Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 230 Zijing Lake

"How do you feel?" Jin Ling looked over with Mountains.

"Very good, unfortunately time is too short." The sword is unparalleled with a hint of regret.

Indeed, just a month, too short.

He was completely immersed in the extent of the rainstorm, and he had already forgotten the passage of time. In his feeling, it seems to have not been in the past, who can think of a month.

"The strength should be not small?" Asked Mountain and asked.

"Not small." The sword is not a hyper point.

Although there is only one month's enlightenment, this month is under the rainstorm, and the rain drops contains the source of Sword or swords, so that he has a significant increase in the world's origin and killing.

Without my sword, he has already enlighted the fourth style with the fifth style, even the sixth style, and it is not far from the thoroughness.

And the blood air sword, he has also mastered the first style.

This is just a month.

If you put it in the outside world, he wants to thoroughly understand the fourth style of my swords, and I have to do it for a long time.

The blood air sword is more subtle, the light is the first style, it is enough to let him have a long time for a long time, but he only used it for a month, and he will master this form. .

"Rainstorm is a month, so that I have a huge improvement in the comprehension of this source." The sword is unparalleled.

"The Rainy Palace is your second machine, and then, you still have the third machine, Zijing Lake." Jinling opened.

"Zijing Lake?" The sword didn't look forward to it.

He didn't know what this purple lake is, but he has just experienced the experience of rainy palace. He knows that this purple lake is fine, and the at least has a huge role of him or help.

"Mountain, you take him." Jin Ling glanced at Mountain next to it.

"Yes, big sister." The wooden mountain nodded and followed by the front.

Under the leader of Mountain Mountain, the sword is unparalleled to come to a purple lake.

This purple lake is not large, but it is not small, the lake in the lake is clear and transparent, even exuded with fragrance, as if the wine is like, and it is indifferent.

"This is a purple crystal lake." Mountain said, "This purple lake is made by the purple crystalline fluid."

"Purple Alcohol?" The sword was unparalleled, but it became incomparable to the face.

The purple crystal liquid, which is quite the nature of the contest, which is the least pure energy between the heavens and the world.

However, the congenital spirit is only effective for the basic martial arts of the Ling Dao, the sea level, but it is a strong help of yin and yang emotion.

Even a lot of plenty of yin and yang fumes, their transactions are not a money, but use a purple crystal spirit.

At the Tianzong Dynasty, a total of a general yin deficiency is a strong, it is estimated that there is a hundred drops of a purple crystal liquid.

But now, what is the concept of a lake?

"I am afraid that all the Zijin Dynasty's purple spirit will be concentrated, and they are far from the one tenth of this lake." The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can practice two months in this purple lake. In these two months, you can do our best to absorb the purple fluid of this purple lake, two months later, I hope you The realm can be greatly improved. "Mountain watched the sword was unparalleled, but then it turned directly to it.

Next to Zijing Lake, only swords were unique to stand on the shore.

"Two months?"

"I can fix two months?"

The sword is unbounded in the eyes, and the is jumped.


The sword is unparalleled into the lake, and it took a head and looked around.

"Such a large lake, two months, how much can I absorb?" The sword is unparalleled, just in this purple lake, directly running a big day.

As the big days have been running, the whole purple crystal lake is crazy.

The lake is like, crazy roll, and the sword is unparalleled, and a horrible phagocytic force sweeps, and the peripheral purple spirit is in the amazing speed.

Daily creation Take a maximum way to run!

Crazy swallowed!

Each absorption!

The spiritual power in his body has also begun to increase the speed of increasing thinking.

Mountain will leave the sword where the sword is sent to the purple crystalline lake. After a long time, I came to the front of the Jinling.

"I have sent him to the Zijing Lake." Mountain said.

"Well." Jin Ling nod, "Two months, said that it is not long, it is short, and I don't know if he is in these two months, how much is it able to improve?"

"He is already a successful golden Dan, although it has just broken through, but two months to absorb the purple fluid, nojust, it can break through the yin deficiency, and even if it is good, it may be able to break through Yin deficiency! "Mountain Road.

"Yin deficiency?" Jin Ling brow one, "I remember that the Jian Tian Tian also broke through the cultivation of the two months of Zijing Lake, and also reached the top of the yin deficiency, and it was a little bit Breakthroughs have achieved yin deficiency. "

"This little guy has to have some of his father, breaking through the yin deficiency, hope is very big."

Jin Ling and Mountain are randomly discuss, but did not find scenes in the loose crystalline lake.

If they go to the Zijing Lake, they will never say this.

Because the purple lake at this moment has been completely riped.

The sword is unparalleled to make a big day, and how fast is the speed of the phagocytosis absorption?

After all, it is a big day!

Just like when the sword is unparalleled, it is only a god level, in the nine mountains absorbed the first Tianling liquid, he absorbed the speed of the first Tiandian far more than the ordinary military.

Dan medicine like a general promotion, others need one or two months to completely digest the drug, and he is just one day!

Natural, now he absorbs a purple crystalline liquid, and the speed is far faster than ordinary people.

This is the practice of the day, the best of the sky.

The Jinling and Mountains believe that the sword is unparalleled in the two months of cultivating the purple crystalline lake, it must be able to break through the yin deficiency, and even have the opportunity to hit the yin.

Can you actually?

On the third day!

The sword is unparalleled in the Zijing Lake. The spiritual power in Jindan has accumulated the ultimate, and then when he got enough spiritual power, he launched an impact directly toward the Yinyun.

With such a vast and large purple crystal liquid, the sword has no double breaks up.

He doesn't need any breakthrough opportunities, relying on the pounds of savings in the body, forcibly breaking through.

And successfully.

On the third day of his cultivation in the Zijing Lake, he has broken through the yin deficiency, and then his strength is still improved. After ten days, he broke through and reached the yin deficiency!

Wink, two months passed.


PS: Hey, brothers, guess what kind of step can we reach within two months in these two months?

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