Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 228, Three Mechanism

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled secret.

He was born in the sword Houfu, but he never knew that the sword Houfu had such a origin.

At the same time, he is also awkward, once the superior forces, now falling to this point.

"What is the Sword Soul?" The sword watched the Jinling, continued to ask: "Why have you been assassinated after I am awakening the sword soul, I have been assassinated."

This problem is also the sword and unparalleled longing.

He has been assassinated by the bloody feather land, and now it has taken the Holy Palace, and he must know several kinds of assassination. He is all life life.

He is of course desire to know the reason.

"I can also answer you this question." Jinling said: "The soul of the sword, the soul of the sword, only those geniuses who have amazing talent on the swords can be awakened, even the Jianzu, the Jianzu, the peak, one era Decades, there are only two or three geniuses, and I am awakened the soul. "

"And you are with your father, after the Jianzu has not completed this, you can wake up the soul, this is a miracle."

"As for the assassination ..."

"That is because of the superior forces of the Jianzu, the existence of the swords Houfu, but because of some special reasons, even if the party is super, it is impossible to completely destroy the swordshoumen, so that the Jianzu is The pulse is influenced! "

"Although it cannot be completely destroyed, it can hinder the rise of Jianzu once again."

"So, the superior force has always been staring at the sword Houfu, the ordinary disciples in the swordshoumen, even if it occasionally born one or two geniuses, the superior force will not be placed in the heart, but the sword soul ... "

"Can awakening the soul of the soul, the Jianzu in the peak is the top super genius. This is the genius, as long as the middle is not falling, the future achievements will not be too low, enchanting, it can be a first-class One of the strong, only such a genius will be considered to be even a jealous of the superiority. "

"So, the super genius of the sword Houfu has awakened the soul of the soul, and the superior force will immediately take this potential threat to remove this, so there is a scene you have assassinated with your father."

The sword is unparalleled, but the head is a little, "" Is it this? "

I am awakening the soul of the soul, it is a super genius, which will make the superior forces truthful, so I will want to kill them.

And the ordinary disciples of the swords Houfu, the superior force is not in the eyes.

"You just said, the superior force is because of some special reasons, it cannot be completely destroyed by the Sword Houfu. What is these special reasons? Other, this side is superior, is it? Swordless?" Asked.

Jinling willow, shake his head: "These problems you ask now, have exceeded your permission range, I can't tell you."

"What?" The sword has no double.

"The three tests of the ancestral land, representing three identities, also represent three different permissions." Jinling explained.

"Through the first weight test, you can only be considered a common disciple of Jianzu, just the permissions of ordinary disciples, it is only some basic questions about the Jianzu."

"And the problems you just ask, are qualified to know the core disciples, the core disciples need to pass the second weight test, you can have your current realm, it is not qualified to accept the second test."

The sword is not double-colored, and the spiral will take a deep breath and calm down.

"Do you have anything else?" Jin Ling looked over.

"No." The sword shook his head without double.

He already knows a lot.

At least, I know why I have been chasing it, and I also know that my relationship between my ancestors.

It is already enough, and the other many doubts can only be said later.

"No, you are still too weak now, even if you know too much, there is nothing to use, you have to do it now, you are doing your best to improve your strength." Jin Ling smiled.

"This time you pass through the first heavy test of the ancestral land, according to the rules of the ancestral, you can get three main firms."

"Three machines?" The sword was unparalleled immediately to Jin Ling, and there was a short expectation in the heart.

The crisis is accompanied by the chance.

In order to pass the first heavy test, he walked several times in the ghost gate, so it's hard to pass the test. Nature is also a chance.

"Three machines, first, you can raise three things, these three things, can be genius, can be a skill, can also be a Qizhen Dan medicine, but it is in your ordinary Within the privilege of disciples. "

"Let's talk, what do you need?" Jin Ling asked.

The sword is unlucky.

Things can only be three, and the sword is unparalleled.

"I have already thought about it." The sword was unparalleled and suddenly looked up.

"Say." Jin Lingdao.

"I need a treasure that can re-repair Dantian and restore strength." The sword is unparalleled.

"Repair Dantian?" Golden watched it.

"My father Dantian was destroyed." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Is this?" Jinling nodded, : "Repair Dantian's treasure, in many treasures in the ancestral, there are two kinds, one is a colorful Linger, there is a turn of Chibian Dan. "

"Both of these can restore the broken Dantian, but the effect has a great gap."

"Colorful Ling Lingno is a genius of genius, not rare precious, he can not only repair people's Dantian, but also to make Dantian more vast vast, no matter how spiritual strength, or the spiritual storage It will greatly improve. "

"Like your father, Dantian is destroyed, but if you have a seven-color Lingnian, you can re-repair Dantian, but the spirit, he must rely on himself, that is, he has to start from the lack, Start cultivation. "

"But re-cultivation, the speed is definitely very fast, how long he will reach the previous realm, and it will have the opportunity to hit the higher level in the future!"

"And one turn red inflammation, it is extremely extreme."

"One turn of Chifeng Dan can also restore your father, Dantian, and fix it immediately after restoration of your father's strength, and only turn Red Yan Dan can also strictly press your father's potential, so that your father's strength is directly skyrocketing A higher level! "

"It can be used to potential, which is advantageous. After your father has skyrocketed, the realm will be difficult in the future, and it will be a slight improvement."

Jin Ling said this, suddenly, continue to see the sword.

"These two treasures, including colorful to win the vine value, but you can't get your permissions, so you can only choose to change Chifeng Dan."


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