Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2254 is desperate

This fierce battle, but not the sword is unparalleled with the old man, but the sword is unparalleled with the White Emperor, and the two beat one!

At the same time in the sword, there is no pair of enthusiasm, and the white emperor will not be idle.

~~~ The golden power of the sky is coming, but it is a cold, but it is a cold.


Another anger, but I saw that the old strangeness of the .

Can be here ... ! call out! call out! call out! call out!

A golden light, there is no signs, which is directly taken from the surrounding golden power ocean.

These golden lights, Her Kong Hong Kong sword! !

Hong Yu Jinjian has always been one of the swords without a double sign, and the fierce battle of long years, Hong Yin Jinjian also gave him a great help.

As for the power, it is stronger to say.

More than 20,000 years ago, the sword at that time can show the seven-handed Hongyu gold sword, can go today, when the sword has no double realm, reach the ultimate stage of the seventh step, the most important thing is that the sword is unparalleled and also comploated a single order. After the rules, the sword is unparalleled, but it will be displayed on the nine-hand Hongyu Golden sword.

Nine Handle Hongyin Jinjian, this is the ultimate of Hong Yinjian!

The nine-sided Hong Kong sword is hidden in the golden power of oceans. He didn't find it before, suddenly broke out, this nine-sided Hongyu Jinjian was influenced by the time and space rules, in an instant, unparalleled speed.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! ~~~

Jiudi is like a metal impact sound.

Hong Yin Jinjian is too fast, and it is a sudden outbreak, and the odd owk is not coming to resist. This nine-handed Hong Kong sword is on the front of the strange body.

The horrible impact, through the body of the old monster watch, it is still onto his body.


Even if it is a strange, under the front impact of this nine-hand Hongyu Jinjian, it is also mad, and the face is also gentle.

As for his body, you also have a decline.

But at the same time as his body shape, it is a white emperor who stands not far away, but it is a murder.

"Penalty, God is destroy !!"

The horrible might came out of the two huge palms of the golden emperor, and the two palms have covered the world.

The voids that are in the monster are slow.

Endless power is crazy to squeeze.

When the old man is strange, his mount, his mount, black scales, is dead under this trick.

He is also very clear about the trick of the White Emperor, how terrible is.

The golden big hand that only slowly slowed down, it seems slow, but the horrible power, even the strange is also horrified.

When he is crazy, he is crazy.


The two huge palms of the golden emperor finally closed.

The old blame is the void, and naturally, it is also crushed by these two giants.

"Is it dead?"

The sword is unbolded in the cold looks at the void.

Just, the odd old mason has been hit by his nine-handed Hongyu Golden Sword, and now faces the terrible offensive of the White Emperor.

But in fact……


I saw a shocking, and the void of the monster was once again opened.

At the same time, there is also a strong and even a bloody breath.

"What?" The sword didn't change.

"This is not dead?" Bai Di is also shocked.

Tfuling them, but I saw the void, the strange figure of the strange figure was again rising, but the old strange model of this moment was extremely irrelevant.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled with white emperor to note that this old strange eyebrows have more bloody tattoo.

The horrible bloody breath on the old body is exuded from the bloody tips.

It is extremely distant voids from the battlefield. Those ancient gods who have been killed by swords, there is also the seven gathered there, and did not escape the first time.

They have been staring at this battle.

When I saw the old frown of the old, I showed the bloody tattoo ...

"It is a footprint of life, the life of the strategy!" Chen seven shocked.

"Adults, he actually used to use the life and confidence? This life is prone to five times." As a blind man, the Chu River is full of horror. "

He is very clear about what is the secret of the old monster.

That is the unique means of sacrifices, and only reaching the crowded thing will only be used as desperate.

Even the battle of the ancient times, although the battle is incomparable and crazy, it can face the strong people in the seven-star gods. The old bouries have no direct use of life, and now face the strongest two in this era. In the face of the sword unparalleled with the white emperor, this

Once this is used to use this secret, it means that the , it is really desirable.

"Give this to death !!!"

A whispered self-warfield, the old man is crazy, and when it makes a lot of money, it is filled with the strong bloody breath around him. It is actually paved a huge blood river in an instant. This blood river is Endless, fell out.

This blood river in the blink of an eye has appeared in front of the nearest, sword where the sword is unparalleled.

The sword has no double eyeline, but the blood peak sword in his hand suddenly appeared.

It's so flat, you can contain the thrilling sword, carrying the endless front, but it is directly to tear the river in front of it.

This huge blood river is so easy to tear half of the sword.


"Even if you use the life of life, you can limit it too much in the world. I can fight with this sword monarch with this sword. It is not as good as him!"

The old man bite his teeth, but it is a point.

Even the final card, the life of life is displayed, and the results are obviously still the sword.


The old man did not hesitate.

After knowing that he can't kill the sword and the white emperor, he quickly escaped with the ability to give his life and confrontation.

The center of the battlefield, a ghost-like blood, quickly rushing to the distance.

"Want to escape?" The sword is unbolded, it is a bitter, but it is a horror.

Because he has seen this strange at the moment.

This speed is horrible!

"Fast, too fast."

"I have already controlled a short space rule, but even if I use the time and space for your efforts, the speed of instant eruption is absolutely impossible to make this." The sword is unimaced.

With him, I am afraid that it is difficult to catch up with this old monster.

"White Emperor, stop him!"

The sword is unparalleled.

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