"The complete world channel has appeared!"

Those who are eager to enter the heaven and earth passage back to the ancient power of the gods.

"The heavens and local channels have been completely opened, and you are afraid that you are not coming." Cold as snow is staring at the sword.

"How is it open? As long as you don't let you walk into the heaven and earth passage." The sword is unparalleled.

"Is it?" Cold as snow smile, "The sword is unparalleled, you are always too shallow, but this is no wonder you, after all, you have been staying in this world, I have never touched the goddess, even if I am If it is not because of the chance of the Master, I have some contact with the genre, I am afraid that I am not much higher than you. "

"The sword is unparalleled, you are really thinking that the teacher is only these levels only?"

When I heard this, the sword was not changing, but the bottom of the heart was a bad premonition.

Sure enough, the next moment ...

"Who is that?"

As a buzzing, many strong people in the field included swords, and they were once again seen in the past.

I saw that the end of the day, that is, the most of the black fog diffuse, and that has completely stabilized the world channel, a fashionable figure slowly stepped out.

This figure, height is more than two meters, and it is a woman.

She spans out from the Tiandi channel, and then slowly moved over everyone.

Just a moment, she walked out the range of black mist coverage, which fully appeared in the sight of everyone.

Many strong people present, they finally saw the appearance of this woman.

This woman is beautiful, it is called the fairy, and the appearance is the appearance, even if it is more than the snow, it is not more.

The most attractive note is the temperament of this woman.

With the same coolness like the snow, the same cold to the extreme.

But in addition to this kind of cooling, this woman is still with absolute proud.

This is very proud, it is high, it is the top end of the world, and there will be the top end.

Her eyes are indifferent, and the strong people present, although the strong people are numerous, there is a strong person who is like a star, the iceberg, the snake flower mother-in-law, the soul of the saints, these strong people are in the genus, are famous. Obvious, but at this moment, there is no difference between the woman in this woman.

"She, she is ..."

There are many ancient people in the scene, and it is incredible to watch the woman in front of it.

Many of them are encouraged the throat, which is not because they have the appearance of the woman, but purely scared.

"The Lord of the Holy Genting is the master of the Holy State !!!"

"The Lord of the Holy Genting has come to personally!!!"


Those who are far away are shocked.

The Lord of the Holy Genting, the most peak existence of the gods, is full of feet, the whole of the Taijie gods will be trembled.

It is even if it is in the Great God, the Lord of the State is also available, the number of hands.

This is the big person, actually coming in this world?

"is her!"

A star also glared in his eyes, staring at the people, his eyes deep, and a fear of fear.

He knows who is coming, knowing the other party.

This is the Lord of a genuine context.

As the Lord of the State, it is enough to sit in flatness with the heavens. Although he is only a step away from the Lord of the State, but the gap is one day.

Even if it is a seven-star Xuanzong gets seven stars, there is only the first emperor of the seven-star, reluctant to fight against the Lord of the Holy Gentry, and the other six are the same as the Lord of the Stay.

"No, the Lord of the Hall, absolutely impossible to come to this world, now coming, it should be just a consciousness." A star sock.

Indeed, the Lord of Holy Sacredness is impossible to come to this world.

Because it is, it is the mainland of the sacredness, and it is equally limited, and the strength does not play.

In this case, it is easy to produce many changes.

It is to know that the Lord of the Holy Genting is absolutely invincible in the Great Games. As long as it becomes the Lord of the Holy Genting, it can be rampant, almost will not have fallen threats, but if it comes to this world, the strength is greatly limited, Then they have a big difference.

Without the Lord of the State, I am willing to take your own life to take risks, so now, it is just a matter of consciousness.

However, even if you think, you also have a terrible strength of earth-shattering.

"Meet the Lord of the State!"

"Meet adults!"

Those who have ancient power have come to people respect.

But the beautiful women of the two meters are ignored directly, even if she is too lazy to see it.

Her beautiful hairdressing is solid in the cold body.


Cold as snow is still white, breathing, but I saw the beautiful woman, but immediately put the posture.

"Is she as a cold behind the snow?" The sword was unparalleled, and it was also staring at the people.

She can feel a unprecedented pressure from people.

The pressure of this stock, he was only induced by the Emperor's thirteen, and even the thirteen faintly faintly won some.

"Teacher will pick you up to the gods, let's go." The beautiful woman opened, and the sound was cold, but she took a slink to it.

I am in the top of the gods, I have a long time, no one dare to violate her, every sentence, every order, no one dare to question half.

This is her absolute power and strength.

"Yes." Cold as a slight nodded, and you want to go up.

But the pace of cold as a snow is just crossed, but the next moment is immediately collected back.

I saw that she was less than dozens of meters in front of her, and he torn it into two and more than half of the swords.

She just stepped out of this step, it would be bound to the front impact of the sword light.

"Well?" The cold is like a snow, and the sword is unparalphed. "I dare to shoot before the teacher, I really don't know if you are stubborn, or stupid."

There is no doubt that the sword is blocked, and it is the sword.

"You want to enter the heaven or earth channel, first have received this." The sword has no double-faced cold, and it is decided.


A cold drink, it is like a sunny day to break in the world.

That is behind black mist, two meters high giant women are two, and they are twisted. These two Dao Mang have been flexed for two lightning ruthless princes. Slag.

The sword is not double, and the blood peak sword in his hand takes the wind and rain, and it is directly angry.

Xuanluo swordsmanship, blasting! !

Although the Lord of the Holy Genting is close, the sword is unparalleled, and it is never returned to half.

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