Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2260, endless reincarnation

After a war outside the Thunda, those who woke up, most of them got a shock, and one became honest.

The ancient chaotic world has also restored the calm of the past.

The sword has returned to the green world, returning to the unparalleled city.

In the secret room, the sword is sitting without a double tray, and there is a gray bead.

This gray bead is naturally rounded.

The sword is unparalleled, and the awareness has been fully integrated into this round of retardation.

Sure enough, in this round of the bead, the sword has no double induction to the existence of a small reincarnation, even if it is just a small reincarnation, the reincarnation rules can be inexpensive.

The sword is now just just just comprehend a round of reincarnation rules. For him, this small reincarnation is simply high-profile.

"The predecessors of the first star did not give me a good thing. This small reincarnation, the rule of the reincarnation rules is too big." The sword was unparalleled, and then began to be silent in the extent.

Time is ruthless, and a sway has passed for 3,700 years.

At this moment, the world is open, only the last two hundred years left.

Two hundred days, it is short.

There is no double city, in a huge manor.

There are flowers in this manor with grass, lush, vibrant.

The sword is unparalleled in the center of the manor, and the eyes are closed, and the blood peaks are cleared.

"Return ..."

"A flower, from the beginning of the bud, to the flowers bloom, to the yellow dry, and then to fade, in just a few months, it can be completed, but in such a short period of time, it has completed a big Return. "

"A big tree, from saplings, gradually grow, become a sky big tree, to finally wither, or being broken, it is also a round."

"A person is born to death, and it is also a round."

The sword is unparalleled and muttered, but there is a lot of understanding.

Strusted, swords have no double sword.

His bloody sword slowly looked up, and immediately gave a thorn.

This stab is flat, as if there is no power, but the sword is thorns in the void, but immediately has a round-back power distributed.

Before the long sword, the original lush manor, a large amount of flowers, under the role of this round, but immediately became yellow and dry, instantly kung fu, the original manor, the original manor, became dead.

But this is just just open.

After all flowers are withered, they follow the real new germs to rise, and the entire manor has become vibrant, but it can be rotated again.

From the newborn, to wither.

Will it again, turn to the freshman.

The flowers in the whole manor are as if it is completely caught in this cycle.

"Return, this is the reincarnation."

The sword has no eyes open, looks at everything in front of it, and the face is only a touch of smile.

"From birth to life and death, it is a round of back, but from death to freshmen, it is a round."

"The so-called reincarnation is a loop of life and death."

"My sword, drive the reincarnation rules, can make these flowers from the heart to wither, then from the wither to new students, form a complete cycle, the name of this sword, just call the endless turn."

The sword is unparalleled.

Endless reincarnation, it is the name of his sword.

The sword has not been created by the sword for a long time. Since he has a Xuanluo sword, he has only enhanced his understanding of swords, because Xuan Luo swords have included all aspects of swords, enough for him.

However, although Xuanluo swordsmanship, it is a good thing for others, although it is also suitable for swords, but the sword is unbelves to completely play the power of this sword.

But the swords you created are different.

Swords you created by yourself, it is best for yourself, you can play this sword to the perfect power.

Like all rounds of this sword, the strongest power can only be present in the sword.

Others, even if you understand some of them, it is difficult to understand the artistic conception of swordsysides.

"The small reincarnation in the round of the beads, I have a relaxation for 3,700, I have already reached a new level, but I have compared with the first level of the predecessor's predecessors. The difference is too far, depending on my sense of reincarnation rules, all the best of the rollover, the top can also have an impact on some flower and herbs, but it is impossible to have the same impact on people. "

"But if I reach a higher level, I will directly affect the practice of cultivator, let them get to death, turn back to transformation, then it is terrible." The sword was unmainted.

But he also knows that he is too far away from that step.

The sword is unparalleled, and suddenly, it is slow to move.

"White Emperor, how can I come to me today?" The sword didn't have a double charter, and the face also showed a smile.

Come on, it is a white emperor.

"I am here, there is something." White Emperor said that the eyes are looking to the surrounding manor.

The flowers in the manor are still continuously conversion of new students and withered.

"Surprised means." Bai Di is not shocked.

"Sculptor small skill, no longer hanging." The sword is unparalleled.

Bai Emperor deeply looked at the sword unparalleled, and the expression on his face was very quirky.

At 3,700 years ago, the Thunder Island's wars, then the Sword was unparalleled, and he was surprised. At that time, he saw that the strength of the sword is more than him. Square.

Now I have been over for 3,700 years old. He once again looks at the sword and unparalleled, but it has been deeper than the sword.

Obviously, these for three hundred seventh hundred years, the sword is not double still has a small progress.

Now the strength, the sword is unhappy, it is already far from him.

"This sword is unparalleled, it is really scary." Bai Emperor secretly praised it, but immediately didn't have a difference: "The sword is unparalleled, I heard that you have been looking for a person's trail, that person, is the original Bloody door? "

The sword is unparalleled, although there is no answer, but it is the default.

Bloody door owners, nature is cold as snow.

Since 30,000 years ago, after the final decisive battle in the three emperors, the snow disappeared and disappeared. After the sword was unparalleled, he has been using the power of the Shengshi, looking for the trace of the snow, but did not find what a clusker .

Now, Bai Emperor personally finds the door ...

"Why, have you dropped with her?" The sword didn't have a double.

"Yes." White Emperor nodded, "these years, although the chaos world is still quite calm, but in the dark, it is in the sky, especially those in the ancient times, more than 3,000 years, wake up more "

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