Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2256, big vibration

Originally, the odds have escaped from the range of golden power, and they can escape directly.

But at the end, the big hand appeared, blocked his way, and even took him in the sword, and the white emperor took the past.

So this is old ordered.

"Who is just that big hand, who is it?" Bai Emperor frowned.

He only saw the big hand, but he did not see the people who showed the big hand.

"If I haven't guess, this big hand should be the predecessor." The sword is unparalleled. "

"The predecessor? Sword is unparalleled, do you know the master of this big hand?" Bai Di's sword watched the past.

"It should be, but I can't be sure." The sword said, "Bai Emperor, the next thing is given to you, I will go to see it, maybe I can find the seniors."

"Okay, if you really find the predecessor, thank you for your Shenglean." Bai Di Road.

"Well." The sword nodded without a double point, and then his body shape directly appeared in front.


Just on the edge of this void, the chaos gods who have been killed by swords before they have gathered there.

But at this moment, whether it is a seven, or these chaotic gods, they are quiet, all of them wide, watching the scene of the battlefield in the distance.

"The big people, actually dead? Killing it?"

"The big people are from the sacred borders, not only the strength is strong, and the means is not the same, but the result, he even took out the life, but did not escape?"

"Scary, this sword monarch, there is also the white emperor, it is too terrible."

Many chaotic gods encourage the throat, and they are also extremely fortunate.

Fortunately, I have no stupid before, continue to fight with the sword monarch, otherwise I am afraid that I have become a corpse.

"Right, have you just pay attention to the big hand that suddenly shot?" A chaotic gods suddenly said.

"Of course, I haven't agreed that the original can escape, just because the big hands appear, he left him completely."

"That big hand, who is it?"

"I don't know, but the people who are displayed, the strength is very strong. If it is a full day, I am afraid that it is more stronger than the power!

These chaotic gods are also talking freely.

"Just big hand ..." The seven eyes were slightly smashed, and he also noticed him, and he also noticed that the vast reincarnation of the big hand.

"I remembered one person, this big hand may be him to show." Chen Yizhen, "This person is an old guy in the seven-star Xuanzong camp, a strong honey guy."

After the chaotic gods present, the look was a moving after hearing Chen Qi.

Although Chen Seven did not say the name of the old guy in his mouth, these chaotic gods have gradually guess.

"Okay, no matter what, Mr. Die is dead. As for him, he promised our gods Nirdan, it seems to be a reminder." A lazy man opened.

Other chaotic gods shrugged and full of helplessness.

The ................... . . .. . ..... ... ..... . .. . . .

As for the seven, it is a human body.

But now the old people are dead, and the promised thing is naturally impossible to fulfill it.

That is, this time they are busy.

"White leaves, the result can't get anything, and I will lose my little life." A chaotic god couldn't help.

"It's not white, and the at least I saw the strength of the two people in this edition and the sword monarch. Under the heavens and the earth, these two people were sitting in this era. This era can be said to be safe."

"Yes, although we are all chaotic gods, now the strength can't play, it is not his two opponents. These two people can kill directly, to kill me, etc. Chaos god, then Play like. "

"It seems that the next time, we have to be as low as low as possible, don't recruit things in this world, otherwise I will provoke the white emperor or the sword monarch, I am afraid that there is no chance to escape."

"Grace, anyway, the sky is opened, and it is more than 3,000 years, we have been honest for more than 3,000 years."

These chaotic gods have been talking, and they have their own decisions.

Soon, these chaotic gods, including the birth of the seven.

With their departure, this war news is also in the shortest time, and passed to the ancient people who have been awakened in the world of chaotic world.

These awakened ancient power, Jiucheng is just a chaotic god.

When they learned about the news, they were shocked by one.

"The big man in the holy man? The god of the sacredness is dead?"

"The big man, in the terrible aftertile battlefield, can be long and horizontal, the result is dying in the hands of the two chaotic bodies in this era?"

"White Emperor, there is a sword monarch, these two chaotic bodies, the means is really ah, especially the sword monarch, even the force will be more than half of the chaotic gods, the rest of the people are forced to escape , Such strength ... "

"There is no doubt, whether it is the sword monarch or white emperor, to kill me, etc. Or the sword monarch, the same only crazy escape, can even escape or two things. "

"This white emperor follows the sword monarch, put it under this era, the heavens and the earth are limited, it seems that I have been careful, but I am staring by these two people, but I am not good. Fruit eat. "

"Yes, I have been waiting for a wake up, and I finally have the opportunity to leave this world. If you are killed by the white emperor or the sword monarch, it is too embarrassing."

Those who woke up from the ancient and strong, although there were some taboo to the Emperor, but it was not afraid.

Even in a lot of chaotic gods, even if the white emperor came to the door, they didn't even end the enemy, and they can easily escape.

After this battle, these ancient strongholds have a clearer understanding of the white emperor.

Obviously, no matter whether the sword is unparalleled or white emperor, there is a light spit to kill the strength of these chaotic gods, especially the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled with a common chaotic god, that is like a killing chicken, these chaotic gods are naturally fear.

In the future, it will naturally be more low-key, and it is easy to recruit the Sorrowfay.

Even the strong who is overcharted on the chaotic gods, it also becomes careful.

After all, their life has only one.

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