Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2267 Iceberg

You must know that the void is very close to the sky.

When the channel is opened, the snow is enough to enter the heaven and earth channel.

The moment of this moment, is too long, and the snow is like a snow, although it has become a bloody door owner, but she never came out, even when she was a decisive battle with the three emperors, cold Snow has never been out, no one knows how her strength is, and I don't know what she has.

That is, this is terrible.

If it is cold as a snow, it has been used out, and the sword is unparalleled. There is no chance to make a hand, and the snow has entered that heaven.

The sword is unparalleled, not wanting to bear the risks, so he decided to do it now!

He wants to be in front of these ancient strongholds, directly suppressing the snow!

This is the most secure method.

Of course, the difficulty is definitely larger.

Just twice steps, the sword is unparalleled, there is already in front of the cold.

Didn't talk, the sword is unparalleled is indifferent to the snow.

The farmers around the surroundings are a surprised dynasty.

"The sword is unparalleled, you and I seem to have been a long time, don't meet this close distance? Who, now, you still don't want to give up?" Cold As the snow, the beauty is solid to the sword, the tone is gentle, but it is brought A trace of play.

"Tome years ago, when you left the green world, I can't stop you, but the same thing, but I will never happen, I will not let you leave this today. Tiandi. "The sword is unparalleled.

"No matter what price? Including your life?" Cold as a snow.

"Includes my life." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh, it is really infatuated, I don't understand, what is the stupid woman attract you, can you let you be infatuated?" Cold like a snow.

"Emotional things, not you have such ruthless people can immediately." The sword has no double.

"Is it? Then I will wait and see, see how you stop it." Cold as a snow smiled, arrogant is the three-meter burly man next to the three meters, "Icebergs, trouble you .

"Yes." The burly man nodded with the iceberg.

After he woke up, he received a command from the adults from the Taijie Shenjie, which was to let him escort the cold, such as the snow.

There is that adult order, and the iceberg will naturally go all out.

"Sword monarch is right?"

The iceberg appeared in front of him, and the burly body was completely cold.

"I know that there is some entanglement between your relationship with the cold temple, but I advise you, put away your mind, or completely forget, you can at least be safe in this world, when this world is supreme, You can also get happy, but if you go to, I believe in me, even if this world has the existence of the big array, there are many world-limited restrictions, but with the adult's means, you can still try to kill you! "

"Is it?" The sword is not a double corner, but it is a smile. Don't say that now, the adults in your mouth are still in the same day, I can't involve this world, even if he stands in front of me, I will think about it. "

"The mood is not good." The iceberg is turned cold, and the eyes without the slightest are solidified on the sword. "Since you are looking for death, then I can only become all you."

The voice fell, this iceberg is a slap, and a blue war knife appears in his hand.

There is no knife to exude it, this iceberg is just just standing there, the invisible war is swept, and the whole void is completely ice-cooled for a while.

The ice-cooled void, as well as the cold air, like a knife, cutting on the human body.

"The Iceberg is going to shoot!"

"This sword is unparalleled, and the big courage, even dare to call the iceberg!"

"The Icebergs, that is, only the Lord of the Holy Gentry, although it is limited by the heavens and the earth, but the strength he can play is still very strong, the at least be the older, the old, the other, can be compared."

"This sword monarch is too big. He thought he slammed some chaotic gods. Then the White Emperor killed the strange, and was really invincible in this world? He didn't encounter the iceberg, see Let's go, the iceberg is angry, no one saved him. "

Those who are far away from the ancients have been embarrassed.

In their eyes, Iceberg is definitely a highly unparalleled super power.

In the current Octobian Chaotic World, there should be no one in addition to the emperor that is said to be awakened.

As for the sword, there is no double and white emperor, and it is the same as the iceberg.

When it is like a blade-like air, the sword is not double-finished.

"This person, very strong!"

With solemn, the blood peak sword also appeared in his hand.

Iceberg, Icy, no feeling, staring at the sword, unparalleled, and a strong man in his eyes.

call out!

The body shape of the iceberg is also moving.

He is burly, enough three meters high, can shape it, but it is incredible.

While he is shaping, it is like a scary knife, it is like an instant to explode like a mountain collapse.

You know, he has not burst any knife before, although holding a knife, but feels ordinary.

Who knows that it will be shocked by an explosion.

"This knife ... strong terrible!" The sword is unparalleled, I can't help it.

In the moment of this iceberg, even if he has not been dispatched, the sword is unparalleled, but it has been instantly understanding, simply in the knife, this iceberg is understood by the sense of the knife, far more powerful than yourself.

This is also normal. After all, this iceberg is the super power of the Taijie Shenjie secondary to the Lord of the State. At the realm of the knife, the at least stepped into the knife, even now it is now limited, It is impossible to completely play the tricks immediately, but the knife road that can be played is absolutely absolutely higher than the sword unparalleled swords.


The iceberg swars.

He is taking a knife.

A bright knife lights up.

At this moment, the surrounding world, the whole time and space is completely solidified, followed by this day and space, the attraction of this knife, the endless heaven and earth is completely integrated into this knife.

This knife becomes more dazzling, and it has become long and endless.

The sword is unparalleled in front of which only has a knife, but the next moment is covered with a blade.


PS: Today's four is more!

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