Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2281 Holy Lord


A loud noise, the two horrible lightning instantly tears the surrounding void into powder, and that shocking sword is also smashed with everything.


The sword is unparalleled, but it is directly detonated.

And the beautiful woman with high rice is still stationed.

"Even if it is this seat, in this world, it is still so big?" The beautiful woman murmured, and there was a destroyed the world to destroy the earth, and it was brought from her. In these billion miles, the heavens and the earth shake, which covers the big array of the whole dramatic chaotic world. Under the impact of this power, it has been shaken a lot.

"Sure enough, you will shake the world's restrictions, the Holy Lord's means." The sword is unparalleled.

This heaven and earth limit is extremely huge, but it is not a chance to completely shake.

As the blood emperor, it took a long time to study the coagulation of the coagulation, and then showed the coagulation of the thirty battle with the endless practitioner of the three emperors. It also shakes the heaven and earth restrictions. God's level.

The blood emperor rely on the big array, relying on the blood gas of many cultivators to reach this step.

Can strengthen the power of the Emperor 13, do not need any cost, single with its own strength, it is enough to shake the big array, so that you can play the power of the half-step gods.

Now, although this beautiful woman is just falling, it can also do this.

Moreover, the strength of this beautiful woman is also active.

"It is more than I am more than me, but it is still a crushing, but it is the Lord of the State!" Swordless is a little ugly.

"Under the heaven and earth, even if this is to kill you, it seems to have some means, but it is just a piece of means." The beautiful woman said, the jade hand lifted, slowly The sword has no double one.

Under this point, a unparalleled desperation of the sword is unbeatable.

A giant referring to a completely gray power condensed in the sky, the giant finger in the giant finger, giving the sword without a double shaft feeling.

"Poison, is a poisonous, with the same poor toxic as the snow, only toxicity is stronger!" The sword was unparalleled.

At the same time, he also immediately understands why this high-level Holy Lord will receive cold as a bipartist, and he pays attention to it.

That's because it is like the Snow and the Lord of the Holy Gate, with the same physical fitness!

They both have a body of life, and they also control the poison of life!

"The poison of the cold, enough to kill the general chaotic god, but I can resist the body of the chaotic body, but the main control of the Holy Gate ..." The sword is unparalleled to take off, this holy The poison of the main control of the earth, even if he has been restricted by the heavens and the earth, it can be in the sword, but it is still more than a hundred times more than the poisonous to the snow.

Such a horrible poison, if it is eroded to his body, he has a perfect chaotic body, but he can't resist it.

However, in that, the giant fingers completely condensed by gray vickers extend out, it is about to appear in front of the sword.


A sword is light, no sound and interest.

This sword is too sudden, and it is exactly in the halfway. Directly born directly into two trips, a large amount of gray and poisonous spread, but instantly encountered the ruthless baptism of the sword These gray fluins are annihilated by swords, and there is no shortage.


The beautiful woman has a slight change, and the double hole has everything, and immediately looks at it.

There, I don't know when I have a movie.

"It's you!" The beautiful woman was watching cold.

"The Emperor 13 people." The sword is unparalleled but is a happy.

That's right, this suddenly sword to cut the giant referral, it is the Emperor thirteen! ! !

Qixing Xuanzong Qixing's first, enough to fight against the main front of the Holy Land.

"Emperor thirteen, you still dare to appear in front of this seat !!!" An anger sent a fierce a beautiful women's mouth.

Seeing the emergence of the Emperor, this beautiful woman suddenly turned into anger, and the eyes were more exciting.

"Why don't you dare?" The Emperor thirteen is indifferent, and said: "It seems that your swordsmanship has completely recovered, Xing Luo."

I heard this, the beautiful woman anger is even more.

Xing Luo, that is her name, as the Lord of the high-rise, in the Great God, knowing that she is really famous, and even if I know, no one dares to call her name, most It is a fear of the name.

But the Emperor is thirteen, but a little scruple doesn't have, I dare to call her name directly to the face.

As for the sword injury of the Emperor 13 ... That is the biggest shame after this beautiful woman broke through the Lord of the State!

Many years ago, she was a battle with the Emperor, although she had a absolute upper wind, but the thirteen of the soul was still leaned by the thrilling sword, and she hurt her, and left a very deep on her arms. Sword mark.

It was injured in front of a person who did not reach the main level of the Holy Genting, and this beautiful woman's face is of course can't be hung.

Therefore, this beautifully wants to kill the Emperor thirteen.

At the beginning of the ancient war, she would take the reason, to a large extent, it is to kill the Emperor thirteen, but it is obviously to reach the Emperor's 13th, I want to really kill, it is too hard.

"The Emperor is thirteen, you are just, this seat is just the shame of the first sword today." The beautiful woman is cold.

"The ancient times, you are so saying, can you say?" The Emperor thirteen dismissed, and he also glanced at the sword behind him. "I will be entangled in it." This woman will be entangled, and the remaining rely on yourself. "

"Thank you." The sword has no double gratitude.

It's tight, the Emperor's thirteen also has the body shape of the beautiful woman.

The two stations standing on the top of the Tung Dynasty, one is the Lord of the goods, the real world, although there is no realm of the Lord of the State, but there is the power of the Lord of the Strange.

These two strong people, they can only play the power of the half-step god level in this one-time world.

Although the strength is greatly limited, two people can fight together, still destroy the earth.

Feeling the horror moving of these two strong fierce battles, the sword is unparalleled in the dark, but the eyes become incapacity.

This sharp eye is completely solidified on the snow.

The sword has no pair of palms, and a picture is appeared in the air. As he waves, this painting is immediately integrated into the void disappeared.

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