Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2259 Rottery

"Tiandi channel, finally returned from the main hand of the Holy Lord, the relationship is very important!"

"The last heaven and earth passage is turned on, the old man is extremely bad, even if you want to wake up, this time is different, this Tiandi channel is open, not just the old husband, the seven-star Xuanzong camp, there are many strong people I woke up, I have waited for a batch of strong people to come again, and trigger a war again. "A star sound was solemn.

When you hear this, the sword is not a double gaze.

It is also worried about the sword without double.

Task, the last heaven and earth passage, the Taijie Shenjie directly sent a large number of strong people, and this batch of strong people almost completely remove this world.

Fortunately, the first era did not have the best battle. It was in the same time with this batch of strong, and it retained this world.

And this time, if it is sent again, a batch of strong people ...

"However, it is clear that this time is the old man and others, the big array of the world, the power of the world is no longer more than before, even if it is the mainstay of the Shengjing of the Tai Chu. Unless they are willing to abandon their own life, otherwise they want to send a batch of strong people, it is impossible, even if it is just barely open a heaven and earth channel, these Holy Lord is not good. "A star laughed Tao.

Wen said, the sword is unparalleled.

Previously, the Emperor was also said that the gods could not come over, and now a star is so certain, which makes the sword are unparalleled.

But he still dares me, after all, is not afraid of 10,000, it is afraid of the case!

"This is said, the seniors are thinking of waiting for three tenth hundred years later, that day, the channel is opened, and after disappearing again, continue to sleep again?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." A star slightly nodd, "Although the banned Big Array is completely isolated from the Taijie Shenge, let the Taijie Shenjie will not be restricted to this world, give seven stars Xuanzong, give the seven-star gods, But in order to run, it has taken the aura of nine into this world, leading to this world of earth, and in this environment, the old man has to sleep, I don't dare to walk in this world. "

The sword is unparalleled.

From a star in words, he heard that the reason why this world cultivation environment became increasing, it was also because of the relationship between the ban.

"Seniors, the lifelong knows a place, where the cultivation environment is better than the current Vantime Chaos World, and the heaven and earth aura has been upgrading, if the predecessor will go there, maybe the situation will be a lot." The sword was unparalleled.

"Well? Is there such a place?" A star is as being strange.

"Yes, just in the hometown of the youles, the fire community, the predecessors don't mind, the younger generation can take you before." The sword has no double.

"Don't worry, I still have some resources in the hand now. I can maintain my own realm. I have been repairing it. I have been sleeping for so long. I really want to wake up once. Now I really want to go shopping in this world, but what you said Fire circle, I know, wait after the channel to disappear, the old man will continue to sleep, I can consider going to you. "A star laughed.

"The younger generation is waiting." The sword is unparalleled.

"Give a little guy, if the old man does not feel wrong, should you have a rush of a rollback?" A star is suddenly seen in the sword.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

He knows that a star is a super power to the time and space rules to achieve high levels.

His tricks have an extremely horrible moment.

I feel so high for the reincarnation rules, it can be seen that the sword has no double induction, it is also normal.

"The old man sees you in the Vatican Sea, I have given you a turning edge, but when the old man is just a consciousness, the opportunity to give it slightly, it is definitely no longer, so, the old man Now give you something again. "A star said, but turned out of a gray bead.

The gray beads exude a fantastic gray light, looks incomparably mysterious.

"Seniors, this is?" The sword was unpaired to watch the gray bead.

"This is a treasure that is refining during the peak of the old man. It is not a big use of this round. It has a small reincarnation. It is not bad to use this small reincarnation. It's just to give a reincarnation. I didn't touch the reincarnation rules. This round of returning beads didn't need, but now it is different. "

"This round of back is given to you, you should have a small use." A star smiled.

"Thank you for your predecessors." The sword is unparalleled, and the reincarnation is directly connected, and the bottom is quite happy.

"You don't have to be polite, don't forget that after the world channel disappears, the old man can go to your green fire world, but you can trouble, you can still blame the old man." A star laughed.

"The seniors laughed, the predecessors will come to the fire industry to sleep, that is the honor of my fire, my green fire is very popular." The sword has no double.

What he said is the fact.

If it is the strong man of other ancient times, even if it is a seven-star Xuanzong camp, the sword is not necessarily welcome to sleep to the green fire industry.

Because the sword is unparalleled, I don't know how the heart is.

But a star is different.

First of all, a star has great envy.

And in contact twice, the sword is unparalleled, and a star is not the kind of evil generation.

The sword is unparalleled, naturally, a star is going to the fire world.

"Haha, that's it, the old man will go first."

After finishing, a star is shameful and left directly.

The sword is unparalleled to send a star to leave. It is observed that after a star has completely disappeared after his soul feeling, he looked at the mouth, and his eyes were looking to the round of the ball in his hand.

"Round back to the bead? Gray beads?"

The sword is unparalleled with this round of retraves, which is actually letting him think of the gray beads containing the reverse model.

This round of rear-bare beads contains the gray beads of the retro law, the material seems quite similar, but the feeling of unparalleled swords is completely different.

The sword is not too much, and it will be left directly.

However, soon the sword is unparalleled, a body shape has appeared again in this void, this figure, it is a star that has already left.

At this moment, his face is still a touch of smile, but it can be used in hand.

"According to your instructions, I have given the beads to the little guy, and I just say that it is the wheel ball for him to help him, but did not tell him the truly use of the bead." A star message Tao.

"Well, I know." The other side of the jade came to cold ice.

A star smiled slightly, and the figure was once again dissipated.


PS: Today's four is more!

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