Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2258 Two people

"Sword Monarch? White Emperor?"

It is a surprised as a snow.

"It seems that I am a small way to Xiaoyu, the chaotic bodies, this sword monarch gives the white emperor, the means is not the same, especially the sword monarch, he is in more than 20 chaotic gods. The eleven gods were slaughtered with the Thunder's means, scared other gods crazy escaping, such strength, in terms of heaven and earth, even if it is me, he is afraid that there is no absolute value. "The ice laughed The speech is with a unparalleled appreciation of the sword.

A chaotic power can reach this place, even in the gods, it is definitely a first-class top genius.

"Sword Monarch, sword is unparalleled ..." Cold as snow is a weird smile, "After three thousandjobs, the sky is open, I will directly go straight to the gear, but I am afraid that it is again again. I can't see him, huh, huh, I also said that one day in the morning and evening will save the stupid woman, but now, it is just a joke. "

Unparalleled swords, cold as soon as soon as soon as I started.

Although the sword is unparalleled in the vast chaotic world performance, there is still a fast progressive speed.

The sword is unparalleled to be more than her imagination, but this is still not aware of snow to the sword.

After all, play from the beginning, it's cold as the snow, you will be two people with swords.

It is true that the sword is unparalleled and high, this is a fact.

It can be talented and only limited to this world.

His beings can only be trapped in this world, and they have not left this world. The achievements are naturally limited.

Like the strength of swords, there is a strong in the cold, it is already the top of the sword.

In the future, the sword has no pairs to improve the slightest.

She is different.

She is a body, and there is another master of the hindrance, the potential is unlimited.

After 3900 years, she will go to the gear world through that heaven, really begins to emerge.

In the future, she will rise in the god of the gods, one step by step, and the first step is, and finally goes to the peak, reaching her master, and even surpassing her master.

And the sword is unparalleled, still can only be trapped in this world, sleepy in this highest, can only reach the small corner of the chaotic border, and do the frog in the bottom of the well.

"The poor sword is unparalleled, sad people." Cold as a smile.


At the same time, the news of this battle is spread, but the sword is unparalleled, but the voids outside the thunder.

Not long, he came to a dark void and saw the white-haired old man standing there in front of it.

The white-haired old man is slightly lighter, the whole person is like a group of air, no one has a breath, he stood in the void, as if it is waiting for the arrival of the sword.

When you see the white-haired old man in front, the sword is unbentented is a condensed.

"Sure enough is him."

Deep breathing, the sword is unparalleled to immediately.

"The older sword is unparalleled, see the predecessors of a star." The sword was unparalleled, and the sound was respectful.

This is respectful, it is true.

Because this white-haired old man is really worthy of swords.

A star ... I have no doubles of the sword.

At the beginning of the Vatican Sea, the sword was unparalleled by Huangquan Palace. At the end of life and death, the dragon appeared under the old monsters, and wanted to swallow the sword.

At that time, just a star showed him, saved him.

A star is not only to stop the black dragon with him, and after a war with the old war, he gave the sword unparalleled aim, and finally sent the sword unparalleled, and sent the Vatican Sea.

It can be said that a star has a life-saving, and it also guides.

Now I see it again, the sword is unparalleled.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, and the big hand of the old man who blocked the old man before, it was also a star.

"The sword is unparalleled. Is this your name?" A star glamor opened, his eyes turbid, like a green water, looked at the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Just in the battle with the old man, the old man is in the eyes, oh, this is just tens of thousands of years, you have reached this situation?" A star praised, the bottom of the heart did be surprised.

Task, at the beginning of the Vatican, he saw the sword where there was no double, the sword is only just a small guy of the real god.

Although there is also a good fight, it is a star, the , even the old monster, the dragon is enough to easily kill the sword.

But now I see it again ...

"It will be like this, this strength, although the old man is now full, I am afraid it is not your opponent." A star is free.

"The seniors laughed, the seniors are strong, but this world is limited to the chaotic bid, but the predecessors can be used to kill hundreds of people." The sword is unparalleled. "

Although he said, although there is a little compliment, it is also a fact.

Just because of the heaven and earth restrictions, he can threaten these ancient power.

But if there is no heaven and earth limit, any chaotic god of ancient times, it is estimated that he can easily suppress him.

Like a star, the strong, the strange, such as this level, to kill him, and really don't expect the power.

"Haha, your boy will talk," a star haha ​​smiled, I don't know if it is happy or put it out.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately solemnly said: "Just thank you for your predecessors, or you can let the old strange to escape."

"Small things." A star lapeted, "the old man is just passing, just seeing the battle, and the strange commented from the Holy Kitty, I also participated in the battle, the original is the enemy of the old man, During the time of the demon of the demon, the old man's consciousness is not less than he played with him. Now it is rare to have a chance to kill him, will you miss? "

"No matter what to say, I have to thank my predecessors." The sword is unparalleled is very grateful. "Right, if there is nothing wrong, if there is anything, it is better to sit on the Zernse Island?"

"Thunder Island? Can't." A star shake his head, "Although the old man woke up, but only temporary, waiting for a while, it will fall again into sleep, during this time, the old man does not want to follow this era. What does the cultivator generate mega? "

Seeing a star rejected, the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is no longer asked again: "Seniors, you wake up this time, is it because the sky is about to open?"

"Yes." A star slightly nodded, and the look also gains.

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