Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2268 Paranoia

The sword is unparalleled, watching the sky, the sky is swept, as if he has completely caught the ocean.

If you don't move, once you have actions, you must be smashed by those knives.

"This knife is really strong."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not afraid.

It is true that this iceberg knife is shocking, but in this sky, it is absolutely can't play.

In this world, it will not be subject to heaven and earth restrictions.

The sword has no double sword.

At the moment of the long sword lifted, hey ~~~ The stunning sword is also instantly swept.

With his right hand, a strange curvature appeared, the sword light emerged, this sword is like a spider web like a whole void.

In an instant, there is a huge sword net appeared in this void.

The sword net is no, it seems to be able to wrap everything to annihilate.

And the sky-covered knife is the blade of the ocean, and the moment is collided with this sword net.

laugh! laugh! laugh!

There is no dramatic roar or critical shock, and some are just the sound of the ablation of the ablation.

The knife is beautiful, but it will not completely break through the blockade of the Jian Net.

Just instantly kung fu, the fire is exhausted.


It is the sword where the sword is unparalleled in a slap in the ocean.

"You have a strong sense of knife, and the sense of the knife is high. Your strength is only the ultimate chaotic boy, and my sword is not as good as you. But my strength, but the power is the chaos, one force Drop 10, I want to see, how do you fight against me? "

The sword has no double eyes, his body is imposing, and a horrible look is crazy.

The power is like the sea, the vastness.

Under the leadership of swords, the sky is abrupt.

These hazy winds have rolled up, enough to tear an emperor into a fragment, and this venue is completely oppressed in the iceberg.

The sword is unparalleled.

Sword, spinning the sword.

Endless wind storms, completely enveloped the iceberg.

Xuanluo Sword ...... Bright rain! !

The iceberg stands in the most central, indifferent in the face, and the war knife in his hand is erecting endless cold.

An unprecedented violent violent breath, the fierce is spread on the iceberg.

This moment of iceberg, as if it is not a human cultivator, but from the madness of hell.

He, as if it has lost a reason.

"! ! !"

"My knife, never retreat!"

"My knife, I can't stop!"

"My knife is to open everything in front of it."

It is clear that the iceberg has nothing to defensive at all, but he is still a special horizontal.

A knife is taken out from him.

Each knife is invincible, all in front of everything in front of it.

Pure attacks, no after retreat.


Endless wind storms, was split with ruthlessness by this special horizontal knife, and immediately dissipated.

The invincible knife was cleared by the wind, the storm was not reduced, and he still slammed the sword.

The sword is not double-colored.

"This person's knife ..."

Previously, this iceberg is out of the knife, and the sword is unparalleled. This iceberg knife is very strong, far more than yourself.

The feelings on the knife are also far from what he can.

But he is not afraid. After all, the iceberg is limited by the heavens and the earth, and the knife can not play.

However, the sword is unparalleled or a little bit of iceberg.

This iceberg, in the Taijie gods, but only the super power of the Lord of the Holy Genting, he has already paced the peak in the knife.

And he has already formed himself unique and unique knife.

And his knife is that all obstacles in front of it, even if the other party's offensive is strong, he will never return.

His knife is purely derived by attacking, his knife, only knows attacks, do not know defense.

Or, his defense is quite crowded with everything in front of it.

"The best defense is an attack, this guy's knife, is an extreme, which leads to a strong incredibility of his attack." The sword is unparalleled.

This is still under the limitations in the world, this iceberg is not able to truly play his own knife.

The sword is unimpeded to imagine. If this iceberg is a peak, how horror is to be used?

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

A sound from a sound from the iceberg mouth.

At this moment, the iceberg is like madness, he is invincible, his knife, the war is invincible.

That horror is very horrible, and it is purely a special attack knife method, and it will come to the sword.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, it feels huge pressure.

The sorcereous sword is unparalleled in power, and it is much more powerful than the iceberg. Even if his sword is far less than the knife method of the iceberg, he can use the mixed elements of the Xuanluo Sword. The law is given down.

But soon, he found that the knife of the iceberg is not straight and straight, and it is still endless.

A knife is connected to the road, and there is no stop.

The sword is unparalleled from the beginning, I choose to use the mixed element and the swordsmanship, it can only be passive, and he can't find a chance to attack.

Or, it is a chance to give him a little chance of the iceberg.

"This person's knife method is really terrible." The sword is unparalleled.

In the surrounding void, those who are watching the ancient power, seeing this scene, and could not breathe a breath.

"Too strong, the knife method of the iceberg is really a strong terrible!"

"Junny, why do you exist in the iceberg? Even if it is now limited, it is not what I can."

"The knife method has come to the extreme, purely ahead, such a knife method, seems to be paranoid, but also more terrible, once started to be suppressed by the knife of the iceberg, unless the other knife road is higher, otherwise Just have been suppressed, then the defeat! "

"A gluten, it seems to be stupid, but it is possible to achieve this point like the knife of the iceberg, but it is no longer afraid."

These ancient strong people have an extraordinary knowledge, and it is very clear that the knife method of the iceberg is.

This type of knife, or a knife, is extremely paranoid, is an extremely alternative.

But even if the alternative knife method is, in the real killing, it is more sharp and horizontal.

Like the current, the sword is unparalleled, and his own swordsman understands that it is not weak, but he chooses to resist the knife of the iceberg. After that, there is only a copy of it.

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