Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2248 Threat

"The remaining more than 20 people can only play an ancient power of the third level of the big power, and give me a solution."

The sword is unparalleled, and many great emperors around, including the white emperor who have a mistake.

That's more than 20 ancient people?

The sword is unparalleled, just one person, can you cope with so many strong?

"The sword is unparalleled, do you have a grasp?" Bai Emperor looked at the sword.

He knew that the sword has already broken through the ultimate stage of retro the seventh step, and the overall strength has increased a large number than before.

He also knows that the sword has solved the three ancient strong people before, killing two, while the soul controlled one.

But before it is only three, but now it is more than 20?

"Reassured, I am from my own." The sword has no double smile, but the bottom has absolute confidence.

More than 20 strong people from ancient times are terrible.

If they can play a peak force one by one, the sword is unparalleled is unheedited.

But now these more than 20 ancient power can only play the third-level number of battles.

The third level of the big emperor, seems to be strong, but there is no difference between the swords, but it is not enough.

This level of war, even if there is twenty, how can it?

"Before the Zhenwu Shen, only three ancient times strong, even the qualifications that made me wholeheartedly, and now ... Just use the blood of these ancient power, even test my current strength." The middle is highlight.

"Let's go."

The sword is unparalleled, and he is directly to the void of the Thunder Island.

In the outside of Thunder Island, the odds, the seven and other than 20 ancient times are blocked by the large array of Thunder Island.

They have been attacking before, but they can't force this big array to defeat this big array, so they have to temporarily stop, let people study this.

Among these ancient people, they are also good at the array. Now this chaotic god magic in the array of array is carefully investigating the big array.

"How is it?" The old man is indifferent, and the eyes are closely staring at the big array.

"Back to the big battle, Mr. Xian Meng is the goddess, the most good at the array of law, he has also been drilled out for this big array, according to what he said, the time is more than one time, he can find The method of breaking it is coming. "Chu River respects.

"Is it a quarter of an hour?

"The time of the hour, it's too long, no accident, wait until we break this big burst, the Salas on the Zadu Island, it is estimated that all the space on the island fleeted." Chen Seven.

"Hey, escaping the temple, etc. Can't come out. "The old monster mobility is like a rain.

I heard the words, and the seven brows, the bottom of the heart.

But obviously they underestimate the Sorrowfay.

Just waiting for the chaotic god magic who was waiting for the fairy dream to find the law of the lattice, the two stones were suddenly turned out.

These two figures are naturally swords and unparalleled and white emperors.

After he came out from the Thunder Island, he was in front of this group of ancient people.

The eyes of these ancient strong people have been brushing over.

"White Emperor!"

The .,,,,,

Other ancient strong people are also worthy of the white emperor and the sword.

"Is that white emperor?"

"It is said that it is recognized by this era, and its combat power is good."

"I have seen him at the beginning with the blood emperings, the strength is really terrible, if there is no world limit, there is nothing, but there is the existence of the heavens and the earth, I have been the strong people from the ancient times, no one is against his opponent. "

Those who are far away are also secretly discussing, and all eyes are concentrated on the White Emperor.

As for the sword, there is no parallel, but it is ignored by them.

It is true that they have also recognized the swords, but according to their intelligence, the sword is unparalleled, and the third-level power of the general, just some special means, with the white emperor can't compare.

They exist a shint of white emperor, but they are unparalleled for swords, but they don't care.

"Oh, Bai Emperor, I thought you had already escaped the people of the Holy League, did not expect you to stay, and dare to appear in front of this seat?" The old man stared at the white emperor. The eyes seem to be It is generally peeled off the white emperor.

"If you rely on you, you can not qualify for my retreat." Bai Emperor is cold.

"Yes? I am not enough, but now I call more than 20 enemen, but is not enough?" , "Bai Emperor, this seat knows you strong, one-on-one you In this world, it is already in an invincible level, but you are strong and how? This is almost killed, but you can kill you, you will kill you !!! "

"I said before this seat, the black scale, this seat will be ten times, and it is still still !!"

" !" White Emperor is cold, but the arrogance is the past, and the sound of the grandeur is also slowly sounded. "From the ancient times, I don't seem to have a hatred with you before. But today's move, I am afraid that it is a bit too. "

"Haha, I will have no grievances with the Sorrowfay, can be trusted, loyal people, so Mr. Bai Di, I can only sorry."

"Yes, the advantage of the gods is too big, I can't refuse it?"

"There is no way, I can only grie you."

A voice sounded, these chaotic gods of the ancient times were smiling.

And I heard these words, the sword is unparalleled, but it is one move.

He has heard some information from these chaotic gods.

Obviously, the ancient power in front of him is not the odd owner, just the latter is invited by the money.

So, it will do some.

"All, I advise you to leave now, I can do anything when I can do anything, and I will not be enemies in the future, otherwise ..." Bai Emperor sound slightly cold.


"Run, die to the top, dare to threaten us?"

"Stupid goods, just a mixed antity of this era, I really don't win what I am not worth it?"

These ancient people are also angry.

Although they have a slashing to the white emperor, but in the bottom of the heart, I can't see the white emperor.

Because the white emperor has, it is just a chaotic border, which can threaten them, but only because of this heaven and earth restriction.

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