Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2266 is cold as snow

When the emperor of the Outdoor Chaotic World, when the ancient strong, the ancient strongman also looked at the past.

"Where is the people of the Shengling?"

"Yes, the first is that the sword monarch and the white emperor, these two people can do it."

"Hey, it is not? Just in this world, if it is too early god, there is no heaven and earth restrictions, his two people are almost in front of me."

"This day, the sky channel is about to open, the Shengshi also got news, but I don't know what they came, what did you want?"

"Who knows, anyway, no matter what they do, as long as we hinder our back to the gods, you will travel."

"I waited for these years, I still have a rule in this world. I have never recruited the Sorrowfow, it is already very convergent. They have no reason to leave us, and then even if they really want to leave us, then they have to Have this ability. "

"This is."

These farmers will laugh at will.

Among the conversations, there is no concealment for the disdain of the Holy League.

Even the sword is unparalleled with white emperor, many people are actually in the eyes.

These ancient power, but only because of the relationship between the heavens and the earth, it is a little jealous with the white emperor with the sword.

For those who are unscrupulous, the emperors of the ancient chaotic world, although they are anger, they don't dare to attack.

"That day, I can't take it for a long time, but the blood of the blood is not exposed." Bai Emperor wrinkled.

"Don't worry, wait until it is." The sword is quite flat.

He is very patient.

He knows that if you are soaked, if you really want to go to the gear of the god, it will definitely come.

If the snow is not coming, it is better, then it is better to stay if the snow will stay, and he doesn't have to go with these ancient power.

at this time……

! !

A special corrugation suddenly became spread in the black mist in the darkness of the day.

Endless ripples, sweaters to all sides, this black void, also like the lake, starting to rope.

The whole dark void is completely covered by this ripple.


This scene is unparalleled, and the eyes of the white emperor are all shrinkage.

The end of the sky, it is impossible to change independently, but now the creation of this ripple is obviously the other end of the sky, and the people who are too early to start.

They have begun to open the Tiandi channel.

Also noticed this scene, there is also one hundred and thirty-eight disturbances.

Seeing that the ripples that are constantly swept, these ancient power, one of them exposed the color of surprises.

"Start, those adults began to open the Tiandi channel!"

"finally come!"

"Haha, in this world, I have been sleeping for so long, I will have the opportunity to return to the goddess?"

Surprise, excitement, excited!

A kind of emotion appears on the face of these ancient power.

These ancient power, trapped in this world, it is too long.

After ancient ancient, this world was completely blocked by the big array, they were completely isolated from their hometown.

You must know that they have their own relatives, there are their own relatives, have a lot of hometowns, who don't want to go back to their hometown?

But why, because of this world of big array, the long years, they have no way.

But today, they finally waited for the opportunity to leave.

These ancient strong people, can you not be excited, happy?

And at the same time, the sky is changed.!

The two portions have suddenly happened from the distance and appeared in this void.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is attracted by one of the people.

"Is it coming?" The white emperor next to him also looked at the two.

There are two people in the two people with a white veil.

Although the white woman is covered, it can't see the specific appearance, but with the temperament on her body, it is enough to make a lot of strong soul.

This white woman, no doubt, is being cold! !

As for the same time as the snow, it is a height of more than three meters, just a big mountainous burly man.

This burly man is being a iceberg.

"Icebergs, cold temple!"

Seeing people, those exciting farmers are immediately astringent, and even the two people, they respect each other.

The iceberg is with cold, a strong power is strong, second only to the Lord of the Holy Genting, and the other is the master of the Holy Lord, the identity is distinguished.

These two people are of course enough to treat these ancient strongholds respectful.

"The Master has begun, no accident, the top half a time, the Tiandi channel will really open, but the Master also commanded, but they have exhausted, and only the time of ten breathing of the channel, After ten breathing, if I can't leave in time, even if I have no way, I have no way. "Cold like a snow.

"Ten breathing?" The iceberg is indifferent, "if no one blocks, I will go through the Tiandi channel through the world, I can't use a breathing time before and after, but if someone blocks, then it is different."

Said, the iceberg has seen the strong people of the eye chaotic world camp.

Just, the eyes of swords and unparalleled people are also solidified in his two people, and it is precisely that it is solid in the snow.

"It seems that things will not go smoothly." Cold and smile.

She touched the sword and unparalleled eyes, naturally, she knows what the latter wants to do.

Indeed, the sword is unparalleled, and it will look at her channel.

And now, the sword is unparalleled.

Wancha chaotic world camp, standing in the top sword is unparalleled, the pace has slowly crossed.

"Do you have to do it now?" Bai Emperor brows.

In fact, I want to be so cold, so that the sky is really open, and the many ancient people are struggling to move in the world, and it is best.

At that time, these ancient strong people only wanted to enter the heaven and earth channels, returning to the gods, swords and unparalleled only just stop one of them, because of their self-heart, these ancient strong people will not care, or if they care, Tiandi channel Just in front of them, they estimate that they will choose to enter the heaven and earth channel. After all, the Tiandi channel has not been lasts.

In this way, they have a lot of chances of cold, such as snow.

But the same, there is a big risk after opening the heavens and earth channels.

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