Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 2282 Black Mist Area

"No one can hinder me." The sword is unparalleled to look at the snow.

Cold as a snowy hoping, but immediately put it again, it is said: "Do you think you can suppress me?"

"Don't try it, will you know?" The sword is unparalleled and there is no extra nonsense.

Above, the original darkness of void has disappeared, and it is a wonderful picture world.

This painting the world has a mountain in the mountain, and there are nine , lifelike.

"Kyushu ... fifth printed!"

As the sword is unparalleled, the handprint is swayed.

Since the world of the world, a stunned mainland, carrying an earth-shattering power, directly falling.

The fifth printed in Kyushu is the strongest print that the sword is unparalleled now.

As for the sixth print, he can also show it, but it must be used to use the real base card.

And now it is just the fifth printed, but in the sword, there is no double view, the fifth print is no longer cold, so you can bear it.

The horrible continent is slow.

This is too huge, which is completely covered with snow as well as the voids around her.

The body of the snow is extremely strange, but under this coverage of the mainland, her body law cannot be played.

"Single alone, I want to suppress me, I am afraid that I am not enough." Cold as the snow is cold.

"Isn't enough, then?" The sword is unblocked in the middle of China, in his eyebrows, the nine ancient stars are vertical, burst with a strong ancient blood, but now top now The two ancient stars are instantaneous collapse.

Ancient mystery, crash!

And still a one-time collapse of two ancient gods, this sword is unparalleled overall strength, directly improved.

The gentle continent that he controlled slowly, it also rose again.

The face of the snow has finally changed.

"Simply impact, not what I am good at, this hit, I am hard to resist." I have a judgment in the snow, "I have no way, I can only use it again."

"Treatment, Jin Yan!"

Cold as the snow, the strange light appears again,

This ray has just begun to gray, blinking and pavilized for a golden.

This golden is like two groups of golden flames, which are burned in the snow.


The golden brink of a bronzing, appearing in front of the cold, and the moment is skyrocketing, and the sky is covered with the entire void.

The mainland is slow, but I just came into contact with this golden, I immediately burned it, and the endless power contained in the mainland was completely evaporated.

At the same time, this golden smell of the fire sea, and the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled.

"Is this a trick?"

The sword has no double-finish, he knows the strong horizontal of the snow, and immediately, the body is drapery, leaving this golden fire in the shortest time.

"Sure enough, my will have once again consumed it." The sword was unparalleled and frown, but he cheded up and took out a seven treasure gods.

With the seven treasure gods' drug effects, the sword is unparalleled, and the amazing speed began to recover, and the blink of an eye has returned to most.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and it will look for the cold as soon.

The coldness of the cold is quite miserable.

This golden, she has just been controlled, and it is very reluctant, but she is already the second time, this second time, the powerful anti-pharmaceutical power, makes her instantly hit.


A blood spurted and died in her veil.

Cold, such as the snow, but there is no slightest. When the sword is unparalleled from Jin Yuhuo, she has already blocked her own legacy, with the fastest speed, the skyline.

"You can't escape!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the big hand is in the direction of the frost.

"The ancient mystery, the operation of the moon!"

Booming ~~~

Time and space tremor.

In the sword, there is no donation of the huge power and the blood of the blood, the voids in the snow, the sky is completely blocked, and the spin is crazy to oppress her.

"What?" "Cold is shocked.

Her body law is strange, and it can actually become incapacitate in the blockade of the moon.

At the same time, a mild palm appeared in the air.

This big hand is like the mother's palm, and the soft is to call her.

"Master!" The cold is like a snow.

The beautiful woman who is fighting with the Emperor thirteen is naturally noticed, and I want to save, but I have been entangled by the Emperor thirteen deaths, and there is no opportunity to get out.

"I want to escape to the scope of the black fog." Beautiful woman is low.

Cold as a snow, the skyline is in the end of the sky, the end of this world, is also the end of the black mist cage covered.

Although she also has a distance from the sky, she is still close to the scope of the black mist.


It's cold as a snow, and it's just that the golden light in her eyes lit again.

The golden, once again.

But this time, this golden diffuse range is very small, just just gave the giant hand who only waved her.

Under the burning of Jin Yan, this giant hand immediately crashed, and the surrounding time and space has also been blocked.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is within easy reach of her, and it is as cold as the snow or relying on Jin Yan to create a chance to escape.


Cold, snow, fled the black mist, which fled into the black mist.

At this moment, she has long been white.

"The third time, the third time is already my maximum, if it is the fourth time, I will die!" Cold, the snow is shaking.

However, although he fled into the range of this black mist, it is still a bit distance from the heaven and earth channel.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the pace has not stopped, but she follows her to escape the range of this black mist.

Just stepped on the area of ​​this black mist, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is fierce.

"This area, it seems to be a bit different from the outside world, and there seems to be no huge in the heavens and earth." The sword is not double-colored.

There is not that heavenly restrictions, representing those who are far-sighted, including the Lord of the State of the Beauty, will be stronger, this is not good news for swords.

In addition, he also noticed that he could notice that in his end of his sight, there were two people in the world, and there were two shadows and slowly stepped out.


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