Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2276 is alone

"Snake flower mother-in-law, it is a snake flower mother-in-law!"


Those ancient gods were shocked again.

If the soul of the soul is the top, the snake flower mother-in-law now appears, it is the mythical level.

She is an ancient times. Before the soul begins to cultivate, they have been famous for the first one, and they are known as one of the most horrible greatness.

No one knows how much her strength is, because she rarely shot.

But in the horrible ancient battle, this snake flower mother-in-law showed a terrorist power, that battle, at least twenty, unstead, died in her hands.

Because of this, even if the soul of the saints, when face to the snake flower mother-in-law, it must be a low person.

"Oh, I didn't expect more than for so many years. You have remembering his wife." Snake flower mother-in-law smiled, but under the turbid eyes, it hides amazing cold.

"Be careful!"

It is a peek that it is awkward.

These ancient powerful people just have some protection, but they saw a strange gray stream.

At that speed, these ancient strongholds did not have any response fundamentally, and there was a three-old ancient power, and was worn by this gray flow hole.

There was a big hole in the chest, and even the scream didn't call it. The body of his body began to quickly and dry, and the moment of kung fu was in order to three corpses.


These far-rectificers immediately burst into a large tap of cold air.

A sudden light looks at the gray streamer. The gray stream has appeared on the shoulders of the snake flower mother. It is a gray, and with a faint spatter, this snake, In the blink of an eye, I killed the three ancient power, but also made their devil into the body.

"It is the god of the snake flower mother-in-law. It is said that it contains a poor, as long as it is slightly contaminated with a poison, it will immediately turn into a dry corpse. It seems that it is true." One of the ancient power is shocked.

And except the soul sastles and the snake flower mother-in-law.

Those who come together with them have also taken them.

One by one exhibits horrible strength, and their identity is also recognized.

"Ice Fire Saints, Old Mon, Banhuang ..."

One of the people who have resounded to the gods of the gods appeared in front of these ancients.

These people are the top power of the seven-star Xuanzong camp. One of the weakest meetings have reached the realm of the unmanned saints.

In ancient war, the seven-star Xuanzong only has these unscrupulous saints that have no death, can survive, and the saints are not under the following, they have been given to the slaughter.

These strong people have all been sleeping in this world, but now I wake up.

In the face of these more than ten powerful and dead saints, there is no shortage of snake, mother-in-law, the soul saints, such as the top of the saints, those who block the sword unparalleled, although the number is numerous, but it is self-defeating.

You know, most of them are only some chaotic gods, even some of them above the chaotic gods, but there is also a great gap between the distance from the unmanned saints.

If it is a peak state, more than ten people don't die, just take out one person, it is enough to slaughter them.

It is now limited to heaven and earth, but it is still much more powerful than they have to be too strong.

With the more than ten people who are not dead, the situation in the battlefield has changed.

"Little guy, these people are handed over to me, you should do what you should do." Snake flower mother-in-law is in the same time, while the sword is unparalpted.

"Thank you for your predecessors." The sword has no double-sensitive.

"You don't have to be polite." The snake flower mother waved.

The sword is not hesitant, and the figure is immediately moving.

Previously, many Augustu people were entangled in him, and he could not find a chance to get out.

But now, the emergence of the snake flower mother-in-law is directly stopped, and he can naturally come out.


The sword has no double shape, but the blink of an eye is in front of the cold as the iceberg.

The sword was unparalphed behind the end of the day, found that the heavens and earth channels have been opened, but it is still not completely stable.

"Also have come." The sword was unparalleled.

Seeing the sword, there is no double appearance, the iceberg is changing, and the rotation is in front of the cold, "the sword monarch, you want to block the cold temple, I have to pass me."

The sword flashed on the face and flicker, but he still shot.

"Haha, iceberg, between two small dolls, do you also think about it?"

The cool laugh sounds, and the shape is slowly moving in the sword.

This is a white-haired old man who has emitted gentle, it is a star!

"Supreme of a star." The sword is unparalleled with a star, and the emergence of the latter has not been unexpected.

He knows that the appearance of the snake flower mother-in-law and others is a star called.

"A star, is you?" The iceberg saw a star, but the completion is a trace of dignity.

The seven-star Xi Xuan, the peak period, is like a cloud.

Seven stars like famous name, representing the top of the top, the Emperor of this seven stars, is enough to fight against the Lord of the State.

Other six people, even if it is not God thirteen, but it is also very close to the Lord of the State, although the iceberg is quite true, but the power is too much.

Anyone in the seven stars is enough to sweep him.

And the first star in front of you, although it is not one of the seven stars, the iceberg is very clear, this star is very close to the level of the seven-star, and even faintly equipped with seven-star combat, for him, absolute It is an enemy.

"Iceberg, your opponent today is old, the old man will not let you hinder these two little guys." A star smiled, but the words were absolutely confident.

There is a grievances in the face of icebergs.

A star strengthened him clearly, if a star is full of hand, he really can't take care of the snow.

Other farmers are entangled by Snake Flower Mother-in-law and others, and they can also help.

That is to say, it is necessary to face the sword alone.

Can the sword are unparalleled?

At the time of thinking of the iceberg, the cold as the snow was suddenly opened, "" Icebergs, you have a battle with this star, no need to avoid me. "

"What? The cold temple is ..." The iceberg frowns, just want to say.

Cold as snow, but put a hand: "The iceberg is too small to see me, don't forget, I am the pro-disciple of the master."

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