Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 229 Rainstorm

After listening to Jinling, the sword was slightly changed.

Colorful Lingno and a turn of Chifeng Dan, the sword is more inclined to the former.

Although colorful Lingzi repaired Dantian, it is necessary to start re-cultivation from the Ling Road. It can still have everything possible.

And one turned Chi Yan Dan, but he was too extreme. Even if people can restore the peak period, even the strength has risen, but it will greatly press the potential. It is difficult to become a top power in the future.

But unfortunately, with his current permissions, you can't get colorful Linger.

"That turn around Chi Yan Dan, there is always good than good, wait for the father, I will pay a turn to Chifeng Dand to him, as for swallowing, I will see how my father will choose." Sword is unparalleled .

Jinling nodded, and said: "What do you need?"

"I need a sword of the world's source, killing the source of the source." The sword said.

Whether it is the world's source or killing this source, he has just worked for a long time.

I realized the source, I naturally need the corresponding source of the Swordsman to play the source of the source.

"Swords that are suitable for the world's origin is simple, I have given you no swords before, this is a source of swords, and targeted, it is the world's source, and you get just no swords of my sword Now I will give you the next half, how? "Jin Lingdao.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

He has been drilling, there is no sword, and now it can only display the third type of weather.

But there is no strength of my sword, he has long knowing his mind.

He didn't care if he was a three sword, and the four swords were combined. It actually did not really play the power of this sword.

Only I feel the source, and the world's origin, this sword is to truly demonstrate.

And there is no sword, the light is the upper half of the six-style, and the lower half is coming to have six types, adding 12-story swords, enough for him for a long time.

"As for the swords that are suitable for killing this source ..." Jin Ling slightly frowned.

"What happened, isn't it?" The sword is unparalleled.

"No, but ... too much." Jinling Road.

"Too many?" The sword has no double.

"Kid, you should know that Jianzu is a pulse, mainly attacking the sword, and the sword is a killing, the sword warrior, understanding the source of killing, can thoroughly show the killing ability of the swords, so my Jianzu is a peak During the period, a lot of strong people comprehensued, they were killing this source! "

"Like Jianzu, the best, it is also killing the source!"

"Jianzu is a strong force in the source of killing, which leads to the swords of the killing of this source to be more than other natives. The light is in your current permissions, the sword that is suitable for killing the source Talk, there is no hundreds of doors. "

"So, I will give you a sword, you will pick it up." Jinling said, he handed a list to the sword unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, when you see the name of many swordsmanship, as well as these swordsmanship.

And the sword is unparalleled, also started to browse.

After a short moment, the sword was unpacked to lock a sword.

"Blood Sword"

Unborseful overbearing, the sword of the power of the sky.

This sword is only a total of three swords, with no swords, twelve swords, and there is too much to be less.

But the value of this sword is no longer there.

"This" blood empty sword ", although there is only three swords, you can have a strong amazing, every sword is the sword of the killing, is a real kill." The sword has a soft mango.

Killing this source, the most paying attention is to kill the power, if so, then do the director, with the powerful killing of the power, will attack the advantages of attacking the power completely burst out.

"I decided, I will choose this" blood empty sword "." The sword has been decided directly.

"Blood Swords?" Jin Ling was a little surprised, but it still nodded.

Just a moment, Jin Ling took all the three things necessary for the sword.

A turn of Chifeng Dan, there is no half of my sword, and the blood empty sword.

"Three miles, the first machine has given you, and the second machine is to let you stay in the rainy palace for a month." Jin Ling looked at the sword. "Come with me."

"Rainstorm?" The sword was unparalleled with a silk, followed by the Jinling.

Under the leader of the Jinling, he came to a corner of the ancestral place.

In front of him, it is a huge mountain wall. Under the mountain, there is a cave.

"This cave, is it a rainy palace?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." Jinling said: "Don't underestimate this cave, don't have a hole in the inside, you will try it out, remember, you only have a month, how much can be improved this month, just look at your own creation "

The sword has no double main point, then step out directly to the cave.

There is a huge in the cave, and the gray air is lingering.

The sword is unparalleled to watch, and the gray air flow is surrounded by a huge picture.

"Draw?" The sword is unparalleled and a little nervous.

It is close to the picture.

This is a heavy rain map.

Rainstraw graph, a large number of raindrops, and a few have a long drop of rain.

"These rain drops ..." swords are unparalleled to see these rains.

In the sword where there is no eyes, these rain drops seem to be a sword, and it is as if a strong sword is straight.

If the sword is unparalleled, if you look at the world's source, you have found that these swords light is perfect, including everything in the world, every sword is as if it is the core of a world.

He even saw the scene of the fourth style, fifth style, and sixth model of these swords ...

The sword is unparalleled to see the source of killing, but found that these swords light a violent embarrassment contains endless killing, sword light or tattoo, or horizontal, killing the world, invincible.

Different from different origins, it is different.

However, everything is the same!

The sword is unparalleled. At the same time, the three kids behind him also appeared in his hands. He could not help but start the sword, and completely forgot myself.

The whole rainy palace is actually this stroke map.

And this rainstorm diagram is for the source.

On the value, this rainstorm map, even in the sword, there is no double, who has been waiting for two years.

The sword is unparalleled in this rainstorm, and the time will not be detected at all.

"One month is arrived, come out!"

The beautiful woman who has been waiting outside the rainy palace is suddenly emitted.

"Go out!" "Go out!" "Go out!"

Drinking is constantly echoing in the mind, and the sound is getting bigger and bigger, and the sword is unparalleled immediately awakened.

Subsequently, the sword has no double body shape, and there is an exterior of the rainy palace.

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