Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2275 Soul Snake Flower Mother-in-law

It is so strong that it is so strong, and it still has no deaths?

It is to know that they are directly desperate to show the strongest means, and they will defeat the sword unparalleled poppics.

In order to show this means, many of the ancient people can pay off the price.

In this way, they can be reluctant once, and they want to display the second time.

Since the sword is unparalleled, since it can be reorganized once, then you can reorganize the second, third, and even countless times.

In this case, they can't kill swords.

"Invincible! Invincible!"

Many far from the ancient people also burst.

Indeed, the sword at this moment is unparalleled, and it has been standing in an invincible angle.

Only when he killed these ancient people, those far-rectificers were afraid to let him.

Suddenly ... Boom!

A shock of the world, there is a faint light that lights like the black fog and the sky.

This brighter is getting brighter.

In videos, a familiar atmosphere spreads from the other end of the light.

"This is ... the breath of the gods!"

These distant people have aesthetically observed this breath, and the shape is like a shock, and the eyes become very enthusiastic.

"Beginning, too early gods have begun!"

"The few people have begun to open the Tiandi channel, and have opened a gap."

"According to this speed, you don't have to take a moment, the heaven and earth channel will be completely open."

These farmers are unparalleled.

And the iceberg eye is a cold, low and drink: "The Tiandi channel will be completely open, but the cold temple must first enter the heaven and earth channel, anyone must not drive before the cold temple."

"You want to enter the heaven and earth channel, only one way, this way is on this sword monarch, stop him, even if you can't die, you must die, don't let him hinder the cold temple, as long as the palace Enter the heaven and earth channel, you can think of it. "

When I heard this, the ancient power that had just been shocking is still being shocked by the sword, once again become crazy.

Nothing the scarlet eyes stare at the sword.

It is true that the sword is unparalleled with unsatisfactory body, and they will not kill the sword.

But there is no need to kill the sword, they just want to stop the sword is unparalleled, don't let him hinder the cold temple.

Just stop, entangled, they can absolutely do it.


"Let's join hands together, I want to trap him, don't let him have any opportunity to get out!"

"Give the cold temple to create opportunities."

These disturbances said again.

This time, they didn't hold the idea that I want to kill the sword, just just want to hurt the sword.

Have to say, these ancient strongman's means, not only a variety of killings, even the means of entangled trapped, the same extraordinary.

Numerous ancient people join hands, unparalleled swords, no doubles, although the sword is full, but if you want to defeat your eyes, you will be able to block the blur of the ancient people, but it is not a realistic.

The cold is standing in parallel with the iceberg, but the two have seen the sky, the brightness is getting bigger and bigger, more and more dazzling, gradually has a heaven and earth passage slowly, this world channel is also Small, and it is not completely stable, and it is not immediately moving with the iceberg.

As long as the channel is completely appeared, and it is completely stable, and if she is no one, she can directly enter the Tiandao channel.

But at this time, the one-star waiting for the void in the distance, but moved.

"All, we will shoot!"

A star surrounded by the scorpion.

"Haha, I can finally do it."

"So many years have never shot, my body is rigid, today is going to relieve the bones."

"let's go!"

More than ten luck came from the virtual air, it appeared on the battlefield.

"Haha ~~~ Three big sacred countries, the four gods, eight side, the little scorpion, you can also know me!"

A cool laughter sounded, and a laugh was a shrouded in the black robes. The whole person was like a ghost-like thin old man. This thin and weak old man showed a strange gray, and the eyelids also faintly with gray flames. Burning, looks abnormal horror.

At the same time, while his laughter echoed, a horrible soul is covered with a large far-reaching facing.

Under this soul, a lot of powerful chaotic gods, actually felt a dizziness in his head, lost awareness in a short time.

Only those of the chaotic gods at the top are, and those ancient strongholds over the chaotic gods, they can resist the power of this soul.

"The horrible soul attack, the soul of the sword monarch attack," more powerful. "Those who keep a clear ancient power, they are shocked.

The sword is unparalleled, the soul attack is very strong.

But this strong is just under the monomer attack, a one-on-one soul attack, those chaotic gods, even if they are reminded, they can't resist.

If the sword is unparalleled, the power is spread, while covering everyone, the impact on these ancient power is minimal.

But now, this suddenly appeared the soul of the soul of the old man, while covering everyone, there is a lot of chaotic gods directly brain vertigo, directly losing awareness.

This soul attack, how strong horizontal?

"Soul, is the soul of the soul!"

"It's he!"

"This is dead, this old guy is still not dead!"

Those ancient strongholds who have heard that the name of the thin old man are even an angry color.

The soul of the soul, that is one of the top strong people in the ancient times, the seven-star Xuanzong camp.

It can be said to be a saint, there is no doubt that there is a non-dead saint that does not die, and his reason why he is the number, that is, because his control of the soul has reached the steps of Dengfeng.

Even in the genital gods, unstead of sacred people, under the use of the soul, it can be comparable to him, or beyond his, there are still few.

Fortunately, because of the territory of the heavens and the earth, his strength of his soul can only be kept at the chaos level, and it is impossible to complete the soul attack.

If he is not restricted, in the peak state, there is enough to kill thousands of chaotic gods.

"Hey, soul, let you first shot, even my wife, my head is covered by you."

The sound of the sound sounded, and it was a slightly lined up of the gray elderly woman.

"Haha, the snake flower mother-in-law said, I can't grab your limelight."

The soul of the soul of the black robe smiled and obviously with a few compliments.


PS: Today's four is more!

Thanks to 'madd' reward 20,000 reading, thank you!

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