Because of the heaven and earth restrictions, they can't play real strength, so they will have a concern to Bai Emperor.

It can be thrown away from the heavens and the earth, and like the white emperor, this is not placed in the eyes.

Now Bai Di still threaten them?

It's a ridiculous!

"Bai Emperor, did not talk, directly." The sword watched the white emperor next to him.

"Well." White emperor nodded.

He also knows that it is impossible to leave from the ancient power.

So, then I can only fight.

"Just as mentioned before, the strongest two will give you." The sword has no double.

"I have no problems here, the key is you, be careful." Bai Di Road.

"Rest assured." The sword was unparalleled.

Bai Di is not nonsense, rumble ~~~ The horrible breath is raging from him.

That Nine thousands of huge huge golden shadows appeared in his body, and the golden power of the sky was crazy.

"Old ? Want to revenge for your mount, let it go," Bai Emperor sounds.

"Looking for death!" The old man is anger, "Chen Qi, you will shoot together in this seat, as for others, continue to break the big array, etc. After the big array is broken, you will immediately use all the people on the Thunder Island. !! "

When it is the old body shape, the body shape is also moved.

Both of them are strong on the chaotic god, even if they are restricted by the heavens and the earth, they can barely play the power of the half-step god.

The two teamed up, and they were not afraid of Bai Emperor.

Soon, the three people were crazy in the surrounding void.

The horrible mode is out of the moment.

Those gods in the ancient times, looked at this battle, feeling the constant power of this battle, and secretly screaming.

"This white emperor is really strong!"

"I will only use the chaotic gods in the territory, I can only play the supreme battle of the chaotic border. It is like the two people who have the seven people who have the seven people in the chaotic magic. They can only force the extension of the gods. The war, but the white emperor, his war is estimated to be comparable to the general chaotic god. "

"One-on-one, I will wait, no one is the opponent of this white emperor, but unfortunately he encounters the gods and the seven people to join hands, but in a short time, there is no way to make a hand, we have time to destroy the St. League. "

These chaotic gods are talking casually, and one is very unreasonable.

And the Chu River is subordinates as a strange, these chaotic gods are now listening to his dispatched, I saw him saying: "Fairy dream, you continue to find a way to break, others are ready to shoot, Yes, there is one person. "

The Chu River suddenly looked at the front of the front.

There, there is still a figure there.

This person is naturally a sword.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, but it has already made a long sword. He holds the sword, but the pace is slowly span.

He has been very slow, and there is no breath on his body, and there is no sword to scatter, the face is also incomparable, so the twenty in front of the past is coming over.

This makes more than 20 ancient power in front of the ancients.

"This kid is the sword monarch?"

"It should be, I heard that this kid is the first day of this era, it is only tens of thousands of years in this era, and it has been standing in this era."

"Tens of thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, it is also a talent? Shit."

"He didn't have to go to our hometown too early, or it was not on such a color, even the three streams were not able to."

These chaotic gods will laugh at will.

The speech is not in the heart of the sword.

Now this time, in the Shengshi, it is also qualified to pay them attention to it. As for the sword, there is no parallel, maybe in the vast chaotic world is very good, but it is not allowed to have these chaotic gods.

"Look at this child, is it planned to take us?"

"Hey, the courage is not small, face me more than 20 chaotic gods, don't you retreat?"

"I said, who will shoot, solve this kid, what do I think, I feel that this kid is not pleasing."

Seeing the sword has no double step by step, these chaotic gods are still not alert.

"Sword Monarch ..." The Chu River frowned, but said: "This sword monarch is very general, but the means is extraordinary. The most important thing is that he also has a light relationship with the emperor. So, I will never start to kill him, just let people go to him. "

"Purple, this sword monarch is handed over."

The Chu River glanced over a videolic youth.

"What, why is it me?" This evil charm young people immediately shouted, obviously dissatisfied.

His strength, in the scene of these chaotic gods, is medium, and now it is expected to reach the third level of the top, but in the third level, it is not weak, with such strength, don't say It's just entangled, even if you want to kill the sword monarch, you should have hope.

Canni He Jianjun is special, and you can't kill at all, you can only entangle.

In other words, if the evil charm youth is really moving, it is bound to be bundled, he certainly does not want to shoot.

The chaotic god of the scene is also turned to the sword without a double hand.

"If you want you to shoot, so much nonsense, remember, continue to take him, don't let him hinder us to break." Chu River lifted.

Although the evil charm youth is extremely dissatisfied, it is not good to refuse, and immediately, his body is moving, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Little, although I can't kill you, but less learned, you can still, so if you know, you can stand here, so you can eat less." This evil charm young ring holds hands. It is disdainful to the sword.

The sword that is striding in front of the step forward and finally raised his head.

"Why, don't you plan to shoot?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, Laozi is not rare to deal with your goods such as you." The evil charm youth.

"Is this?" The sword has no double eyebrows, but it can have a strange smile with his mouth, "Since you are not willing to shoot, then I will be welcome."

The voice fell, the sword was not in a double shape.

He is already very close to this evil young distance. At this moment, he is just a step of steadcasting, and it has appeared in front of the evil charm youth.

The blood peak sword in the hand is a soft direct wave.

This waves, it is like a child waving wood sword, as if there is no power at all.

The long sword grazes, in the void, there is no fluctuation, and the speed is also slowly swallowed.

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