if so, I can't be a jealous of them.

"Oh." Chen seven ambitious smiled, looking at the eyes of this chaotic god with a slightly ridicule.

The old monster is the charter, "Chen Qi, you said the emperor thirteen, it is the first of the seven-star Xuanzong Qixing, once the Lord of the Shengjing, also hurt the Lord of the State ? "

"Yes, it is him." Chen seven o'clock.

The old monsters are invisible.

The surroundings of the chaotic gods are all pumped a cold air.

"The Lord of the Sanzheng? Even hurts the Lord of the Sacred Strategy?"

"Scorpio, this emperor thirteen, is this super existence?"

"Seven Stars Xuanzong? Seven Star Xuanzong still survive? And live the super existence of the Lord of the Sacredness."

These chaotic gods have been incense.

Chaos Magic, in this era is naturally a super power, but it is in the gods, but it is not worthless.

Like ancient times, the highest level of the Taijie Shenjie, the chaotic god can only be a small soldier.

But the Lord of the Sacred ... that is, it is too early to be strong.

For these chaotic gods, an unstead of sacred people is super existence and need them to be.

And the Lord of the Shengmen?

That is more high.

Know the identity of the other party, these chaotic gods don't dare to speak.

In particular, the chaotic god of the Emperor did not think of it is a full face.

Just kidding, in the face of a super existence that is comparable to the Lord of the Sacredness, who dares to let go?

"The Emperor I woke up early, it is better than me, it is more than 20,000 years ago, the blood of the blood will fail, a big reason is that this emperor has come out, but according to I get it. According to the information, the Emperor is not to be the SAR of the St. League, there is nothing to do with the Shengshi, and the reason why it will be large because of the relationship between the sword monarch, that is, as long as I wait for the sword. The monarch is on the dead, the Emperor should not come up. "Chen Qi said.

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