Seeing the sword is unparalleled, the evil charm is anger.

He didn't want to fight with the sword, no sense, or the sense of accomplishment, after all, he could not kill each other.

So if the sword is unparalleled, it is always standing there, he is too lazy to shoot.

I didn't expect that swords did not dare to take the initiative to shoot him?

"court death!"

A low drink, this evil charm younaned on the right hand, a powerful gathering, and immediately took the palm of the sword to the sword.

In his opinion, he didn't use the whole force, but it was enough to scatter the sword unparalleled sword light, and even a lesson of the sword.

But in fact……

Soft long sword is in touch with the evil charm youth palm.


The sound of the Jian Feng in the body sounded, and one was discharged directly.

"What?" The evil charm young eyes are angry, just aware of the bad, the soft sword light suddenly moved to his head again.

It is clear that the soft sword is swallowed, but it seems to be incredible in the evil charm youth.

He didn't have any room for any resistance and even.


A head also flew out.

The chaotic gods who were originally also interested in seeing this scene were directly in it.

"how come?"

"A sword, a sword kills purple?"

"This sword monarch ..."

These chaotic gods re-suggest, and look at the sword unparalleled eyes with a shock.

Although the strength of the evil charm youth can only be moderate in them, but if you want a sword to kill him, the strongest in them, even if it is the old man, you can't do it?

And this sword monarch is not just a general third-level big emperor?

They don't know, the sword is no longer before.

His strength has already taken a huge leap.

After the self-strength increased, he did not truly shot.

Like a battle in Zhenwu Shen, although there is some strength, because the three disturbances have died two, there is still a sword without double soul control, that is, no living port, natural sword The true strength of the unparalleled is not circulating in these farmers.

They almost all the swords are unparalleled to more than 20,000 years ago, and the appearance of the three imperial critics.

But I don't know, the sword has reached a new point early.

Now, the sword is unparalleled, really starts to show your strength.

"Just whisper has advised you to leave, but you don't listen."

"Since you don't want to leave, then let's keep it."

The cold voice, with a shocking killing, self-swearing in the sword, and slowly swayed in this world.

At the same time, the shape of the sword is still moving again.

"Be careful!"

"Good speed, this is time and space!"

These chaotic gods are immediately vigilant.


The shape flashes, but the sword is unparalleled but appears on a void.

In the void, there is only one chaotic god, which is the fairy dream that has been searching for the way.

"not good!"

The sword has suddenly appeared, so that this fairy dream god is also growing.

He immediately wants to turn ...

As he wants to turn around, a cold sword is light.

This sword is not comparative demon, and it is unspeakable. There is no sign of signs between the neck of the fairy dream.

Xuanluo sword ... a demon.


The sword is lighted, take away a scarlet, this fairy dream of the gods, the life of the magic, there is no room for struggling.


The rest of the chaotic gods can't help but take a breath.

Too fast, the speed of sword is too fast, his sword is faster!

Just blinking, there are two chaotic gods to die directly in his hand.

"Show together." Chu River immediately ordered.

It is true from the sword, and the five chaotic gods will be killed in the first time.

The sword has no doubles, the five chaotic gods are glance, and the sword is swayed.

On the occasion of this sword, I took the endless and raining.

Under this madness of this madness, all over the world rushs to fall.

The five chaotic gods of the killing became a lonely boat in the wind and rains, and the figure swayed.

Booming ~~~

Tiandi Seismy, these five chaotic gods are actually smashed like shells.

A sword, I will force the five chaotic gods.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled with a magical movement.

Under the influence of the force of the time and space rules, the sword has no double shape as the real ghost.

Although these chaotic gods around, these chaotic gods can rely on the power of the soul, but it is difficult to keep up with his speed.


The sword is unparalleled, there is a happiness man.

This man is one of the strongest few people in the chaotic god of chaotic gods. It can still explode the top 3-level power under the limitations.

When I saw the sword without double, and a sword is straight to his throat, this man is not afraid, and a knife appears in his hand.

However, when he is preparing to have a sword, the sword is unparalleled, and a sudden attack is in his sea.

Soul attack, triodes, golden light!

! !

The whole mind is like being hurting, and the figure is in the shape, and the movements in the hands are naturally paid.

The sword where the sword is unparalleled, the sword is not affected, and it is easy to wear the throat of this man.

The bodies of the men, when they fell to the bottom.


"Fierce stone, even fierce stone gods can't resist his sword?"

"It's a soul attack, be careful about his soul attack!"

A horror sound sounded, these chaotic gods did not dare to have a little desperate, all took out all the strength, and wanted to counter the sword.

It can obviously they still have a sword.

Specifically, it is a small sword with swordsmanship and his soul attack.

The void is in the center, the sword is like a ghost, his blood peak sword in his hand is completely for a poisonous snake.

This snake or a fierce looks in front of or a strange move, or turn all in the dark swirls.

The sword is unparalleled to play a sword trying to trial inside the sword trial tower.

Swords, is a very ordinary sword, every sword in the sword is very casual, even to show Xuanluo sword, feeling relaxed, no clumsy.

Line clouds!

The surrounding chaos gods have been exhausted, but with the battle they found that the sword is unparalleled, the speed is incredible, so it is difficult to find weaknesses, the most important thing is ... His sword Too delicate.

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