Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2247 is given to me

As the Bai Emperor decided, the many great powers of the Shengshi, no matter what is the body, even the great emperor who is in ancient battlefield, and immediately rushed to the Tunder Island.

The sword in the green fire is unparalleled, and naturally it is also coming over.

When the sword is unparalleled in the Thunder Island, Most of the Shengshi has already arrived.

"Sword Monarch!"

"Sword Monarch!"

Most of these emperors are unpaid towards swords, and their eyes are awesome.

"White Emperor, what is going on?" The sword was unparalleled to the white emperor.

"You see." White Emperor did not say more, but pointed to the front of the empty.

The sword is unbentered immediately, through the big array, it quickly saw more than 20 ancient powerful people in the outside world.

These ancient powerful people have now stopped, and they have not continued to bombard the big array, but there is already an ancient power of good at the array of law, and start researching this big array.

The sword has naturally seen the old monsters.

"Is him, he is going to revenge?" The sword didn't have a double.

"Yes, it is retaliation, and it is very courageous, directly killing the Zernse Island, he is going to ruin my old nest, even to destroy the whole of the Shengfa." Bai Di Road.

"Not there? I am afraid he wants to kill you, he revenge." The sword has no double.

"Of course, but unfortunately he didn't have that ability." Bai Emperor's voice is indifferent, with absolute confidence.

In this world, he is absolutely invincible.

Even if it is strength, someone can win him, like the Emperor 13 ...

Octobering thirteen even more powerful than him, I want to really kill him, it is almost impossible.

Reversible in the ultimate stage of the seventh step, the perfect chaotic population, is invincible, which is so metamorphosis.

"Kill you, but destroy the Shengfa, let all the high-rise of the Shengfa, can solve his hate." The sword was muffy.

"It is estimated that it is like this." Bai Di Road.

"White Emperor, Sword Monarch." The voice sounded, but the talk is the great emperor.

"That person, that person is a strong person I have encountered soon, he is very strong, and when it is just a look, let me completely lose the courage to fight the battle." Glass Emperor is a bit of horror .

The sword is unparalleled with white emperor, looking in the direction of the glazed emperor, immediately noticed the purple scrapers men next to the old strangeness.

"This person, the war should not be weak." The sword was unparalleled.

With his strength, the perception will naturally increase significantly.

He can induce, this purple shirt man, there is also a strange, it should be the strongest two in front of these people.

"These people are the ancient times strong, and most people have just shockped the gap, from the attacks they show, each of them has the third level of the big power, there are many At the top of the three-level number, there are still two people who have never shot. In addition to the owner of the black dragon, it is the purple shirt man. "

"The owner of the black dragon has traveled with me. It has exceeded the third level. It reluctantly reached the fourth level, this level is the half-step moon, and the purple hair shirt man should Not weaker than him. "White Emperor said.

"I have been looking for more than 20 ancient strong people, this guy is a good means." The sword was unparalleled.

So far, the ancient strong people in the Shengshi encountered at all, but now the old monsters are called more than 20 disturbances, and the means is naturally good.

"The trouble is big." Jiu Han Sheng Lord Shen Shen said: "Two a half-step gods fight, plus more than 20 third-level big emperors, such lineup, my Holy Argo is not able to resist!"

Can you resist it?

I heard this word, the emperor presents in the scene is silent.

Indeed, the other party's lineup is too scary.

Now because of the Thunder Island Big Array, these ancient strong people can't directly attack it, but once the big array is broken, the other person killed, the light relying on their Holy League, it does not definitely definitely definitely definitely definitely defain.

The gap is too big!

In these emperors, there is also the strength of the White Emperor and the sword with the opponent's counter-strength. At the same time, there is also the sword who is unhappy in his hands. In addition, it will not have the third level of the big power.

How to make up for such a big gap?

"Sword Monarch, can you find a way to ask the Emperor 13th?" Tianchen old ancestral.

"Emperor thirteen?" The sword has no double one, but it is directly shook his head. "I am a messy message of the 19th adults, and if I am a message, the Emperor 13 people may be able to shoot, but don't forget, the emperor Thirteen people are also from the ancient times, and there is no relationship with this era. If my Holy League is slightly encountered, only the words of the Emperor of the Emperor, what should I wait? "

"Even this part of the ancient people are not right, I have some qualifications, call the owner of this era?"

I heard this, these emperors around them nodded.

Indeed, the Emperor's 13 is ancient times, and there is no relationship with this era. Can they always hope that the Emperor is asylum?

"I have already ordered, let the many strong people on Thunda is transferred. Now I will wait for these great emperories on Zeture Island. If there is no way, we can only retreat, abandon Thunder island, but unfortunately Many resources. "Bai Emperor frowned.

"I can't stop it." The sword is unparalleled but shook his head.

"The strong people who wake up in the ancient times are more than what we have seen now. Most strong people are now hidden in the people of the chaotic world, and the reason why the ancient chaotic world is still calm, because those disturbances are for me. There are still some tricks in the Shengle. "

"But if the other party is just the arrival of the ancient strong, it is forced that my Holy League is worth discarding the old nest to escape, and the ancient strong people will lose the jealous of my holy party. In the future, it will act Unssencing. "

"These ancient strong people have a strong power, including many of the people who have a hearty evil, if they lose their tricks, unscrupulous acting, there will be a disaster on the Out of Chaos World, so we must give an ancient strongman must The shock, this battle, we must not only refill, but also to take the forefront to the front of these ancient strong, and even better to kill it! "

"The killing is a big half?" The big emperor around him was horrified.

They all felt that the lineups such as the big car are not only they can resist, they only have a retraction.

The sword is unparalleled. I still want to kill the other side for a large half?

"In fact, these disturbances, did not imagine the terrible, at least in my opinion, but so." The sword is not double-faced, "Bai Emperor, this battle does not need other emperors, there is two people It's enough, the owner of the black dragon, there is also the purple hair shirt man, and he has the strongest strength, but with your strength, even if he will join hands, you should also compete, and even occupy the upper wind. "

"Yes." Bernard nodded.

He handed his hand with the black dragon master, with the bottom of the bottom.

If he is full of outbreak, the owner of the black dragon, that is, the old monster, he can do two, or even occupy an absolute upper.

"This is enough, the strongest two will handle it, so that the remaining more than 20 Ancient strong people can only play the third-level big power, hand it over to me." Sword is unparalleled Tao.


PS: Today's four is more!

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