Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2246 kills the door

After the detailed discussion, the strange strange finally has decided.

"The goal of our line is just the Sheng League, and the high-rise power of the Holy League is destroyed. In addition to the sword monarch, try not to force him to die, others kill, as for the white emperor, can kill If you can't kill, let him taste the taste of losing his loved ones. "The old man is cold.

"Yes." The many chaotic gods present in the scene nodded.

"Depart, go directly to the Holy Ansion."

With the old strangeness of the, the 20th of the 20th is é, under the leadership of the , the leadership of the seven major powers, will go directly to the old nest of the Shengzhimer.


Thunder Island.

Although the first cultivation of the first cultivation in the world's chaotic world is a fire community, the Thunder Island has been ranked behind the fire industry.

But because the location of the fire industry is relatively remote, and there is a big world, there is a big world, so the big camp of the Shengshi is still in Thunder Island.

I still have a lot of power to practice in Thunder Island.

Inside the Holy Paradise, Bai Di stayed with Tianchen old ancestors.

"White Emperor, this is the mirror screen from the East Huang Sheng Liz, you have a look." Tianchen old ancestors thought, a greath of a big mirror picture appeared in front.

I saw the picture in the picture, a strong man who was emitted with God was in front of a lot of teenagers.

The golden robe is gentle, it looks incomparable and kind, and there is no breath.

Soon, the emperor in the picture is directly shot, and it is a killing, and it is obvious to directly smoke the golden robe.

However, the jewelry is just a refers to it, and the gods' offensive immediately watched collapse, and even the body shape of the emperor was directly cultivated as powder.

Subsequently, the picture dissipates.

"At any point of interest, I will directly give an emperor to the emperor. These strengths, Ä-like emperor can't do it, and his breath is also very wonderful, it should not be the power of this era, no accident, This is another ancient power that wakes up. "Bai Di directly.

His eyes are poisonous, see the extraordinary of the juvenile of the golden robe.

"Is it one?" Tianchen old ancestors couldn't help but.

So far, the Shengshi has found three ancient power.

At the beginning of the glazed, he saw a black dragon in the black dragon in the Holy Land, and his owner behind him was an ancient power.

Now the golden robe in this picture is obviously an ancient power.

In addition, it is said that the princes, the sword monarch has gone to the true martial arts, where there is a three ancient power.

This is calculated, and the ancient power of the Single Shengling is now found, it has reached six.

"These six ancient strong people will never be all, no accidents, now there are many places in many places in the world, there is ancient power." Tianchen old ancestors seriously.

"It is true, but these ancient strong people, most of them are honest, like a golden robe in the picture, if I have not read a wrong, is the opponent of the ancient umbrella God to urge the ancient umbrella?" Bai Di Road.

The ancient umbrella God is the emperor who has been killed by the golden robe teenager.

"Others." Tianchen old ancestors nodded, "According to the information I got, the golden robe has been staying in one party in the east of the Emperor's holy, but it is just to collect him with him. Some resources treasures, but he also took out a certain price. "

"And the party is in the collection process, I am lucky to get a blood dragon, but I don't want to be known by the ancient umbrella God. The ancient umbrella God is looking for the door because of greed, so there is a scene in the picture. "

"Sure enough." Bai Emperor smiled and did not feel unexpected.

He knows that the strong people who wake up in the ancient times, never only have a little on the surface, there is certainly a lot.

Only those strong people in the ancient times are still honest.

Of course, this is also because the ancient times strong is not stupid.

After they woke up, most of them learned about this world now, and also known the existence of Bai Emperor and swords.

Perhaps they don't care in the sword, but they are determined by the white emperor.

Because of this, they didn't dare to come, just stay in some of the paramenters, I have to go to some resources for some resources, and I will go to some small places to make powerful blessings, but I don't dare to be in the top ten holy land. Xingyu is booming.

After all, after more than 3,000 years, the sky will open, and they will leave, go back to the gods, they don't have to take risks here.

It is only like a strong thing that is like the Old Emperor, and will be unscrupulous.

But the result, it took a big loss in the hands of the white emperor.

"These ancients, as long as they can be honest, or if they don't have much, we will open an eye, but if it is too arrogant, I will never tolerate." Bai Emperor Tao.

"Well." Tianchen Laozu will look back.

But at this time ...

boom! ! !

A drapeful roaring, followed by this big Thunder is now strenuous trembling.

Bai Emperor has been in the Holy Tale with Tianchen, and it is obvious that you should go to the Shengtian Pavilion.

"what happened?"

Bai Di and Tianchen's ancestors are all changed, and the next time two immediately appeared on the top of the Thunder Island.

Soon, they understand the source of this shock.

"Mix, dare to bombard the big array of Thunder Island!" The Bai Emperor became extremely ugly, and his eyes saw the scene outside the big array through the surroundings of Thunder Island.

I saw that the void, and more than 20 strong people stand together, a strong attack, from their hands.

These offensive, the weakest, equivalent to the full hit of the third level of the big emperor.

And strong, comparable to the hit of the third level.

At the same time, the white emperor also noticed the existence of in the crowd.

"It's him!!"

"Damn !!!"

Bernard of the Emperor.

Seeing the strangeness, and the strong people who followed him, the white emperor understood, this is the other party's retaliation!

Before before the holy land of Red Dragon, he killed the black dragon. This old man is hateful. At that time, he would say that he would pay ten times a hundred times.

And now this is coming.

So fast, and the other party is directly killed by Thunder Island.

I only heard a strong offensive and continued to hit the Thunder Island, but the big array of Thunder island is a collection of the whole of the Holy League. It has been built into the cost of constructing, even if it is these The strong workers teamed up, and it was also explored in a short time.

"Fast, inform me of the Great Emperor of the Shengshi, immediately rushed to the Thunder!" Bai Emperor ordered.

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