Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2255 finally killing!

No sword is unparalleled, Bai Emperor has first time to show the prison of penalty, and a golden huge waver is covered, and the mad is crazy.

It is an old man in the way, but there is a heavy blood color area, which is constantly impacted with those golden huge waves, and the golden huge waves that are covered will not be dispersed. The shape is still not obstacted.


The sword is unparalleled with the white Emperor's noodles.

They see that the has been forced to the limit, the bloody secret line, should be his last life.

But even if you are forcing the limit, as long as you can't really leave this , then it is equal to it.

This is old monsters ... In order to revenge for his mount, you can gather more than 20 chaotic gods in such a short period of time.

This time, if it can't stay this old, the old strangeness will continue to retaliate, and the ancient power of invoiced, there is never only one of them.

Because of this, the sword is unparalleled with Bai Emperor is the iron heart to leave this old strange.

But now ...

"The speed is too fast, and I have already opened a very far away. My picking moon can't cover his area. As for other means, I can't stop him." Sword is not bike Cold.

"If I use the stars secret, improve the ten-fold power to apply the prison, I should be able to break his area, thus greatly restricting his speed, but now he has escaped to the edge of the golden power, I even show I am afraid that he can't stop him. "Bai Emperor is full.

He two people have reached the ultimate, and try their best to catch up.

The distance between the squirrel is not close, but it is constant.

They looked at the old margins of the golden power of the sea, but they rushed out of the category of golden power.

It is completely separated from the golden power of the ocean, and the sword is unparalleled with the white emperor wants to chase again. It is not possible.

"Can you only let him escape?" The sword is unparalleled with Bai Emperor.

Others, the changing is more erorated!

I saw the golden power of the ocean, that is, the old man is blamed forward, one seems to hold the whole sky, the whole world has emerged.

This big hand is gray, gray, and there is a power except for the pound of the power.

That kind of power is the power of the reincarnation!

This big hand, no one has any signs of signing directly in front of the strange.

The look is very miserable at this moment.

At his eyebrow, the bloody tip is still still, but this secret is not that it is easy to drive.

Plus him before, it was treated by Bai Emperor, and the sword was unparalleled. Now it has reached the point of oil.

But fortunately, he escaped the golden power of the ocean before the blood color is not dissipated.

This is equal to him that has escaped.

And next, he just needs to leave here, then find a place to restore its own strength.

"White Emperor, there is a sword monarch !!!"

The old monsters are holding hands and burned the bears anger.

"You are waiting for this seat. This time, although this seat defeated, how long does it take to use it, it will definitely come back!"

"And Next, this seat will never give you any more opportunities!"

"More than 20 chaotic gods can't paid you, this seat calls two hundred, I have to see, what is the St. Union to resist!"


He has started to make a plan for how to retaliate.

Suddenly ... it seems like the whole sky, the whole heaven and earth, there is an emergence.


The old monsters are very shocked.

He stared at this big hand in front of him. This big hand contains pounds of reincarnation. Although its power is also strong, he is not seriously injured by swords, you can easily resist it. Key he It's already oil, and is it still escape?

"This breath, old things, is you !!!"

The old monsters broke, and the voice was hysterically, he had already recognized this master's owner.

Just because I recognized it, he was anger!

Thoroughly anger!

He didn't think of it, he has been in the sword, and the white emperor escaped in his life. It can be the result of the old guys.

"Do not!!!"

A whispered, the whole body shape is covered by the big hand.

Under him, he didn't kill him directly, but the horror of the big hand slammed his body.

You know, he was originally fled, the sword was unparalleled with the white emperor.

Now he will not continue to escape in front of it, but it is taken by this big hand.

The direction of this shot, no doubt, nature is the direction of swords and unparalleled and white emperors.

"good chance!"

The sword is unparalleled, suspended in his surrounding foot, the nine-sided Hongyin Golden Sword takes an interference.

His blood peak sword was also swept immediately.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

Under the golden shock, the strange body of the strange body can no longer resist, and directly crash, and even the sword is unparalleled by the sword.

This is a long-awaited ancient times, even if there is a small name in the early gain of the world, and still from the strong people from the sacredness, this is killed!


The sword is unparalleled with the white emperor to gather together, watching the vitality and thoroughly informed, only a head of the , the two are heavy.

"Dead, finally die!"

"I finally killed him."

The sword is unparalleled with Bai Emperor at the same time, and the heart is also dark.

The power of ancient times, even if it is limited by this world, the means can still be indistens.

Before, there was no pair of hands with swords, and those who were defeated by the sword unpaid killing, and their peak status was also better than chaotic gods.

But this strange means, but it is really scary.

Even if he is limited by the heavens and the earth, it can be one-on-one, no matter whether the sword is unparalleled or white emperor, it is absolutely nothing to take him.

Even if the two teamed up, it almost escaped.

Under the heave and earth, how can it, the sword is unparalleled to imagine how strong their peak strength is.

In addition, it is also true that the blood emperor who was killed by swords without double suppression.

What's more, like the Emperor thirteen ... that is, it is possible to force the world's limit of superficialness, how much is it possible to force the world?

"Yuan ancient times, the gods of the gods ... I really don't know how prosperous there." The sword was unmarkable.

"Yes, just the big hand ..." Bai Emperor suddenly opened.

The sword is not a double look.


PS: Today's four is more!

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