Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 227, Jianzu

The sword has no double look.

Different kinds of origins, nature is also different.

Like the world's origin, it is natural to understand the four swords of the swords and the swords of fire, and naturally.

The world's source is in an all-in-one, a kind of source of being relatively perfect in one aspect, no flaws.

The killing of the origin is a very extreme source of violence.

The most good at killing this source is to attack, just on the attack, it is much stronger than the world.

But in other aspects, it is not as good as the world.

This source of extreme violentness is naturally harder.

"The second step of the test is to test your mentality."

"Killing this source, although killing is mainly, can kill but to follow the mind, even if you want to kill, you must kill, you will be worthy of" "

"So, you will experience so many kills in the killing illusion, and after killing so many ordinary people, you can still stick to your heart, stick to your own killing, never being killed in the illusion Confusion, so this second step, you have passed, so you can go to the end of the illusion ... look back cliff! "

"After, I have the most important third step!"

"The third step, the test is ambiguity!"

"Killing this source, this is the gradual experience in the sky, the second step of the test is to test the killing of you slowly, until the last third step, you follow the mantasy world Battle in front of it, and finally, this is the meaning of this murder! "

"When you broke out, it is also your best time to kill your own source, and the result, you have succeeded."

Beautiful woman smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is some weird.

He didn't expect that it is just the first heavy test of the ancestral land, so there is so many complicated steps, and it is more amazing.

The test of the mind follow the mentality has been very difficult, as long as there is a little hesitant, I am afraid it will fall into the point where it is.

The final third step, the test is more demanding.

Task, what is the source? In fact, this is easy to understand?

He before, combined with four swords, and he was lucky to comprehend the source of the world.

And killing this source, but he did not have a slightest, he did not feel the sword.

Never have any drillars, the result allowed him to directly feel the source of killing in this heavy test, which is totally non-legacy.

But in the world, the world will continue to promote his killing will, which is equivalent to making a house, step by step to give him a stack of tiles, all completed these steps in the process, and finally only the door.

This is the most important thing, and the sword is unparalleled.

"At the beginning, my father passed the test, and this is this?" The sword didn't have a couple of beautiful women.

"Yes." The beautiful woman nodded. "He is the same as you, and it is also a killing source in this killing illusion, but he feels that killing this source for four months, and you, only for three months, To a certain extent, you are more powerful than your father. "

"Three months?" The sword has no double-finish change. "I stayed in the illusion, is it three months?"

In the illusion, he only knew that he had been killing, he did not know how many people killed, and did not know how long he stayed.

Now I know that he has been in the illusion, it has already stayed for three months.

"Kid, since you can pass the first test of the ancestral land, since today, you are also barely as the disciple of Jianzu," Beautiful woman. "

"Jianzu one pulse?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"Let's go out again." Beautiful woman walks outside the palace of the Han Dynasty.

The sword is unparalleled and immediately followed.

After leaving the palace, the beautiful woman came to a altar with a sword, this is very old, and the whole altar is outside the stone column, but there is no thing, but the altar is connected to a ferric bridge.

This iron cable bridge is extremely long, extending to the deepest place of the ancestral land, the sword is unparalleled in the altar, but it does not see anything at all.

"Kid, what is your name?" The beautiful woman came over.

"The sword is unparalleled." The sword has no double.

"The sword is unparalleled? My name is Jin Ling." The beautiful woman pointing to the honestritis next to it, "This is my second brother, Mountain."

"I believe you also see it, I am two people are not human."

The sword is unparalleled.

From the first time I came to the ancestral place, I saw this first eye of the hometown, the sword was unparalleled, and this Mountain is not human.

"I am actually a war." Jin Lingdao.

"Sure enough." The sword did not double the cold air.

He has guess the identity of Jinling and Mountains, but now I have a little shock.

It is important that the war has never had a tool, just like a tool, only unconditionally obeying the master's order.

In front of him, this Jinling followed Mountain, as a war, their spirit is too high, and it is not less than human.

Such a high-spirited war before he had heard, and such a war, the level is naturally very high.

"I don't know how her is the strength of her two?" The sword didn't think of a double dark.

"I have seen, you have a lot of questions now, even if you ask, you are now also a disciple of Jianzu, and I know some things." Jin Lingdao.

"I want to know what this ancenda is in the end, what is the relationship between me?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The ancestral land is the tomb of Jianzu!" Jin Ling looked at the sword. "As for the relationship between you and the ancestors, you are the descendants of Jianzu."

"Sword of Jianzu?" The sword has no double.

"You is indeed a descendant of Jianzu, this identity from your three killing swords, and your sword soul you wake up can be reflected, don't doubt." Jinling said.

"In many years, in this world, there is a thrilling terrible existence, this existence, is the ancestors of Jianzu, Jian Dao, is the first person in the world!"

"Jianzu created the Jianzuyi pulse, but also a superior force, the Jianzu in the peak period, the strength of strength, far beyond your imagination."

"However, just thousands of years ago, I don't know why, the Jianzu is mad!"

"The Jian Zu is behind, the Jianzu is also instantly collapsed. It is unplugged by the other party, and the disciples of the Jianzuyi pulse are also slaughtered. In the end, there is only a few people to escape here."

"This part of the person is unable to rise again, and finally can only gradually fall, and gradually, there is the appearance of the swords!"

"So, the predecessor of the sword Houfu is the Jianzu."

"The disciples of the swords Houfu are the descendants of the Jianzu."


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